Why would I ever use a public crafting oder system again?

i think it should.
No idea what the thought was.

Except that its MUCH faster to just send it to someone directly.

They are accessible. It just has tradeoffs.

You can throw anything up and have it crafted reasonably fast on public orders. No effort. no communication. Easy.

If you “don’t want to use trade chat” (lol) then you can roll the dice and hope your quality is good (unlikely). If you want the best it’ll take people doing something very scary and using /2 to chat with other players in an MMO (terrifying!)


It’s fine for non-current pve gear crafts, like if you need a naxx item cooked up or a pvp piece where the pve ilev/quality doesn’t matter because it scales to heraldry quality regardless.

nah, just say in trade crafting order up and it’s instant, it’s not faster to send it to someone directly because you have to shop around.

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Or, they could just add quality limits to public orders which is laughably simple and make it more accessible to everyone.

We don’t need babysitter Blizzard or random forum apologists of bad design choices to try to force us to whisper random people and pretend that’s an example of meaningful social interaction.

Ah. Never tried that… cuz to the OP’s point, why would I? Lol

Nobody said it’s difficult. Public orders are accessible so I don’t know why you keep saying this.

The only thing somewhat gated behind RPG elements and a social interaction in an MMORPG is the guarantee of a 5 star.

I’m sorry this causes you such anxiety.

I think incentivizing RPG elements and social interactions in an MMORPG is a good design choice.

Public orders are accessible to everyone. I don’t know why you think this is hard, but you just put it up and you are done.


It doesn’t I just understand this game and the players better than Blizzard or you apparently and am letting you both know quality limits on public orders would make the game better.

You’re playing a video game that has had an auction house since 2004. You could go play path of exile or something if oldschool trade was super fun for you.

I meant useful quality orders being accessible via the public order system.

I assume anyone who doesn’t say otherwise is expecting 5-star. I can’t yet do 5-star quality on many items. So i haven’t even been checking public orders very often.

It wouldn’t. If you want the piece and don’t care for quality, toss it up in public orders. If you want to set requirements, find a guild or find a crafter.

Yeah, those items you get crafted have a use. Or they don’t. Up to the person posting the order for said item really

I know how it works currently. It’s bad for a lot of people and my suggestion would make it better.

I also personally do not need to do this because I have numerous alts and can make myself stuff.

I use it when I don’t care what quality I get, which is 99.9% of the time

How? Best case, they throw up an item and a crafter might decide to make it with a requirement, but quite probably doesn’t waste their 4 public orders on it without a pre-standing agreement if they have one available at all, whereas they could’ve gotten the item faster and easier with a personal order. Typical case, they throw up the same item, and get back what they get. Worst case: someone posts a 5-star req with all t1 mats, they just don’t get it crafted at all and waste time and money posting it and waiting around. Where’s the part where it is better?

The system we have works and it works well. Adding a requirement to public orders is quite literally adding more steps that folks can deal with or allows for creation of impossible orders.

  1. There are many people with crafting professions who don’t have the time or desire to spam trade chat looking for someone to make gold off of with their concentration. Fulfilling public orders would be great for them.

  2. There are many people who have no desire to watch or spam trade chat looking for a crafter to make them their thing at max quality. The system would be great for them as well.

Thanks to the concentration system crafters also can’t endlessly craft things at max quality so the system wouldn’t take much away from the people who may enjoy trade chat spamming since they can’t make dozens of orders everyday like they could in Dragonflight.

It works well for some people and would work much better for everyone if public orders just had quality limits.

Because there’s tens of thousands of items for sale. Because people need countless items daily.

Not one special item you need made once every two weeks.

Absurd comparison.

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If they don’t want to put in the faintest amount of effort to make gold using their concentration, that’s a nonissue. They’ve made that choice. If folks don’t want to put in the slightest amount of effort into typing /2 LF [Item] with [Stats] [Embellishment] that is a literally nonissue as well. Public orders work very well for folks who are looking to level their professions and get their name out there. Attach a message when you send the item back, be friendly, be helpful, and you’ll probably get someone sending a recraft later on when they want to upgrade/switch out embellishments. There’s plenty of tools available, introducing more steps into public orders, which can also create frustration wherein an order is impossible to fill, doesn’t benefit as much as it takes away

Many items don’t have a “quality” and are perfect for quick public orders, such as enchanted crests or bags.

On items that do have quality, and where you only want max quality, it’s not a great avenue.

I have done public orders on items that have quality, but where max quality wasn’t that much different from next best. Items like profession equipment gives the same profession skill bonus at different quality.

I think they should add a quality requirement to public orders. I don’t know why they don’t.

gold sink

and when you go broke