Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

If you want to know why people keep going on and on and on about blue eyes for Blood Elves, it’s because it involves Blood Elves, the most popular race on the Horde.

GD literally doesn’t care about customization for most other races, like the lack of datamined customization options for Tauren and the potential issues with possible further linking of Worgen customization options between human and Worgen form.

I’m calling it now, people are going to expect human and Worgen form customization to be unlinked and get blindsided when it turns out the new fur colors are linked to the new human skin colors.

eeek. that use to drive me bonkers, how they were linked. if i wanted my human form to not look silly, i had to risk my worgen form looking terrible and vice-a-versa. here’s hoping they are unlinked

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I hope Worgen and human form customization gets unlinked as well. I just don’t have much faith in that happening, unfortunately.

its possible tauren will get access to taunka and one of the other tauren related tribes, as customizations. if so, good for them. its probably not the easiest thing to come up with customizations for unique races like worgen and tauren.

ya know since the worgen skeleton hasnt been used yet for an allied race, wouldnt it be cool if one of your potential customizations was saberon?

edit : oh wait now that i think about it, theres no lore reason for a worgen to be related to a saberon. hmm. i wonder.

Gnomes are all gnomes, makes no difference.

Cultural differences can weight a lot when it comes to visuals. I can name a few things that are usually conceived as shallow elements, but can make the “same model” not the same:

  • Hairstyles
  • Posture, aka idle stance, running animations (this weights a lot)
  • Accessories and tattoos

Actually I was a bit shocked that Void Elves were delivered using the same idle stance and frolicking animations of Blood Elves (and that’s a big let down for me to play a VE) when Nightborne is imported to the other faction with such visual differences.

I tried to play as one (void elf priest) but their casting posture is next level weirdness and I can’t help but delete that level 70+ character.

Yeah it is a letdown really… You’d not think their moody personas would cope with valley girl stances.

And yeah the casting animation on females is questionable.

Because high elf coomers would be foaming at the mouth.
That’s all.

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what did i miss? you erased your post before i got to see it hehe

i was on mobile and there was a quoting error and then i tried to write the entire thing before and then copy and paste it but it came out wrong and the quotes weren’t working for some reason. Mobile is pretty poorly optimized, im on pc now but I don’t feel like re writing it again.

synapsis? maybe?

No it doesn’t. Blood Elves are the ones that have a connection to the Sunwell, that is what affected their eye color in the first place. The High Elves didn’t connect with the Sunwell so their eyes stayed blue. It’s simple lore, learn it before making arguments.

I don’t really think folks consider green orcs and maghar orcs that different.

But I think you’re ignoring a bigger issue.

Canonically, the majority of helves died. The few that remained were a tiny amount in dalaran and the ones that became belves.

And when you start giving more story and attention to the Helves in dalaran than the ones who went through great disaster, betrayal and tragedy to survive, I think that’s the heart of the problem.

Being: blood elves really really need more lore and more presence in the world. Less so than the silver covenant helves which increasingly get more screen time, especially now that alleria is back.


90% of all Thalassians everywhere died after Arthas used the Sunwell as a fondue pot for Kel’thuzad’s remains. Of that remaining 10%, being a High Elf would mean you had to not only be willing to stray from the greater portion of your people, but also be lucky to find sources of mana untainted enough not to become a Blood Elf anyways.

Remember - officially the High Elves themselves turned their back on the Alliance after the Second War. They gave Humanity and the Alliance the finger long before Blood Elves were even a thing. If you’re going to still be an Alliance Loyal High Elf, you’re already starting as a fraction of a tiny faction even before the zombie apocalypse.

This is a huge, colossal ask that could in no way amount to enough of a population to sustain a playable race. High Elves were effectively extinct.

And then the Void Elves happened.

Void Elves being a playable race effectively invalidates every last argument against the High Elves as a whole. If some fringe wackjob doing bad magic and his followers can be enough people to constitute a “race” then any objection along population lines is immediately meaningless. If “Void Infusion” makes them a “different race”, then “Fel Infusion” does the same to Blood Elves. If not, then the point is still nullified.

Point is, High Elves were always a terrible idea for a race, until the Void Elves came along. Bland, boring, milquetoast Elves effectively checking off a box on the Generic Fantasy Trope list would be far less objectionable to this unestablished, out of nowhere, gibbering madness that seems to exist wholly for the sake of making sure the actually desired, “normal” option never happens.

I was never, ever in favor of High Elves for all the myriad reasons listed, but they’d be an infinitely better choice than what we ended up with.

To which I’d say “etherials would have been better than alliance helves” but here we are.

The “normal” option is still belves and I wish they’d lean into that. Or just stop making the silver covenant a constant presence when they should canonically be far less prevalent than belves to give folks their false hope.

Or, better yet, just make them freaking pandas. Neutral helves are the most established split race. Even moreso than pandas.

Well sure, Ethereals would have been better, but I would argue those don’t constitute an “Allied Race” - there’s more than enough there to make a full on “Race” race.

Honestly, I would have given the Alliance the Shaldorei (Horde already got the Highmountain Tauren, the other well established faction from Legion) and come up with something else for the Horde.

As a vulpera, I think that shows off that the concept of allied race was super broad. An etherial based on an existing rig could have been fine and qualified.

This is true. It’s what we’ve been saying from the way the Sunwell was cleansed.
It’s going to be really disappointing if they give other races customization and leave out a variety in eye color for blood elves. I’m not giving up.

This. And then those same people would have at least 200 posts in each topic, so it just seemed like there was an uproar.