Why won't Blizzard simply send out a survey to players to settle RDF debate once and for all

That’s not happening. People are celebrating the change. Celebration =/= Complaining.

No they’re not. It’s non-productive whining. If it were legitimate opinions and concerns, Blizzard would’ve reverted the change already.

That’s not happening which is why they’ve stuck to their guns.

That’s amusing. I take it you’re not familiar with how game development works, are you?

That’s not how it works. Brian isn’t making decisions himself. He works as part of a team.

You can make legitimate concerns known even if the change hasn’t been announced yet, they’ve said they’re taking feedback on it.

Someone makes the decision in the end, the team is split, Brian is the lead of the team, his vote weighs more.

All I’m looking for is a decently authentic, legal, wrath.

Once again, you’re using the phrase legitimate concerns – that’s NOT what’s happening. It’s all only non-productive and fallacious based complaining.

No one is saying people can’t do that. All I’m saying is that it’s not going to convince Blizzard or anyone else. And, so far, 1 month out, it hasn’t. Rightfully so, I’d argue.

That’s fundamentally NOT how game development works. With all due respect, I think you are too unfamiliar with the topic for us to have a meaningful and practical conversation about it.

If the demand for your personal vision of the game was high enough, it would be in development. Unfortunately, I’m not sure that’s going to happen. That may not be the answer you want to hear but that’s the reality of the situation. Sorry Onikaroshi.

We have likely a year to change their minds.

It’s not my personal vision, it’s the original developers vision.

Yeah, good luck. If the arguments, if you can even call it that, don’t switch up somehow, I do not see it going in your favor. I see it being more of the same that we’ve experienced this past month.

You can’t speak on the vision of the original developers. You have no idea what their original vision is.

You can only speak for yourself.

Of course we can, it existed from November 2008 til Dec 2010


Something existing =/= confirmation it was their vision. You have a vision of yourself, I presume, but you have existed in iterations different from the vision, correct? Even though you yourself, theoretically, had the power to make that vision of yourself a reality?

For all we know, they had a vision of WoW that could be totally different from what actually played out. There’s a lot of reasons that could happen. A vision for a game is extremely different from the practicalities of the actual live game.

To me, it seems like you are just grasping at straws to be argumentative at this point. I’ve made my point and I have nothing further to contribute to this conversation. Thank you.

I mean, you go ahead and think that the devs from 2008 weren’t putting out their vision for the game I guess /shrug

The best way to do a survey is have the survey activate when you log into the game.

Sending them out will get poor results.

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you are a master class in writing a lot but saying nothing.


Send it out to players who have been playing since BC or WOTLK at least. Nobody cares what people who started playing a few years ago thinks. Send a survey to all accounts that have been active for all these years only.

If it doesn’t make monetary sense, why bother? No body knows, but I’d imagine if LFD cost 0 development to make, they’d put it in. I don’t see any other reason not to. It’s gotta be some cost/profit thing.

They want to add the RETAIL tool.
They want to sell more 70 boosts and transfers.


Warcraft logs did an RDF survey and it was massively in favor for RDF

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I would not trust Blizz to post the actually correct response numbers

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I saw, glad its from a source most people trust.
trust them for parses, have no reason not to trust the validity of their poll.

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Found it!
22% - dont care
55% - Yes for RDF
23% - No for RDF



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