Why won't Blizzard simply send out a survey to players to settle RDF debate once and for all

the results will be whatever they want them to be
they are the one collecting and releasing the data
then can made up whatever they want ,to fit whatever narrative they like
game design is not a player democracy

It kinda is, dollars\money are votes in the long run.

north-end pass
level 70 boost
deluxe pass with toys and mounts
6month subs plan with an exclusive mount

dollars/money will be covered we both know that
10 whales are worth a hundred (or more) players dollar wise

Maybe, looking on the ironforge site a lot of servers have closed down maybe why no BC classic servers staying, at some point it’ll have to be seen if it worth keeping them going (not just RDF but other changes have me already thinking about just taking off the reoccurring sub ,sure it’s making others think too). *those whales are going to get bored at some point if all the standard players take off. (no use having something to show off if there is no one to show it off to). *some of those may even think at a point it’s not worth being back on a official server due to the “tweaks”.

small minority? citation needed. please show your work

The forums are only visited by ~5% of the player base. Not even 100% of those visiting the forums are in favor of LFD, evidenced by the select players on this very forums supporting the removal of LFD.

You do the math. Do you think less than 5% of the player base isn’t a small minority?

Wow forums, reddit, twitch, youtube, wowhead, literally everywhere you can look the anti rdfers are the minority.

You can usually tell which side is the minority when Bloomsday agrees with that side


So how many not on the forums want it? you say you have no idea? you pulled that out of somewhere we wont talk about? You say you make this stuff up all the time?

Both sides are in the minority. I think you’re having a reading comprehension issue.

No one is making a comparison between anti-LFD and pro-LFD. What I very clearly pointed out that you misunderstood is the fact that the pro-LFD side is a small group of people complaining on multiple characters. None of them are really unsubscribing. That’s not a repercussion meaningful enough for Blizzard to reconsider their design choice. Not even close.

I think you’re having a reading comprehension issue. The quote which you replied to is talking specifically about the forums only. “So how many not on the forums want it” is irrelevant to the point I’m making and is beyond the scope.

Please, keep up and remember the comment you originally replied to.

By that logic, anti-LFD is an even smaller group complaining on multiple characters.


You got proof theyre posting on their alts or are you just pulling that out of the same location you get your other opinions from?

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For someone who always asks proofs, you don’t ever seem to have any. Source of your claim?

Because I have multiple that leave your “claim” in the dumpster.

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This you?


Never gets old man, its golden

Guessing he just figures since he’s posting on multiple alts everyone else must be too (he’s really good at posting charts that disprove his own points though).

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Lol yep agreed

So good. The best comments ever

Except anti-LFD isn’t complaining. What is there to complain about? They won.

My source? The fact that Blizzard ignored it. If pro-LFD was as large as you claim it to be, they would have reverted the change already. That’s just common sense.

Complaining about complaining.

Honestly, most people aren’t “complaining” anyway, they’re voicing legitimate opinions and concerns.

They’re own team is split on it, this is more of a “Brian wants it” thing it seems.