Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

It’s an alliance trend. Bolvar later on takes on Sylvanas 2 handed frost. With old trees all set for 2 1 hand talents it seems.

No wonder he lost. He wasted a few good skill points at least there.

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But could they out range Uncle Rico?

Although, you’d think after they found out their spymaster had been replaced by a dreadlord, they might have had second thoughts at that point.


Asking the real questions. We should’ve used those to attack the Maw. I’m pretty sure those catapults can go through dimensions.

Can’t believe they didn’t even have a secret handshake system in place. Amateurs.


Yeah, a lot of people overlook the fact that Gul’dan was probably going to drop that 60-foot robot on the Alliance regardless of whether they retreated, and Varian wouldn’t have had an airship to “rule of cool” kill it from in that case.

The real thing that annoyed the hell out of me was that, when he’s found/freed during the Rogue campaign, the real Shaw proceeds to not actually do anything to clear up what happened, which could’ve eased the rising tensions a bit.

(as an aside, the entire AvH conflict in WoD also boiled down to “nobody on either side even tried explaining anything,” seems like it was a trend)


Why I have issues with that darker history of wow.

Let’s throw in these plot devices. So cool!

Yes they are cool, Why don’t you keep em around devs.

The seem to be of the mindset we were supposed to forget they exist. Not how that works in this genre.

If whitemanes sibling had a dog named in only 1 line of text…some players know that name lol.

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Just like how Azerite weaponry seemed to have become extinct as well. It’s like one day the blood all just evaporated and no one but a handful of people know Azeroth exists again


We meet the jailor.

5 hunters with Azerite ammo.

And we get fallout wow edition Go find a hunk of meat to loot. As that boss is just chunks of meat here and there.


Oh, you mean that time where he accomplished all strategic objectives despite traitors passing off flight routes to the Black Dragonflight?

Garrosh was credited with the Horde’s victory over the Scourge, even by his critics. Cairne Bloodhoof notes that Garrosh racked up successes in “The Shattering.” Saurfang is so concerned about Garrosh’s string of victories because he believes that it serves as justification for Garrosh’s ideologies (Letter From Saurfang).

Pretty sure the Orcish Horde didn’t have to worry about being chased through the portal by an invading force to justify a lorelol expansion.

Either way, you’re completely ignorant, you have no idea what you’re talking about, you have no familiarity with source material and all of your arguments are just half-remembered gameplay experiences and forum tropes. If I had to guess, that’s probably why you ran away from our discussion & are now seething while replying to replies to me.

Imagine being that pathetic. Just read the books, it’s easy!


Based off from what? You people keep saying this, but his entire history in the franchise is completely underwhelming.

“I feel like he could’ve had potential because uh… well he didn’t really do anything, but like something-something Warcraft III and uh… idk a Troll Warchief is different did you ever consider that??”

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Thats mostly because the faction scolds are usually blueside.


Shaw is outrageously incompetent when you get down to it.


What is up with all these low effort faction bait threads recently?


Also easy answer: BFA really solidified “Horde bad” for a lot of people, and streamers play Alliance.


??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

You are assuming this for everyone, because there are things I saw completely differently:

Many seemed to like Thrall in the past, before Cataclysm;
Many liked and preferred Garrosh before the Theramore arc. And even after Theramore, many still continued to like him.


where ? support my centaur thread too xD

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That’s generally a problem within the Horde. The devs seem to have no idea what the Horde represents, and the players even less so.

Originally, they wanted to give them the appealing underdog role, but that’s simply not reflected in the game. After things like Southshore, Stonetalon Mountain, Gilneas, Theramore, the gathering, Teldrassil, Darkshore, Ashenvale, the broken deal over Azshara, Brennadam, Arathi, etc., you just can’t seriously portray the Horde as poor, misunderstood victims. If anything, the Alliance has become the underdog, constantly having to band together against Horde attacks and being overrun despite the overwhelming power they should have due to certain NPCs.

The storytelling is disastrous for both factions. But especially because two completely different images of the Horde are being presented, there are those who find it great fun to play the villain, as can be seen again in the forums where several people repeatedly say how cool it is to commit genocide and destroy everything, while at the same time there are those who desperately try to push themselves into the victim role within the Horde.

Personally, I prefer those who openly admit they find it fun to play the villain in a fictional world. It’s definitely more honest. In that sense, Garrosh was also much better than Sylvie, who just wanted to wipe out all living beings, including the Horde. Anyone still supporting Sylvanas… well, I don’t think there’s any need to explain what qualities they find appealing in her. It’s certainly not the way she led the Horde.^^


I think that’s part of the magic of Classic Era/SOD as well. The sides seem a lot more balanced. Not saying it’s even parity, but in Classic it wasn’t so focused on Horde Bad.

I think a large part of the problem is the core writing team all left the company, and those writing the lore and quests nowadays have conflicting ideas and ideologies for what each side should be, which supports the text written above.

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that’s my case. I play on Horde AND with DK class…lol

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The writers clearly wanted the Alliance to feel betrayed and have the Alliance playerbase think and feel that thee Horde were cowards. Its only the Horde playerbase that truely seen how it actually was, i was Horde at the time. I really never got so see how thee Horde was viewed until i played the Alliance - most of the game has the Horde actually trying to cooperate and work together where as the Alliance is built on old hatred, anger and revenge.

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