Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

Because they were being led by an undead blood elf who wasn’t stupid enough to throw their lives away on a lost cause.

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Yes but he isn’t there in the first scenario which we see Vol’jin getting impaled and Varian dying.

That is what I am saying.

Blom’s back and coming in hot, I see.

I spent most of BC wondering why we were fighting Illidan in the first place, instead of asking for his help against the Lich King.

And then Legion came and I was like, oh, I guess I was right all along.


They lost their warchief and were in real danger of being overrun.
A strategic withdrawal was all they could do, if the Horde was going to survive.


It’s very easy for Alliance players to think this, since everything is about the Alliance and Alliance characters now.

For Horde players, who were written out of the game for 2 years in Legion and haven’t been seen much since, it’s another matter entirely. Factions haven’t been de-emphasized, the Alliance is all you ever see in the game, now.

The arrogance and stupidity of Alliance players who preach their “la-de-da no factions anymore! it’s just all about US now!” nonsense just infuriates Horde players all the more. And rightly so.

Blizzard needs to create a Horde writing team, to tell Horde stories with Horde characters for Horde players. And they need to do it NOW.


2016, I think.

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No, they really shouldn’t do this actually. You know why the Horde is in the state it’s in? It’s not because the Alliance characters constantly get focus, it’s because the Horde’s entire roster has been torched after two separate rounds of “internal drama/civil war/revolution.”

What Horde characters do Horde players even like now? Baine Bloodhoof? Calia Menethil? Both of those characters are trash, the playerbase (rightfully) loathes them.

It is frankly less damaging to the Horde to sign on to “No faction focus,” than to get the kind of faction focus they’ve recieved. Not ideal, but better than the alternative.

It’s gotten to the point where Horde players have to cite Sunwalker Dezco and the like because their cast has been reduced to such a miserable bunch.

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Don’t forget Varian’s monologuing.

And you really would have thought the Alliance would have noticed the rain of archers being dropped on them.

I’d say it’s both. They neglect any writing that builds up the faction, like the Alliance constantly gets in the cosmic threat expansions as we follow them around, and then when they need a villain for the alliance to beat, we get mauled by the villain bat.

The reason the Horde roster has been reduced is because Blizzard has focused on the petty whims of the Alliance playerbase for well over a decade now, and the only times the Horde ever shows up are are to make Alliance players feel better about themselves.

Nobody who played Horde back in Wrath wanted Garrosh put in charge; Metzen was rightly lambasted at Blizzcon right after that announcement and was struggling to defend it. He ultimately had to fall back on “if you love the Horde, you love it more when you have to fight to take it back from garrosh”.

They put Garrosh in charge so they could give Alliance players their “siege on orgrimmar” wet dream an expansion later. And Horde players had to suffer for it.
They did “BURN IT” (ignoring the Sylvanas storyline up to that point) so that Alliance players could feel all self-righteous and better about themselves, afterwards, a story that continues to this day in Dragonflight.

You want to know what a great Horde storyline would be?


That would be heaven on earth for Horde players.


Forgot to add this earlier.

It’s because the giant bald nipple man with the 50d chess master plan said so.

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Okay, but do you think it’s genuinely worth developing characters like Baine & Calia? The Horde is just a mess at this point & I don’t see a way out short of wiping the slate clean.

Wrong, I’m a Horde player, I have spent the majority of my time in this franchise on the Horde, I wanted Garrosh and defended him vigorously (Still do, because he was morally, and legally correct.) A good number of posters both here & on various fansites like MMO-Champion were also celebrating the change.

It wasn’t making Garrosh Warchief that was the problem. It was ousting him, and replacing him with a cast of subversives and traitors.

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No they weren’t.

It wasn’t until the stupid 4chan offensive memes popped up later that people tried to retcon that.


Yes, they did. You can blame “4chan” or whatever other imaginary boogeyman you want for this, but the reality is, there was a sizeable chunk of Horde players who liked Garrosh. The story itself (“Glory,” “Heart of War,” & “The Shattering”) was written to give justification for Garrosh’s actions.

Sorry, but a good chunk of people spent WC3 & 3 iterations of WoW wondering what happened to the WC2 Horde. We got the synthesis in Garrosh, and plenty celebrated that.

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Garrosh did nothing wrong.


Better than having to follow around Tyrande as she insults us for helping her yet another time.


At least Tyrande was an open enemy. Calia is having you do penance charity work. Baine is an open Alliance collaborator who has committed treason multiple times. I’d prefer not to get a moral lecture on “What the Horde is really about” from someone with that kind of history. He’s not my moral compass, he never will be.

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Wow, oh to regain 8 years!

If we’re being real, the conclusion to this should’ve been a forced merger at that point. Introduce a timeskip (which WoD would’ve been perfect for, given we basically jumped into an AU wormhole for a bit), come back to more-or-less merged factions, a repaired Orgrimmar, and a unified story with both factions.

It’s taken them until Dragonflight to actually even remotely attempt to set aside the faction conflict. Despite what you might think, I’d be willing to wager that most of the Alliance wasn’t interested in laying siege to Orgrimmar. Everything that led up to the Siege of Orgrimmar was absolutely contrived and crappy writing. Watching things favor the Alliance with it continuing to make stupid decisions and not actually stabilize the Horde’s leadership and prevent any future conflicts of a similar nature wasn’t exactly fun for most of us.

Pandaria could’ve ended with the formation of the council the Horde finally got after BFA, and the Alliance assisting in repairing Horde infrastructure after their internal conflict. Instead we kept the faction divide “bcuz muh faction warz!!”, and now we’re here years later with most of the relevant Horde leaders dead or tired, several Alliance leaders at practically demigod levels of power, and no real reason for factions to even remain separated.

And we had to follow her around several times while similar situations where we could have had horde characters expanded on were dropped, possibly because only the horde has to quest primarily with the opposite faction now.