Why were mail wearers given the short end of the stick in 9.2?

The new wowhead post just raised a point that bothered me.

Mail wearers have one BoE that can be converted to a tier piece. The other armor types have 2.

But that’s not what bothered me though.

For Antros, Leather has 1 piece, Plate has 2, and Cloth has 2. Mail has NONE that can be converted to a tier set piece.

Why the discrepancy?


Mail has always got the shaft. Especially in the looks department.


Speak for yourself. :blush:

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Probably just an oversight.


Probably. The chances of getting an item from him once a week are atrocious anyway.

In a different way, mail and plate have an advantage over cloth and leather.

Big true.

I’ve mained hunter for way more expansions than I have any other class, I’ve gathered damn near every mail set by now, and still I only have like 3 decent looking mogs. Whereas on my mage who I’ve played far less I have like a dozen awesome looking sets, same for warrior.

Mail really is the red-headed stepchild when it comes to armor design, so much of it looks like deep-fried dog poo.


I feel like hunter gets it the worst. Shaman has some decent looking sets, but Hunter looks like random textures thrown together. Tier 4 was the only memorable one to me.


No idea, I posted about it myself.
My Plate wearing alts have 1-2 pieces of world boss loot ready to go.
My Cloth alts have the same.
Leather wearers are all converting their chest, except my Monk who didn’t get that drop yet.
Hunter and Shaman are just sobbing quietly to themselves.

edit -

World boss loot has always been kinda random who gets what but this is the first time it has had the potential to provide so much power.

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Out of the 3 decent looking sets on my hunter 2 of them feature off-color versions of shaman gear lol. Actual hunter gear is garbage.

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I seriously cannot get this guy to drop anything for my toons. Multiple toons, multiple weeks… 1 piece of gear the entire patch from the first week. Nothing since.

It’s kind of ridiculous at this point.


Because I play hunter and shaman. Sorry for cursing mail wearers with my bad luck. I’ll reroll, guys.


What bothers me is the Sepulcher sets. As they are, they don’t feel right.

But the Shaman set looks like a hunter set. And with some minor tweaks, the hunter set would feel like a shaman set.

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Dang. That’s a really good question. I don’t think most people would have even noticed it without your post.

Good job Mai!

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Hadn’t really compared them thru this lenses before, but you’re totally right.

It’s like they designed the sets for each class and at some point in development they got accidentally got switched. Even with zero tweaking just swapping them would make way more sense.

There’s no just about missing something so basic and so obvious.


yes, obviously it was a nefarious plan by Blizzard to upset Hunters… because… reasons!

I’ll just be here in the corner of obscurity despite bringing this up 5 days ago /cry

I think it’s just further proof that the teams working on the game have zero communication with one another.

And we’re back to forgetting Shamans already :sob:


You want the truth?

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Planning requires careful deliberation. I doubt that’s what happened here. More like sloppiness.