Why We Shouldn't Win

There’s the middle ground option where she becomes the new Jailer and basically ends up condemned to an eternal existence, denying her the oblivion she craves. She could do this as a matter of self-sacrifice to end the Maw as a threat - maybe even reform it a bit, meaning that while she ends up doing something she hates she does get a sense of agency in the matter.

That way she’s gone forever, isn’t super happy, but it isn’t just ‘Bad Lady Dead’ and the Forsaken can still know that the Dark Lady watches over them. She basically ends up the Lich Queen/Jailer from the Shadowlands side, hardly a ‘reward’ but something that gives her closure on something approximate to her own terms.

Those aren’t a contradiction - schadenfreude is not the same as malign intent. You’re reading it as a contradiction because I live rent-free in your head, and this reply will likely only reinforce that. But nothing I could say would change that so that’s on you my dude.


Hardly. It’s just that whenever I read your comments my desire to see your worst fears regarding the story realized increases. And that’s simply because of how garbage you are. beyond that, I don’t care for you.

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:smirk: Okay bud, you live however you gotta.


hey it’s like what we were just discussing! You get it!


And people like him wonder why the majority here don’t take their wailing about Teldrassil serious or they get mocked for their unreasonable posts


Then I guess we both have the same intentions towards eachother. I can only hope that my wishes are the ones to be fulfilled.

When players like her act like she do, and show absolutely zero empathy or compassion, what do you expect me to feel? Those who don’t feel empathy can crash and burn for all I care.

Depends on what your wishes are.

Sylvanas humbled?
Never. Your disappointment meter will skyrocket.

Nightelves plotarmor pampered into nameless npcs being demigods?
100% going to happen.


It’s just that so many of the NEFPAs have these unreasonable expectations for the story, act like only the Night Elves have suffered ever, and some even implied the horde players were n@zi sympathizers for liking the horde , you can see why people stop caring after a while.


I have money on Sylvanas going full on Kerrigan. Her apotheosis makes sense and has strong parallels

That’s exactly where they’re going.

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Imagine being so delusional that you think that bringing Sylvanas to justice would be unreasonable LOL


Imagine thinking that’s what she typed.


What unreasonalbe expectations? That Sylvanas dies? That the Horde takes responsibility in some way? I haven’t seen much of anything else. Sure, here and there someone says that they want the entire Horde to die a fiery death, but it’s never gonna happen in a hundred years and it’s rare to boot so why does it bother you. You should still be able to feel for Night elven players, and not become spiteful piece of garbage like Varciella.
I’m not even a night elven player. I’m a worgen main through and through. Most of my characters are worgen, and they are the ones I play with nowdays. And I still believe that the Night elves deserve something good, to balance out the disaster that was bfa. And a few bad posters won’t change that, and frankly it almost feels like you are using it as en excuse.

It’s literally what all night elf posters are asking for here, yet what blizzard refuses to give and horde players keep saying is unreasonable

Those “unreasonable expectations” are completely made up to make night elf posters seem unreasonable.

I’ll put it this way, NE players complained TYrande didn’t get to kill Nathanos in 8.1 and than the SL pre expansion starts, Tyrande kills him and ITS STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH. This is why I had empathy for the NE players in the beginning, but not anymore. It’s so hard to to sympathize when we know even if they got what they wanted, they’re still going to complain it wasn’t how the fantasy in their head went down



:brain: :x:

That’s one thing they’re asking for. It’s objectively not the only thing that they’ve been asking for en masse.


So then getting their lands back would be unreasonable? What is it what they’re asking for that’s unreasonable?

Who said that was good enough for teldrassil? You lot complained how it made no sense that tyrande didn’t kill him in 8.1 and when she finally does, you’re still not happy.

Learn some reading compression and please to what I actually said and not what you think I said


You just did.

No Night Elf player said that they’d be happy with sending nathanos to Sylvanas, literally nobody.

You’re just a disgusting liar that makes things up to make others look bad, that’s all