Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

/shouts back from the other end of the orange puff trail

you mean you dont think african and asian half elves would be freakin’, as in freeeakin, awesome.

Damn it.

Now I have to go learn every country’s name in the world all because of grumbles Elves.

BRB :frowning:

“No you dont understand. They’re magic vegans and their super different, just look at my OC.”

“We’re vegan. We only eat mushroom people. That’s why they’re so hostile to the rest of you.”

what about orc demon hunters? very gargoyle.
draenei demon hunters? hehe
gnome demon hunters?

if i can use all the holy spells of a holy priest on my velf priest, why cant i be a pally?

/steals your shadowmeld ability while you’re not looking

Hmm maybe we should be able to use Blood Elf racial on a Murloc who declared itself as the teacher of Illidan Stormrage. The yells of “I have sacrifice everything” are just a modification of “MRergergerrgergegerg”


Savages! :angry:

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so i take that to mean, you think only special elves should be demon hunters.

No I think that Murlocs are the only race who should be demon hunters xD

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the other special elves dont want me to be a paladin either. and then some special elves that look like you dont want me to be a druid, or a demon hunter, and a special tauren and some special orcs dont want me to be a shaman.

then theres a bunch of special elves that dont want me to have human skin colors. and the devs decided i shouldnt be able to have blue hair if i’m a dk cause some other special elves already have it and nearly every other hair color in the game.

and i also cant have tattooes. likely not getting any customizations since the devs seem to have forgotten i exist. haha. wow is fun.

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This is…probably the most damning critique of WoW I have read in a while. Well done.

I think you guys should get a new class with the utility of Druid, Mobility of Demon Hunters and the extra ablity of Shaman.

I just wonder why Blood Elves would even care about blue? Red would be sooo much cooler, especially paired with a pallid, deathly-pale skin tone.

Red eyes for Blood Elves!

I created that meme. Your welcome by the way. :slight_smile:

you should meet my sister, the lightforged draenei. i think the artist forgot to color them in. they are white with gold tattooes or white with gold tattoes. and they can also be white with gold tattoes


Don’t forget grayish white with gold tattoos! Variety! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

oh i forgot one. haha

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oh yikes. overpowered. nice of you to say though. :sparkling_heart: