Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

But Blizzard promised they wouldn’t do that.


Yep, writing sucks.

They just really needed to fabricate faction drama for no real reason

That being said though, with that little stunt, Lok’tar Ogar really has to be retired as a warcry. As if it shouldn’t have already been when the Horde was driven to retreat from Lordaeron in the second war.

The whole thing was Alliance and Horde rushing up to meet the Legion, all along yelling back and forth at each other, full communication. Then, near the end, suddenly Sylvanas becomes a mute and just flees, leaving the Alliance to think that the Horde abandoned them on purpose. All it would have taken was a “Varian, we are overrun! We need to retreat!” and that whole angle wouldn’t have taken part. But PvP can only exist if the rigid two faction system keeps them at each others throats! (Pay no attention to rated PvP, Arena, or even merc normal BGs…)

I think saying there was “full communication” is a bit of an overstatement - we happened to be heading in the same direction and yelled a few things (snarky or otherwise) back and forth to try to avoid a collision and maybe coordinate our angles of attack. It was pretty chaotic and messy even when we thought we were winning.

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Is it just me, or did Vol’jin have very little to say during all that?

Which is why I wonder where all of the love for Vol’jin comes from. The guy never really did, well, anything.

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Alliance trying to be snarky when its thanks to their failure with SI:7 we all just got bum rushed with way more demons than we thought were there


Novelty chasers, Change for the sake of change Reddit types.

“Oh my gosh, TROLL WARCHIEF?!?!”

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I think Vol’jin’s overall leadership style, as more of spiritual person, was that of a quest-giver than a front-line field commander. He had no shortage of strong personalities around him handling most of the tactical stuff. So I give a pass to him and the portrayal of him for being pretty quiet (I agree that he didn’t stand out in my memory - I only recall his “don’t let it end here” moment)

Yeah but it was all their leadership that would’ve died …

  • Not to mention, I recall dialog of Thrall saying Lok’tar Ogar, then detailing “Die with honour!” — Whereas Garrosh merely detailed “Victory or Death!”

Since we were situated with Vol’Jin for an extremely short period, I’d take it we were moving back to the honourable side of things at the time. There’s no honour falling to demons of ‘The Burning Legion’ — only for their souls to most likely be harvested & weaponised against their own kind.

Even the orcs of old could grasp that … And those who didn’t & lived would had certainly learned their lesson.

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I liked Vol’jin because I believe he had the potential to be great… instead they had him hang around for one expac while we were in an alternate dimension… then died. Hated that so much.


I am going to respond, because the horde was cowardly in the expansion of the legion. The answer is easy. We no longer had Garrosh as war chief and the motto victory or death was said by Garrosh.

You should see them pugs in IoC.

Velen wasn’t even in WoD. There was AU Velen who was there for like half a quest zone before dying.

The only thing Velen had between BC and Legion was a short story that was 90% about Anduin.


Alliance partisans pretend a call to retreat on a horn, a loud clear signal that cuts through battlefield noise very well, thus why they were used for ages, is silence and betrayal and not her saving the Alliance’s butt from the trap they lead them into.


Someone that played both sides, Horde had no choice. If they would have wiped there, the long term battle would have been lost and this would be World of Legioncraft.

Players really need to play both sides to get the whole story. Not just half of it.


All the demons were trained warriors to some degree, and there were no civilians or children to massacre.

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So far the main excuse I am seeing is that Lok’tar Ogar was a Garrosh motto but that is incorrect, it is a common orcish motto and the most used warcry besides “For the Horde” of all horde players since wows inception.

Just admit you are little girls terrified of grey pixels.

No, the main “excuse” would be the battlecruiser fleet. Not sure how you missed that; you must not have read any of the replies.