Why would I ever use a public crafting oder system again?

I can’t specify a minimum craft level, and my item wasn’t max lvl crafted. This is endgame gear, why on earth would I not want it max crafted? Now I have to spend more money and time asking in trade for some to recraft it to max.

I know it’s my fault for trying to do something in a convenient fashion in wow, I am not looking for sympathy. I am just wondering if there is a reason this system exists? I wondered why there were never orders in it, and now I know why.

Anyway /rant over, thank you for taking the time to read.


Public crafting order isn’t for maxing it out, it’s for getting it made quick.


Only use the Public Crafting Order system when you don’t care about quality; otherwise it’s Personal or Guild all the way.


its nice to use for crests and items that dont have levels.


Make stuff quick, don’t have to interact with a crafter, especially good for items like battle pets, mounts, toys, and crests, which don’t have a level, as well as for pvp items and other things that the rank doesn’t matter that much.

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I think the only time people use it is for crests

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…and treatises


I always just throw it out there with faith, a prayer, and a chunk of change and i’m usually rewarded for it. My pally’s axe isn’t maxxed out but a 4 star on something i’m gonna upgrade with a different crest later ain’t bad for a public order.


Public orders:

  • When you want it done quickly
  • When you don’t care about quality

If you care about quality take the time to find a crafter (doesn’t take long)

They absolutely should have added quality limit options to public orders now that concentration exists.

It would help a lot of people both crafters and customers that currently don’t want to engage with the system as it is.

I just have crafting alts and make myself stuff but crafting would be much more accessible for a lot of people if they added public quality limits.


Yeah, the amount of time it takes to find a crafter is minimal, I’m constantly sending messages to people looking for 5 star crafts on items.


No, if you want to specify a specific quality you can find a crafter. If you don’t care about specific quality, public orders are great for that. Concentration is completely unrelated to the benefits of the two order types.


Yea, no you’re wrong and don’t understand that there’s a lot of players Blizzard is losing due to pointless inconvenience.

Also, I have 15 level 80s and a bunch of 70s and know how to specialize a crafter to make myself 5 stars of whatever I want from whatever profession I want fairly quickly just from books and treasures so I don’t have to find anyone for anything myself.


Crafting is one of the last remaining RPG elements in the game. Sorry if you want the best stuff you need to take 20 seconds to ask in chat and interact with others minimally.

The game is asking so little of you and even that is some insurmountable hurdle.


Derpy derp de doo

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The royal ‘you’

Yes, this is a much better option for the typical wow player than spending 20 seconds asking in /2. Much more time and gold efficient.

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it’s for things like bags and stuff. it’s not for high-end gear.

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The game would be much better off with accessible public crafts.

There are both crafters with wasted concentration and people who want crafted stuff who don’t want to use trade chat or third party tools to find crafters when they could just post it as a public order with some gold and see if someone can do it who thinks their concentration is worth that price.

Public craft orders are basically a bulletin board. Spamming chat is pathetically outdated primitive nonsense that belongs in classic. Leave classic devs out of retail design.

why doesn’t public have quality filter tho? pvpers would still help ppl get work bc they dont care about quality, unless they pve.

Some people have more time than they do social skills. :dracthyr_shrug: