Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

When you responded to my post, did you think when I said the Alliance and Horde were “yelling back and forth at each other” and specifically mentioned Sylvanas and Varian, you thought I was referring to players?

SI:7 intel put the melee faction in the range support area and the range faction in the melee area.

Alliance fumbled the Broken Shore big time.


I mean, I thought you were capable of having a discussion of the story without roleplaying that you’re in that story at the moment.


Dwarves and gnomes are the only races to have a quest to explicitly kill children, so I don’t even know what to tell ya, bud.

Also, you know, wiping out villages to dig holes. Very bad form. especially since they’re never anywhere near actual titan installations.

At least we learned that no, the Alliance cannot, in fact, talk the enemy to death.


You don’t understand, the smell was wafting in on the breeze. Totally unacceptable.

Looks at Ashenvale, Darkshore, Teldrassil, Arathi, Gilneas, Brennadam, Soutshore, Theramore, Stonetalon mountain, Boralus, quite a lot of undead quests, blood elves, who use gnomes for their sweatshops and who knows for what else, aswell as quite a lot of other stuff. Good thing the Horde never kills children. :eyes:

Didn’t you listen to Yrel at the end?

“If you need us, we will be here.”

Not “we will help”.
Not “on your world”.

“we will be here

On their planet, in their time. And so they were.


Seeing the story from the viewpoint of an NPC isn’t “roleplaying”, but it is essential to actually understanding a story correctly. But you seem completely disingenuous, seeming more interested in flinging and agreeing with ad hominem attacks instead of actually discussing.

There’s a difference between “Due to fog of war/them not wanting to use diplomatic/espionage resources to see what happened the Alliance came to the wrong conclusion that the horde betrayed them” and “Despite everything that contradicts it in the story I’m gonna go on about how the horde betrayed the Alliance because that’s what the alliance thinks and I’m not going to pay attention to the story that shows that’s wrong”

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Yes, there is. The problem is that what I was discussing is the former, while you assumed the latter. Even when I explained what I was talking about, you doubled down and begain liking and spewing out ad hominem attacks.

You responded to me originally, not the other way around. You do not get to tell me what I was talking about, especially when you are wrong about it.

It does not help that you’re going with the extreme genn and varian were idiots and the horde did everything wrong.

With the cinematics we’ve seen, the Alliance is apparently not aware of the dark rangers that were being dropped on them by the bat demon things, and that Sylvanas did wrong by sounding a clear signal that they understood immediately (and were able to react quickly to) but treated as a betrayal because they didn’t trust her.

Actually no, we can blame the Horde for not realizing the Alliance are complete over-aggressive morons, because, you know, that’s what most of them are except the kid who had just lost his dad

They should have realized who they were working alongside and acted accordingly

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The Broken Shore was also a trap laid by the Legion. If the Horde didn’t retreat then they would have died and without the Horde retreating the Alliance also would have died.

Of course it didn’t help that Varian spent 45 minutes monologuing while the Horde was dying.

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Imagine if the mobs were on the left side?

Jaina, upon hearing “port!”, suddenly started casting her portal roulette
and the invasion failed

Does this sentiment extend to, oh, I don’t know, the fem human paladins? Asking for a friend.

The whole thing was a strategic blunder that I’m surprised no one else has kept using it against the Alliance to put them to shame

Or the horde super catapults used at the bonfire.

Those things could reach from dalaran really.

I still wonder where those went. Could have used them in sl. Raid the castle? Nah, nuke the site from orbit miles out.

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Why are people posting in this obvious troll thread?

Support my naga thread instead :slightly_frowning_face:

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Vol’jin got done dirty and never even got a chance to shine, imo. I feel like he could have been a good Warchief if he’d been given half a chance. But Afrasiabi/Danuser’s plot demanded his head in order for Sylvanas to take the center stage and we all know how that turned out.


On a related note, Alliance-Horde tensions after the Broken Shore could’ve been alleviated if somebody Horde-side sent a letter to the Alliance saying, “We were forced to retreat after being overwhelmed and our warchief was critically wounded”. But no, we all seem to love misunderstandings.

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