Why would I ever use a public crafting oder system again?

If that where true then people wouldnt be spamming trade. I get it faster by sending someone who post and and sending them a DM. I’ve had stuff sit up there for weeks without being done with a payout over 50k. So… I can get it done in 5 mins. or wait for some rando to make a worse version of it for me.

It’s not an obvious improvement. Public orders allow someone to get an item made quickly and without having to interact with a crafter, while personal orders require someone to interact with a crafter and come with the benefit of quality minimums. What you want is to have the benefits of a personal order without the work. That isn’t an improvement to the system of crafting orders, that’s taking away the benefits of actually forming connections with folks.

This would not change.

And neither would this.

Truly the only difference would be “do you want it now or are you willing to potentially wait?” if this change was made.

It would be a pure improvement with no negative.

That is purely a matter of opinion. I see multiple downsides, people posting their work orders with r5 requirements and impossibly low quality mats as well as watering down any reason to interact with folks being the main two. If you disagree, that is your personal opinion to do so, but I quite appreciate the system in its current state.

Agreed. Microsoft specifically stated that they want you to have to interact with people to get stuff crafted at usable levels. Which is a bad design and choice… None of us want that. But they dont care, it’s what they want.

If you take issue with a crafting order system that waters down the need to interact with folks then patron orders should be at the top of your list.

Patron orders don’t make items for people or replace interaction between crafters and the folks that they make items for. They are a method to earn acuity and knowledge points, and serve as a resource sink.

They are only a sink if you just dump anything into them. If you pay attention there are almost always orders that are mostly or even completely supplied. Looking at two on my second LW right now both of which would give 3 skill points.

One is asking for 150 leather, 2 gloomfathom hides, 1 chitin armor banding, 3 leyfused hide.

The other is asking for 2 gloomfathom hides and a chitin armor banding. Which one do I snag now and which one do I let fade?

Why would I advertise in trade to get skill points when I get to snag this right now and then look at another character’s patron orders for more points? Why would I sift through the public order system either? Both are effectively a waste of my time with patron orders as an option.

Fun fact a few of those consortium bags have come with fun things like full null stones. Turning a patron order that cost me a few hides into skill points, acuity, knowledge points, and a bonus 5k gold. :smiley:

You have to be joking. To get skills ups using those you have to waste mats worth 5 to 20k for 60g and most times that is for one point. 30 points would cost you 300,000 more or less. You want to be charged 50k for each 5 star craft?

Ive never ever remembered a crafters name 15s after getting my item in 20 years.

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Pvp item lvl doesnt matter since any epics have a set ilvl in pvp. So pvp crafted gear is great to get from it

My issue is why after 20 years is the only way to hook up with a crafter the antiquated Chat system?
How about an actual way for Crafters to list themselves with all the info a buyer would need. Recipes, Skill level etc?

The current system is like wanting to buy a car and having to put an ad out myself to see if any sellers have what I want.

I’m fine with the interaction part it’s having to spam Trade like it’s 2004.

Use the public crafting system only for things with no quality, like crests or pets or the profession +1 books.

So they sit there unfilled. What does that matter?

Because the suggestion adds in new problems that for some will outweigh any benefits that the system change might offer.

It adds literally zero problems outside of cutting into the profit margin of the trade chat spammers.

It benefits far more people than it harms and it doesn’t even harm them that much because of concentration limiting how much crafting they can do anyway.

I pay well to get 619+ crafts done for my main.

I pay whatever for alt gear and don’t throw a screaming fit if it comes back less than 5-star, that’s not what the public order system exists for. Besides, things like missives practically guarantee quality on their own, because only crafters with enough points invested can even make that item.

Both systems have their niche and proper use. So use them properly.

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