Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

Let’s put it this way. I haven’t frequented the forums in over a year prior to this past week and even back then these threads were constant. Hell, these were constant years ago as well. I doubt these threads will ever stop so it’s a bit hilarious to see the odd comment asking for them to stop. This conversaton will extend until the end of WoW. I have a feeling Blizzard is going to give in at some point, probably whenever the well is starting to feel dry.

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There was an uproar because blue eyes on Thalassian elves have been a visual identifier for Alliance-aligned High Elves for all of WoW’s history. People have been asking to play them since launch, and thus the possibility of giving them to the Horde is just as untenable as the removal of flying or the introduction of Real ID.

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Lol what? There were much more people begging for them to not give them to blood elves (even though nothing was confirmed yet) while helf fans were already crying before it even got added in.

Kinda just seems like youre trying to come off as edgy.

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Except for few…most people in the forums want blue eyes to spite High elves community…and for that reason I am happy they aren’t getting it.

I havent seen these people yet.

Of course I’m edgy. Look at me! I’m a Void Elf Warlock!

That doesn’t make my argument any less valid.

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I suggest reading some of the threads made regarding high elves by the community.

Youre right it doesn’t your argument was never valid in the first place maybe if you actually read what I said b4

Nothing was confirmed and helf fans still cried.

Except the helf fans were the ones causing the uproar. Your argument was invalid from the start

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Contrary to popular belief, two wrongs don’t make a right.

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??? Now youre just saying random #@$!

Nobody got anything
Npc color

Well, what’s going on in this thre-

Oh, I see.

i blame the algebra teacher.

Alliance was crying. Now Horde is crying.
Slow aren’t you?

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So asking a genuine question means im crying?

Don’t think you know what ensue means. Its more like horde was going to get an eye color and helf fans cry. Like i said b4 i dont play belfs and i dont care about their customization. Your point makes no sense

If you guys want to play as a blue eyed elf, Void elves are here waiting for you.

Yes, it does. On this forum, it does. If you have a problem with it, please consult your faction’s public relations department and use the phrase “impaled on our own sword”.