Why We Shouldn't Win

Micah literally listed what they’ve been doing.


The problem lay in the fact that on the ptr, Tyrande struggled to defeat Nathanos, and on live it took both her and Malfurion to chase him off. In reality, he should have been vaporized on the spot, and then the Val’kyrs would have had to sacrifice themselves to bring him back. All the buildup of the night warrior felt so extremely hollow. Now they did remedy this admittedly by having Tyrande effortlessly crush Nathanos in prepatch, but it was still a bit “too little, too late”.
And finally, we have no idea what will happen with Tyrande in the shadowlands, beyond a few snippets here and there. And until we know and have seen it, I don’t blame the Night elves for being pessimistic.

Our characters destroy planets when they fart or poke something.


It’s simple, just prove your point. What have Night Elf players been asking for (actually, not made up in your head to make them look bad) that’s unreasonable?

So reading comprehension isn’t your strong suite. I didn’t say it wasn’t good enough for Teldrassil. I said you guys literally complained anyway when tyrande killed him.


Oh now suddenly it doesn’t, so why are you surprised that they are still complaining and asking for more? Because every sane Night Elf player knows that they won’t ever get justice, against who in the first place?

We didn’t complain about Tyrande killing him, we complained about the fact that this simply doesn’t make up for Teldrassil, yet you Horde players keep claiming that it did.

I’m still waiting for those unreasonable things Night Elf players have been asking for, go ahead and prove your point since that’s literally all you ever write in these forums.

No. I’m getting pretty tired of Alliance players pretending that all characters are inferior. Nathaniel was presently being pumped with Jailer Juice :tm: and that allowed him to fight them.

Even without the Jailer Juice :tm: Nathaniel was canonically able to handle the players and not even be challenged by it. Nathaniel is not just a ranger. He is more.

So, yes. Super amped Night Warrior was able to no sell Nathaniel, but Nathaniel wasn’t some weakling that made Tyrande look weak in 8.1.


For the FINAL time, I am NOT a horde player, just because I sympathize how they been mistreated by terrible writing doesnt make me some secret horde player.

My sole love in this game is the worgen, I have said this repeatedly now to multiple people who claim otherwise


And Tyrande had become the night warrior. The incarnation of Elune with even more power, vs a guy with a bow empowered by the Jailer. He would still be akin to an insect trying to battle an owl.
And ultimately, even if you are right, that he would be a match vs Tyrande AND Malfurion, that only further justifies the anger the Night elves feel, having two of their characters be worfed after being genocided. Ultimately, their anger is justified.

What makes you a Horde player is that you keep defending Sylvanas, keep making up things in your head to make Alliance and Night Elf posters look bad, posting the same lies everywhere to achieve that very goal.

Then you wouldn’t be so hateful towards literally the ONLY race on the Alliance that actually worked together with the Worgen against the Horde and wants to bring Sylvanas to justice too. Unless you like what Sylvanas did to Gilneas and the Worgen. Not buying it.

If you’re going to ridiculate Night Elf player’s demands to bring Sylvanas to justice, then atleast stop making up lies because come on, can’t you see how pathetic that is ? And in every single thread too ?

No? Man, I don’t know why I bother arguing with NEFPA. “huehuehue the Jailer is getting every soul in the entire universe, every soul that dies in every timeline. yeah elune could chump him.”



I don’t hate the night elves, I just have zero empathy for NE PLAYERS. Big difference. Learn to separate the two.


Yet you keep rooting for bad things to happen to the race, and whenever you give a reason why you don’t like NE players, it’s a lie you made up in your head.

You can feel free to prove your points of course, by providing unreasonable expectations by Night Elf posters that you didn’t make up in your head.

NEFPA want the entire horde to die.


Prove it, who? I’ve never seen a single one asking for it

You’re believing your own lies that you made up to make them look bad

It’s called MOCKING you. You do understand what that means right? I’m just saying it to spite you. Besides, I know how I personally feel, I don’t need to prove it to you or anyone.

So you can’t actually

but instead just try to make them look bad with further lies

Who is it that got thrown in a jail cell for eons, and had their previous pawn end up beaten to a pulp? It sure wasn’t Elune.

I have no doubt the Jailer is strong. But his entire schtick is that he’s been imprisoned, weakened, forced to use others to further his goal. If he was as powerful at the moment as you say, he wouldn’t have bothered with Arthas or Sylvanas. He would simply break out of his shackles himself. Something is preventing him from doing what he wants. Whatever that is, he isn’t at full power right now. And neither would his pawns be.


Are you certain?
Elune sure wasn’t there to save Teldrassil.

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Elune’s ways are inscrutable, sure. How does that relate to the Jailer being imprisoned and weakened, while we have nothing pointing towards the same being true for Elune?