Because blizz does not play WOW, they just throw stuff at the wall and see what makes the largest stain.
Why not? Blizz forgot them years ago
Because blizz does not play WOW, they just throw stuff at the wall and see what makes the largest stain.
Why not? Blizz forgot them years ago
Probably, just a thing that happens from time to time.
Mail classes always get the worst, both in visuals and obtaining.
My Warrior hadn’t gotten anything from him until yesterday. I decided to do the WB before opening the Catalyst and, lo and behold, he dropped the helm with a socket! That made my trip to the Catalyst pretty nice!
I still havnt gotten a single drop from a World Boss on any toon this expac. (Not that i can remember)
Why the discrepancy?
They also gave mail wears the belt slot, which gets replaced by the unity legendary from doing the quest line.
I still havnt gotten a single drop from a World Boss on any toon this expac. (Not that i can remember)
That was more my experience with Mor’geth, Tormentor of the Damned. He was really stingy!
BLizzardd hates mail classes especially hunters and if Shamans get any love it is only Resto because Ion plays one .
Because Blizzard does not like shaman and thought the Hunters got too much love recently.
Blizzard wants people to do premade content sadly. Mythic plus is your best for upgradeable tier.
On the upside, the unified color schemes mean you can mix-and-match the hunter, shaman, and ZM questing sets together in any way you like, assuming there are lookalikes for the main tier pieces.
Why the discrepancy?
I don’t think loot tables were designed around the implementation of the creation catalyst tbh.
On the plus side, your BoEs will remain under 2mil gold now.
I seriously cannot get this guy to drop anything for my toons
Somehow all 3 pallies got the helm first kill and 2/3 got the chest yesterday. He’s my most reliable gearing source
Who cares? You can upgrade and convert sandsworn gear if you somehow don’t have a m+ or raid piece yet.
the pally i ain’t really playing got head piece soon as she went over there. last world boss my pally had multiple of everything from it but sham don’t get nothing so it really don’t matter the loot is junk.
For Antros, Leather has 1 piece, Plate has 2, and Cloth has 2. Mail has NONE that can be converted to a tier set piece.
move the armor to Light, Medium, and Heavy.
Shaman goes to heavy, and hunter goes to medium. One medium class goes to light…I suggest druids since they mostly wear dresses anyways
It doesn’t matter the world boss doesn’t even drop loot haven’t gotten anything but relics off him since the patch launched.
but Hunter looks like random textures thrown together
This is nothing new. Devs keep giving us lizard mail mogs when I want animal pelts
move the armor to Light, Medium, and Heavy.
Shaman goes to heavy, and hunter goes to medium. One medium class goes to light…I suggest druids since they mostly wear dresses anyways
45K Rapid fires make me glad hunters get the shaft