Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

Because the people on the horde who want blue eyes don’t want it because they really want it, but to spite and/or provoke to insult people on the alliance who are high elf fans. So if they got blue eyes on the horde, they would kinda slap it in the face of those on the alliance who have been wanting it for 15 years.

I don’t really care about belfs i don’t even play them, but who are you to say

That’s like me saying helf fans don’t even want helfs they just want to provoke blood elf fans. If blue eyes is literally the only thing separating an existing race and totally different race then helf fans need to really reconsider what they are asking for. Blizzard should just release them as an allied race to shut them up, preferably with an extremely long rep grind.

ever since the datamine, a lot of horde have been trying to provoke and insult high elf fans with the “we are getting blue eyes while you still wait 15 years or so” type of attacks, so i’m glad they aren’t getting the blue eyes.

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havent heard this once can I get a link to a forum post with this?

Just because you happen to have run into some people who think that doesn’t mean you have the right to paint all of the people who want an eye color for blood elves with the same brush.
Please stop generalizing.

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Yup because someone trolled them they get to police another race’s customization apparently.

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I mean, I for one am only interested in blue eyes for Blood Elves to get people to stop endlessly clamoring for the most populous Horde race on Alliance.

You are wrong

“That eye color does not make sense for Blood Elves”

This is now canon from the lead game director

but, but you’re…playing …one.

not that i disagree with the rest of your commentary. just seems odd to call them milquetoast while playing one yourself. and dont say its cause you’re edgier. haha no. you’re all shiny new thanks to the naaru who fixed your sunwell, and you have a very nice leader, mr. lor’themar, who’s an upstanding sort and protector of his people.

remember when sylvannas offered to raise the dead belf forces. lor’themar was like… get the f outta here with that. and he said it much more eloquently than i did.

It has nothing to do with that. It’s because it doesn’t make sense


Well they can think what they want, doesn’t mean what they say is a fact.

I meant those specific people who were trying to provoke high elf fans, not the ones who legit wanted those eye colors. My beef is with those rotten people only.

  1. You’re insanely wrong. There was even quests in BC in the STARTING ZONE where you siphoned fel magic from Fel Crystals. But sure, keep saying they never siphoned fel magic.

  2. Yes there is lore about High Elves siphoning Artifacts in Northrend. Maybe read some of the books and not just the game?

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I would hope you’d personally address them and their posts then instead of making it seem like you’re generalizing us all. Thanks!

yeah buddy sure

I don’t have beef with you, go away

No it doesn’t. Blood elves are not high elves.

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This is why I didn’t like the direction that Blizz took the Blood Elves in.

First they butchered Kael’thas. It would’ve been a lot more cooler to see him alive and interacting with the other leaders. He’d have a lot more stake in WoTLK (alongside Jaina and Sylvanas) and would’ve had more interesting lore opportunity with what’s happening in BFA (again with Jaina and Tyrande). The point here is that the Blood Elves really need a leader who isn’t a passive one dimensional character.

Second, I dislike the entire ‘light elves’ shtick. I think the Blood Elves should’ve remained as fel siphoning mana addicts that needed to do what they had to do for survival. By taking that away, and restoring the Sunwell, it stripped everything that made them ‘Blood Elves’ to begin with. Blizz took out their fangs, invalidated their main purpose in aligning with the horde (desperation) and then had to force the ridiculousness that is the Sunreavers Massacre to keep them relevant.

Third, they don’t really mesh with the other Horde races. This is largely contributed to what I mentioned above. The Blood Elves turned into the ‘misunderstood good guys’ trope and it takes away a lot of story potential.

Imagine a world where we had a fully fledged out Night Elf vs Blood Elf storyline… especially in 8.2 where you’d think that having Azshara show up would be a significant event for both races lmao

Because a lot of people on the internet are incredibly odd.

The Horde doesn’t get what they want for once. Uproar ensues.