Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?


I still think the horse mount from Stormsong Valley should have had an octopus on its face like everyone else in the zone.


Draenei are the best example of Alliance bias? What? The race that is basically never, ever used in faction war stories and is barely even used in neutral stories? The race that only really has 1 main character and that character’s primary purpose being setting up Anduin?

That’s the best example? Really?

Or play WC3, or read the book that covered Daelin arriving…


You’re right. There are so many good examples they just kind of all fade into the background, at this point.

Alliance extremists: The Orcs summoned a bunch of Humans from another dimension to initiate a war themselves

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NGL, that sounds pretty boss for the Orcs to do, seeing as how it was the other way around when Medivh (human) summoned a bunch of Orcs from (initially) another dimension to initiate war.

Orc’s summoning in their next prey; again, sounds cool!

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Oh, that citation you’re refusing to provide because you understand if you posted it, it in no way invalidates what was written in any of the short stories or books?

Notice how I provided actual citations, and all you have is “Yeah, you tell him with that out of context allusion, didn’t this guy play like WC3”

I don’t know, didn’t you read the multitude of short stories I’ve listed or the books I’ve cited? No, because you have no clue what you’re talking about and just want to play defense for Thrall.

It’s just a really weird example to pick since Draenei are also generally at the mercy of human and night elf dominance. See the naaru picking Illidan and Turalyon or Anduin being the prophesied one to lead the Light vs. Shadow war. Draenei don’t even get to take center stage in stories that were originally set up for them.

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Honestly they should’ve just turned their fighting arena into an intergalactic gladiator tournament and we’d have world peace on Azeroth years ago

Garrosh would’ve been too busy climbing the MMR ladder to kill people

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Because legion was trash

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Right away in Burning Crusade, Velen’s walking into the Sunwell like he owns the place after you defeat KJ, so…


Garrosh would be struggling with the door handle boss to get inside.


I suppose you’re an expert in struggling, considered you struggled so hard in the discussion you cowardly backed out.

Yeah, Velen showed up one time outside the Draenei starting zone in the expansion that introduced Draenei and it was following the defeat of the guy who had pursued the draenei across the universe for 25,000 years by a combined effort of Draenei and blood elves. The horror. So unfair.

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this is correct. When you play the Rogue Order Hall questline, you discover that the head of SI:7 had been captured and replaced by a Dreadlord, who had been providing bad intel to the Alliance and Horde, in order to lead them both into a trap on the Broken Shore.


to be fair velen got huge development in wod prepatch and in wod. then further deepened in legion. i loved how he went from hating illidan to actually understanding what he was about and giving him a nice friendly smirk at the end before he went to die/fight sargeras

i wish denathrius story wasnt so ingrained into the shadowlands.

it really feels like blizzard wants to burry all shadowlands lore and be done with it. which i agree. but the dreadlords being agents of complete chaos lead by denathrius was like the one good thing coming from shadowlands lol. in my heart of hearts i hope he comes back eventually. honestly characters like dennyT could literally be good or bad depending on the situation.

2016 bro, what do you think this is? 2024? Nah.

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I don’t blame them. apparently Shadowlands caused like the biggest exodus in the game’s history?

I’d want to bury that and make everyone forget about it too.

Lore doesn’t really matter anymore since Warlords of Draenor. (We ran out of ideas, let’s use old ones cause thinking of new ideas is too hard.)

Since then, we’ve had Garrosh 2.0 (Sylvanas.)

Shadowlands was rewriting existing lore because thinking of something new again is too difficult. Repurposing Dreadlords for no good reason.