Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

What happened to “Victory or Death?”


Blood elves


What year is it?


Play both sides.

If they had stayed to continue supporting the Alliance, they would have been 100% wiped out.

From the Alliance’s perspective, you only see the Horde cowardly turning tail and running away, which also drives the Alliance to flee.

But from the Horde’s perspective, there really isn’t much of a choice if you want to survive.


It was written by writers with heavy alliance bias. So horde bad.


The Horde was fighting the Legion’s fleet of space battlecruisers while the Alliance had a staring contest with some demons.


Because Demon Hunters. That’s why

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


The Horde didn’t have an Orcish Warchief. They were led by a Troll whose only exploits up until that time consisted of:
-Tapping the Brewfest Keg
-Planning an unsuccessful mission to retrieve a sword
-Directing artillery during Undercity (all the fighting was underground)
-Raiding a fallen city-state based off from insider information
-Saying “Help!” after getting stabbed
-Engaging in treason

Who then got stabbed by alien mook #34524235546754 and died like a dog.

No surprise that the Horde cut & ran. Garrosh wouldn’t have.


Lol ouch….


yeah the alliance side of things really shows off the horde just up and leaving.

meanwhile on horde side we get super battle ressed demons and bunch of battleships on the background literally lasering mudhut living axe throwing and stone arrow shooting bois.


When it’s 4th and 48, you punt.


Yupp. If they had stayed, they might have only been able to buy some time before probably everyone would have been killed on both factions.

On the other hand, the balance of power in this game is quite random thanks to the writers, so what do I know. :sweat_smile:


i mean maybe they were magic axes and arrows i dont know man.

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If only Jaina had her deus ex machina magic pirate ship back then. :roll_eyes:


Or Nathanos, who was able to take on a 10.000-year-old priestess who had also received additional divine powers. :joy:

The powers of the NPCs in this game aren’t really to be taken seriously and fluctuate according to the writers’ whims.
That being said, I have to admit that, in my opinion, Legion is still one of the better-written expansions in WoW. Not outstanding, but at least better compared to others.


She hadn’t completed her arcane sailing badge yet.

worst part was that you fill a raid full of people and kill the guy then on the cutscene we are all dead


Yeah, I’ve played both. They both highlight a lack of inter-factional communication brought about by mistrust, which is where the class hall’s supposedly come in.

But, man, can you imagine if it was a concerted effort, if both army’s took just a few days to coordinate their attack - assuming no dreadlord Shaw thing. The 7th legion and Korkron regulars taking orders from Saurfang, with Halford Wyrmbane his XO? If there were measured put in place to mitigate an obvious legion “divide and conquer” maneuver? If the goblins turned their cannon and and conducted a good, old fashion pre-invasion bombardment?

Might have made for another awesome wrathgate cinematic with Vol’jin and Varian going out like Dranosh and Bolvar.


the writers we had at the moment couldnt write themselves out of a simple plot point as an army being organized.

remember these are the same people that sent the night elf army for double genozide points after their tree got burned down into nazmir to distract the horde while the alliance invaded zuldazar and thought it was a great idea.

the same people that thought that a millions of years old being like a forge master in maldraxxus couldnt figure out why it was a terrible idea to bring the key that unlocks the jailer powers into the jailers doorstep.


Dude, that last point. That was painful because we could see that coming from a mile away. Good points.

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