Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

blizzard writers have to literally bash their characters with a brick multiple times or mary sue em x4 to avoid thinking about “why this makes no sense”


The horde chose victory and left Death for the alliance.


And I think they wanted to create inter-factional conflict to really simmer the distrust between the factions to allow for BFA to start the way it did. It felt very forced.


to be fair we were pretty dead by the time sylvanas blew the “gtfo” horn



I was doing well didn’t ask to be taken away.
Would’ve finished the demons and then the alliance as a bonus.


Yeah… even the most hardcore WoW fan must admit, that the story in this game is garbage. :sweat_smile:

I would never recommend anyone to play WoW with a focus on the story. It’s not just since BFA that it has been terrible. It actually started back in TBC with the first major retcons and questionable things, although many don’t want to see it because of their nostalgia.

To be fair, one can add that there are nice side stories here and there, but the overarching story with a focus on the factions is simply miserable. And yet, surprisingly, even in 2024, it still regularly leads to toxicity among players who feel the need to go at each other’s throats over things in the lore.


wow never needed to have a big story really.

orcs bad human good.

why i like warhammer story. orcs are orcs

humans are humans

screw elfs.

drink with dwarves.


This guy orcs

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if memory serves. all warriors stayed and we got pulled out by …was it nazgrim or saurfang … anyways we died and went to hellven to serve some white demigod with a flame beard.


BC’s story, to leave things like the Draenei retcon to the side, was mostly fine. It wasn’t handled well, but “Illidan, Lord of Outland, gets false flagged by the Burning Legion and slowly loses his hold on the planet because he’s too busy playing 4d Space Chess against Demons instead of handling basic governance” is a fine story. I didn’t love every plot point, but it wasn’t awful.

Complete gobbledygook. Nothing but a stale talking point that’s been warmed over. “Faction focus” has been heavily de-emphasized for ages, and most complaints could more accurately be filed under “Marvelization slop” rather than “factions are le bad!”

Lol hellven. This is an awesome typo (unless intended!)


intended 100percent


What I didn’t write.
The factions could have a good story, but unfortunately they don’t, and since everything revolves around Alliance and Horde… it poses a certain problem and will continue to do so.^^

Nazgrim was dead and Saurfang, he wasn’t in Broken Shore as far as I remember. Thrall went representing the Orcs in the Horde.

Nazgrim was revived later by the Deathlord (me) as part of the Class Halls campaign to recreate the Four Hourseman…

it def wasnt thrall tho. all i remember is being pulled out by wyern or some other mount from the fight.

Organization and effective organization are two distinct things.


Orcs when it looks like victory: "Victory or death! :axe: "
Orcs when it looks like death: "B-but camp taurajo! :sob: "


I mean to be fair, horde and alliance lost and varian and voljin died. Neither side really participated in ending the legion threat. Everyone else had to step up.

Victory or death still applies

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Saurfang was the Horde warrior class hall quest starting npc that we talked to after the Broken Shore disaster. He runs up to us, asking to join him on a last hurrah to the broken shore to kill as many demons as we can DOOM style. From there, we died and went to Valhalla.


there thats what i remember.

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