Why were Horde such massive cowards during Broken Shore?

That is simply wrong. There have been multiple negotiations, all of which were broken by the Horde. To give just one example, the Alliance agreed to let the Horde have Azshara on the condition that the Horde would stop destroying Ashenvale and trying to drive the night elves out of Astranaar. What did the Horde do? They continued to destroy the zone and demolished Astranaar. And as I said, the list is long. It is not old hatred when new attacks kept coming until mid-BfA.


Have you played broken shore on the horde side ? You realize they were mere moments away from being wiped out, right ? . Correct me if im wrong, but Vol’jin was severely inured along with Thrall, and we were about to be overwhelmed by the massive number of demons coming through the portals.


The Horde asked for supplies to rebuild Orgrimmar after it was devistated by a pimal invasion and the night elves basically told them too bad. The barrens were running low on resources and the Horde wouldnt have survived. Garrosh put and end to that and declared full blown war to save his people.

Mind you Ashenvale has forever regenerating resources, the horde wanted to be able to tap into that.


So you agree with me that the Horde committed war crimes and simply disregarded the deal, trying to seize both Azshara and Ashenvale? Then it’s nice to see you confirm that this is not about old hatred.^^


“My soul is sick of the back-and-forth in [Ashenvale] that has gone on nearly since we set foot in this world. And I am even more sickened by our own blindness to what we should and must do. The [night elves] claim compassion and wisdom, yet they murder us when we [harvest a few trees] that would provide life-giving shelter! The night elves have lived here long enough. Let them now linger only as a bad memory. It is the Horde’s hour to reign [on this continent], and reign we shall!”

— [Garrosh Hellscream] explaining his reasoning for his invasion of Ashenvale and other lands

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One more time, the Horde received Azshara and agreed to leave Ashenvale alone. They took the entire zone and still attacked. This is called a war crime in a rather long list of attacks by the Horde.

Seizing lands and killing the inhabitants is genocide, no matter how you try to justify it. It remains what it is and should not be sugar-coated.

As I already mentioned above, I liked Garrosh much more than Sylvanas, but I certainly won’t start portraying him as a good person, nor the actions of the Horde. In contrast to Sylvanas, his actions were at least somewhat understandable, and above all, he represented the spirit of the Horde a hundred times better.

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You do realise this treaty was after?

During the siege of Orgrimmar, the night elven sentinels were probably able to push through eastern Ashenvale as they reached Orgrimmar, bringing the gates of the city down with Glaive throwers. The treaty that followed Azshara remains firmly in the hands of the Horde after the battle of [Talrendis Point], and the treaty of Orgrimmar also re-affirmed the Horde’s claims on Azshara, in return for the relinquishment of Horde outposts in Ashenvale.


That’s kinda my point. There was an opportunity to really make him shine as Warchief, but it didn’t happen.

The goblins had already expanded there during Cataclysm, and Ashenvale continued to be attacked. Moreover, up to BfA, where on the Horde side, you again receive a quest that takes you to Astranaar, where you happily slaughter the inhabitants, and the eastern zone still suffers from Horde incursions.

But you are a good example of what has already been mentioned in the thread. Some admit to terrible deeds and do not try to sugarcoat them, while others desperately want to be seen as victims.

But I guess since Shadowlands, it doesn’t matter anymore because both factions have been degraded to a homogenized mass.

friendly reminder that this happened after the Alliance expanded into the Barrens and kidnapped their OG warchief.


old hatred or not, azshara belongs to the horde and for surviving , horde needs ashenvale.

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You need me to find the similar conversations with other races, since you don’t seem to actually play the game?

I mean… okay? Here’s one for you, too, I guess. :roll_eyes:


my god…

…i was saying that many PLAYERS preferred garrosh…

NOBODY liked Garrosh

the “nobody” here means, no npcs liked garrosh ? lol…


Wasn’t at least part of the reason that fell through the Twilight Hammer framing the horde for an attack on druids there?

Dwarves did it first and more thoroughly.


Pretty weird since I was obviously talking about NPC’s:

As a player, I can’t give advice to Thrall. Can you?

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really ?

Especially since NOBODY liked Garrosh and in fact everyone HATED him, not just from the start, but from his initial introduction in Burning Crusade.

ok whateva

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Whiny emo orc? Yeah, he was really popular in BC.

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I think in the Battle for amount Hyjal, when I click on him, he tells me “Lok’tar, friend, what is it that you wish?”

I try asking him for an autograph in my libram, but so far, no dice.


The real question is why didn’t the Horde just pull out their intercontinental catapults and blast the Legion from Kalimdor?

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oooh super duper extra popular, ofc…kek

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