Why WOD is better than BFA

perfectly put

BFA is miles ahead of WoD.

To be honest, I can’t nail it to a T as to why I don’t like BFA over WoD.

I enjoyed WoD leveling experience and gearing, disliked nothing to do.
Didn’t mind doing the Apexis and what not, but it got stale after a while. I think the biggest thing that makes WoD > BFA in my book is the classes.

I had multiple alts I leveled, enjoyed leveling. Now, I have 2 classes at max and really don’t want to do anything else.

Maybe it’s also the very visible change in the way they’re presenting their content, almost everything is locked behind some sort of progression or time. So instead of choosing what to go for and earning it, you’re forced to do it.

I have to play the game
 just to play the game on a Dark Iron Dwarf or whatever other Allied race I wish to use. Previously, I could just roll that class/race at the second I purchased
 now it’s behind /play time for the sake of bloating their failure.

I don’t like it, it’s not about the gamers - they have this “My way or the highway” and it seems a lot of people choose the fast lane outta here.

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Honest to god, I could care less if the content was trash or not.

My class is so pruned its not even funny, there is not a single class I can find the slightest of enjoyment in playing.


I liked WoDs content better.

They had some epic zone finales and the classes were relatively fun to play. They didn’t have this ilvl scaling garbage and I felt like a king in my own Garrison.

WoD simply lacked content but I felt like it would have been good if it had some content to it. The release of WoD was rushed which is why it sucked. Initially, you would have been able to choose what zone your garrison was placed and it would have had thematic elements to it but they scrapped it and said it was due to trying to make the release schedule.

BfA is simply a time gate. That’s it. Everything is a repetitive grind and then the ilvl scaling makes it more irritating so instead of one shotting your chores, you actually have to sit there and put some effort into it.

I’d prefer if things not felt like chores. That’s my problem with BfA. Battle for Chores. It’s literally a chore to do anything. Collect mats? Chore. Do WQs? Chore. Grind rep? Chore.

Everything is a chore. They used to make games that had elaborate side quests that were interesting (duskwood Alliance questline for Seal of Wrynn).

Now, it’s just 30mn to get through new content and that’s it.

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thats why WoD hurts for me
 if every class had one of their specs made useless like they did for demo im sure others wouldn’t like it

what content? The one whole daily we had before 6.2? for a useless currency you had to grind months of to get trash gear loaded with versatility
reps that didnt matter?
treasure finding?

I mean, WoD lvling zones is considered content. In my opinion, the whole lvling experience in WoD was the most epic lvling experience that I’ve ever had. I can link you all the zone finales vs the zone finales we have now.

At max lvl, there wasn’t much but the entire xpac was rushed and they stated it as so. They scrapped a lot of ideas that were meant to go to WoD just to meet the deadline.

I believe Blizzard cut out all the big plans. I loved the build up that Wod had, like the cartoons about different clan leaders.
BFA is actually building a huge story. Huge cinematrics. Huge story lines in new locations. Allied races. An amazing warchief and a man b*tch of a king.
Over all BFA is good.

The main city in bfa (dazar’alor / zuldazar) are actually really nice zones to play around in.
WoD had what, the ugly player home?

WOD started out ok but went nowhere. After initial questing there was little content and the story died. In the beginning it’s like why are we going there and in the end it was like why did that even happen. You could go from mists to legion and miss no story relivant to the game.

You prefer wod because it gave worse pvp gear than nowadays?

Lol ranged survival.

How about we wait until Battle for Azeroth is over before calling it worse than Warlords of Draenor or Cataclysm? Patch 8.2 is revamping a lot of things from the look of it.

This. Only thing that matters we got from WoD was Gul’dan and even then he could have been replaced by a new warlock for the story. Even the Mag’har can be shifted to Outland Mag’har and there would be no loss.

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In hindsight WOD was a better expansion, but at the time when WOD was current it was actually terrible. Essentially WOD was a reskin of MOP with less abilities and a new talent row. Raiding was great, but that is about it. At the time though class design was seen as an all time low, just like how BFA is seen now, even if we now look back on it fondly.

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In WOD I could log in, do my garrison, and log out.
In BFA I log in, try and figure out what I want to do, realize everything on offer feels pointless or painful, then log out.


I unequip my weapons and punch bears till it’s over while binging Netflix.

For that, I am awarded a 370 once, and a 340 every time I do it again.

It is literally impossible to lose a warfront. How does that not suck?!! How am I supposed to be excited or even feel any need to
 Do anything?! Why bother?!

 Like how
 Is this even fun?! Absolutely 0 satisfaction because you can’t lose.

Why am I being babied to free loot?!?

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I was going to write a post but I will say it on yours. First, you are correct and I would go a bit farther and list the content that we do have.

Let us look at LW as a prime example. What use does it have right now? For a person that does not raid it has no use, none. I cannot make the good stuff because that requires mats from raids and the good stuff is of little use to the raiders who get better drops already. Is this entertaining to the majority of players? I would say no.

Pets and mounts. I do not farm for pets and mounts because I own more than I can use already. Another dragon or some 4 legged herbivore? I have lots so why do I need another? So what use do they have? An ambiguous achieve bar to fill. Blizz could fix this by having mounts that have special abilities for that xpac
farm for it, work for it and you get to utilize it’s abilities in that map. But right now farming for another mount excites me as much as having to go to the store to buy a dozen eggs when i have a dozen already.

Island expeditions. Sigh. I care not for toys and have already expressed why I do not need more pets and mounts. Does island expeditions play into the story at all? Not really. It is instanced so right off the bat it feels like a mini game far removed from the actual game
much like pokemon. Azerite gogo juice
no. I can go do a world quest or 2 and feel like I have achieved something for the day. A better idea would of been to make the island expeditions part of the actual world that could be visited readily instead of entering a que. Same with warfronts
does not even feel like a war if you got to go stand in a line to do it. Que’d to death.

Ever since achieves became a thing it seems that the achieve minigame has taken on too big a roll in how we define content. Fishing has been in the game for ever
adding more achieves to it is not content. Same with cooking or even how many mounts I have. You can add another “catch 300 furry goldfish” and I would claim it to be as much new content as having a jump up and down 200 times achieve. Pointless to a RPGMMO.

Rep. I remember during BC working on rep felt organic
it felt like it had meaning. Now it is merely a metric used to decide if you can fly or not later in the xpac. That is not immersive nor is it fun
it is just another achieve bar to fill.

Mission tables. Mission tables are pretend content. It is simplistic programming that adds nothing to the story, adds not the least bit of entertainment but again can be waved in the players faces just so the devs can say “look at all this content we worked on”.

In conclusion my suggestion for Blizz is to ask themselves before they commit to new ideas “is it new and different”, “is it relevant to the actual game and story”, “does it feel organic or is it just some random thing tossed in”, “are we doing it because it is needed or are we putting it in because we need more fill”? Right now I do not think those are questions asked
if they did I do not think we would be seeing mission tables.


No. I know it’s fashionable to make this claim, and I still think that BfA is a weak expansion, but it’s not worse than WoD.

And you just described WoD in a nutshell.

Selfie cam = 30, 45 minutes of mild fun

Warfronts (without exploits) = many hours of suffering