Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

This is a story. This is not a history of a real world.

If they wanted to they could fill out the roster and make horde stories, they did it in Zandalar quite well, and that didn’t require relying on the Alliance.


I think the thing I will miss the least with the faction war will be how contrived it was for the horde to not be utterly destroyed. Lore wise they are outnumbered ten to one and outside of bloodelves (nightborne now as well) are comically out performed when it comes to magical might. Never mind the alliance has the option to glass them from space with spaceships…

It just required a lot of suspension of disbelief.

Also specifically routed ships into ambushes (iirc the ghost pirates the rogue gets an artifact from destroyed a ton of ships on the way to the shore), which is why the broken shore wasn’t hit with overwhelming might.

Theoretically we were screwed anyway without the Mcguffins, but yeah, its kinda funny how fast all that got memoryholed


That’s what happens when the writers forget that the villains they’re using are a playable faction and they can’t use the ending that would make sense for the set up they went with.

citation needed

citation needed. also “outside of their insanely good mages…”

Spaceships didn’t help the Draenei much the last time they fought the belves

Can’t believe the Horde couldn’t hold off Legion ships blasting them into oblivion so Varian could continue monologuing and staring angrily at Gul’dan.


I agree, but Blizzard’s writing led them here. I didn’t ask for them to neuter the Horde’s leadership, I didn’t ask them for an Alliance-focused story, and I certainly didn’t ask for them to butcher the Horde’s background and ability to move forward independent of the Alliance.


Also maybe if they weren’t dragged into a war 10 seconds after their founding they would’ve had time to restore the land


The whole history of WoW is just a lot of Alliance bias from Blizzard, and there’s no better example than the Draenei, with the whole retcon of “no they aren’t pathetic wretches picking grubs from between rocks, they’re actually space-faring demons”.

I mean…

There really are no words to describe how stupid it was.

All they need is to get some people on the writing team who understand the horde and like writing about them as much as the current team likes writing about Alliance.


Notably, Thrall doesn’t blame Daelin anywhere here, and acknowledges the land is difficult. Notably in “Heart of War” neither Garrosh nor Krenna blame Daelin for Durotar’s food insecurity, despite both looking for reasons to hate the Alliance. The nameless Orc soldier in “Glory” also conveniently misses that fact.

In fact, the majority of the evidence suggests that Durotar had always been like this & I’m not seeing any citations for Daelin causing this.

For what it’s worth, I hate how they’ve been writing the Alliance for a while now. They have written the Alliance as “stupid but wins via deus ex machina or coincidence/random power-ups”. It’s been awful to watch.

A jungle is a difficult place to settle, desertifying it didn’t exactly make it easier

Or you could stop doing mental gymnastics, accept that Durotar had always been barren because the majority of evidence states that, unsupported headcanon is the only thing you guys have, and acknowledge that Garrosh was right to do what he did because the Horde was faced with the prospect of starving children.

Citation is hard as the lore is constantly rewritten but its mentioned in the novels rise of the horde, warcraft 3 (the horde being near equal standing with the alliance was never a thing. Only in Kalimdor was it close and that was with the alliance only having a single outpost there not a city.

Trolls are not effective mages and have never been portrayed as such. Their magic relies almost entirely on cantrips in lore. Orcs have almost no mages and very,very few warlocks a population still decimated in lore from garrosh. The forsaken are a wild card…its never explained how many of them retain knowledge of their past lives beyond being blank slates.

I really dont know what you mean about the draenei beyond their starting zone?

Ironically, the people that chose the generic fantasy trope faction then spent years complaining that all they got were generic fantasy trope mounts. :laughing:


It wasn’t ever a jungle, where are you people getting this from?

Have to agree… while advanced in the old lore prefall the space ships were a pull.

Lol someone didn’t do the Orc Heritage armor