Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

The idea people STILL think like this is insane to me. Mana bomb was one thing but the dude hijacked another timeline, inevitably dooming ANOTHER draenor to being erased when reality fixed the paradox, and took an army to commit genocide on all non-orcs on azeroth…

“The Alliance are overpowering the devs with the sheer numbers of their playerbase and control everything like the J- I mean the liberals!”

“The alliance is a dead faction who whines and are crybaby losers with zero impact on anything and should be deleted”

Ah yes this old cope.

Nuance is dead, Horde bad alliance good, I will murder you with hammers for not playing the facists faction. :roll_eyes:

He was also a horrible strategist, possibly the worst leader in the history of the franchise.

See: Twilight Highlands invasion
See: his sabotage of our efforts against the Scourge
See: the Orcish Horde WON on original draenor; when Garrosh went to “help” them in the AU, they lost (and not because of our efforts)

Garrosh was never an asset; he was always a liability for anything he tried to do.

The only time he ever even won a fair fight was against a panda.


And that one time for story reasons he was given plot armor when we went to kill him in WoD, despite the fact we beat him in his old god empowered state 10 levels ago, just so Thrall could get his big hero moment in and demand Mak’gora.

I honestly fail to see how without his goblin tech, without his little minions, and without his old god power crutch he one shots us (The same people who handed him his own backside when he DID have all of the above) but oh well.

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He only survived the end of SoO because Varian was Varian.


Honestly Varian sparing him was out of character for him.

It’s because Blizzard needed him for WoD.

Burn! not even a sensu bean can fix that one. I mean you are right though.

Garrosh’s Dueling Record

Opponent Result
Youth of Nagrand LOST
Red Pox LOST
Geyah (verbal sparring) LOST
Personal Dignity (Nagrand - BC) LOST
Thrall (Wrath pre-release) LOST
Saurfang & co. (Borean Tundra) LOST
Varian (Ulduar cinematic) DRAW
Personal Dignity (Trial of the Crusader) LOST
Standing Around in ICC Doing Nothing DRAW?
Cairne DRAW
Magatha (being used as her pawn) LOST
Twilight Highlands invasion LOST
Vol’jin (verbal sparring - Cata) LOST
Sylvanas (verbal sparring - Cata) LOST
“Look, this one’s a Shaman!” (MoP) :roll_eyes:
Walking onto the Beach (Landfall patch) GOOD JOB
Anduin (bell shenanigans) LOST
Lor’themar (“The next move is mine.”) LOST
Lor’themar, Vol’jin, Baine, Sylvanas (politics) LOST
Us (Siege of Orgrimmar) LOST
Courtroom Drama WHO CARES
Iron Star Wooden Frame LOST
Thrall LOST

Alliance knew the Horde was leaving. They saw them leave. But don’t pretend that hearing the horn meant that the Alliance suddenly knew that that particular horn meant “We need to get out of here or we’re dead” rather than “Lets leave the Alliance to their deaths”

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Maybe somebody on their giant flying barge should have looked over to the right.


Don’t have to, the cinematic shows Genn and Varian reacting immediately to the horn. Which they paid way more attention to than stuff like the rain of horde archers that was falling on them.


Yes, exactly as I said. The Alliance saw the Horde archers leisurely walk away. And the way they both reacted proves my point: Neither Genn nor Varian knew the horn meant “We are overrun” but merely “We’re leaving.” They both came to the conclusion that the Horde were leaving the Alliance to die on purpose.

I mean, at least the Alliance were still well rested as up until that point while the horde was fighting for all of their lives, the Alliance was listening to Varian monologue at Gul’dan.

And it’s always so funny watching people who have seen the whole story and don’t have the excuse the story characters have of imperfect knowledge sit here and proclaim loud and proud that they’re ignorant of the story and are going to stay that way.


no wonder all of the dwarves spent the actual end of BS with their thumbs up their bums while the Horde actually fought :slight_smile:

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When discussing in game character knowledge, you should never go with metaknowledge. It doesn’t matter if you, a player, knows something. If your character shouldn’t know it, you shouldn’t have them know it.

If only there was this thing called a “line of communication” where they could “ring up” the Horde and ask them wtf happened. You know, the kind of thing they’d have needed to have in place to even launch this joint attack to begin with?

Vol’jin eating it should have been a pretty obvious sign that something bad went down


Male Human Paladin lmao.


But we’re not are we? We’re discussing the story as players outside of it, now, if you just wanted to roleplay a MHP swinging your junk around at the horde, there’s the World’s End Tavern section of the forum for that.


Horde only fight defenseless civilians, and/or themselves

And the Alliance playerbase begs and pleads for cross-faction so that the Horde playerbase can bail them out.

And then Alliance players point fingers like they’re in some position of moral superiority. :rofl: