World Boss Antros playing favorites with Plate and Cloth wearers

So Plate and Cloth armor wearers get two potential 259 tier slots from the world boss, Leather gets 1 and Mail gets 0.
Feels bad to be the least represented armor class once again.
Shaman getting the short end of the stick is nothing new, but at least we’re dragging the Hunters along with us on this ride?


They might add another boss later. I knew when I realized on the PTR world boss loot could be converted that people would complain it wasn’t fair. I’m going to watch people complain until it gets taken away. That’s “fair” right? They aren’t going to add or change the loot the WB drops, but I can see them solve the problem by making it so none of it can be converted.

I’m also going to guess that BoE raid drops can be converted too. Looks like 272 mythic mail helmets are BoE. Maybe people can buy their tier from the AH too.

I don’t want to be dragged along this ride :sob:

Also, what does Blizzard have against the Mail Wearers.

Edit - never mind. Corrected.

There’s no set bonus on boots.

Ah…I skipped right over that part of the post. I was reading it as boss dropping only one leather item. Got it. Yes.

The lil sham part added is on point.

Objectively, it favors two armor types over the other two with Mail armor getting no tier bonus slots at all. That’s just a statement of fact.

I’m just giving feedback on it in my own way, I doubt it will change anything right now but maybe going forward if they keep a system like this they can make an effort to more evenly distribute things rather than snubbing one type of armor.
It’s likely another casualty of one hand not knowing what the other is doing on the development team.
Knowing Blizzard they would go with the “take it away” route since they love taking feedback and twisting it into the worst outcomes.

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Have you SEEN hunter sets? I have to use shaman items to make anything half decent.


Yeah they are very hit or miss, same for all Mail armor imo.
I wish they would make some stuff that looks like Mail. Instead its always bone or cloth or plate looking.

Other armor classes have 2 BoEs that convert to tier.

Mail has 1.

So we doubly got screwed.


Hunter sets are a serious disappointment, to say the least.

It’s either completely random slop or “Yes, when I think of hunter I think salamander in a skirt!


This is just stupid. Once again, Blizzard overthinking loot tables. Why take the time to selectively pick what pieces each class gets when they could just have easily said EVERYONE gets Chest and Legs or Helm and Shoulders?

I really wish Blizzard had considered other opportunities for using the table to upgrade loot to tier set pieces.

EDIT: I also wish that the ilvl 246(iirc) purchasable gear should be upgradeable via some kind of mechanic as well.

At least as a shaman you have some tier sets that don’t look like they come from the bargain bin of the local clown clothing shop.