Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Calm down.

:fire: :fire: :fire: Your just a Night Elf that discovered Fire Insurance. :fire: :fire: :fire:

They have temporarily joined forces, although they don’t know it yet, against Ion for making both sides unhappy at every time but they’ll be back in full force.

Right now the hot topic is: Hey don’t be mean to me just because I was mean to you

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No, I came here because someone offered me a free art commission to complain about high elf threads. :roll_eyes:

The blue eyes were a “side effect” of having a huge arcane source near them.

The Golden eyes is the same as above since now the Sunwell is infuse with Holy Power.

So in that sense yes the belves have evolved the Helves haven’t, they have stayed the same as the day that Arthas destroyed their city.

Just make the velves as Alleria’s model and be done with it.

Why is it that Blood Elf posters try to make themselves greater than Human Male Paladin? Have you ever wondered? :smiley:

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They have a thing about MHPs. Ever since Arthas came, they’ve been obsessed with that Potential™

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My personal opinion is that a Blood Elf poster is equal to 100 Human Male Paladins. They have nurtured their unchecked power for far too long.

Just check general discussion and you will understand :smiley:

Although Undead posters are catching up (Bless them and their Sylvanas)


There are like four blood elves on this forum that don’t drive me up a wall.

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Careful you may be exposed to a generic tree burning joke or you’ll be told “Night Elf posters are toxic” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Glass houses, meet stones.

That’s fine. I’ll mock the Dead Scar and the fact that a male human paladin slaughtered nine tenths of all Thalassians.

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I wish you good luck iin your crusade against the fake family and fake underdogs.

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The Horde is family.

Until California valley girl blood elves move in and bring their Beverly Hills Vulpera with them.


This is pure gold.


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/opens bag of cheese puffs, happily munching away while reading, getting little orange crumbs on her fingers, keyboard and clothing, swig of coffee, more cheese puffs, more reading, stops suddenly

hey, whats your appraisal of yours truly.
/offers cheese puff as bribe

Void elves are British. Apparently the Void has an Anglophile thing. You’re fine enough.

whew. dodged the bullet. so this means, you wont put me on ignore.
/toothy grin, revealing cheese puff tinted teeth
so would you mind awfully if i occasionally requested things l’d like in the game? like gnome fae with lil faery wings, dryads as their racial mount and leveling buddy. coughplayablehighelvescough, half elves, gnome druids, mechagnome transformer druids, demon hunters for every body, just gotta borrow illidan. maybe tyrande could babysit sargeras for a few. blood elf techno-druids/botantists. nelf and velf paladins. that kinda thing like that there.
/runs for cover, just in case

I’m going to throw you in the moonwell the way Tyrande did that orc. The Void has clearly gotten to you.

/walks away, dejected, little trail of orange crumbs falling behind her

I have a belf, actually. But it’s not the same thing.

I’m insulted you didn’t include:

  • Wood Elves
  • 1/4 Elvess
  • 1/16 Elves
  • 1/32 Elves
  • Ice Elves
  • Fire Elves
  • Water Elves
  • Wind Elves
  • Earth Elves
  • Science Elves (Because eh why not)
  • Day Elves
  • Afternoon Elves