Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

don’t use Bing when searching for things, I typed “When was WoD released” and it poped up 2011…

yeah but that passive radiation was magical. if you arent tapping magic, you dont need the passive radiation. it may be floating around in the air, but if you’re not using magic, why’s it gonna infiltrate your body. magic is magic. farstriders should have normal non glowing eyes in all the same colors as humans, for example.

Dude, I literaly posted that like 10 minutes ago.

And while I posted a transcription of the ion interview in which he doesn´t explicitly states Helves and Belves are two different races, you still aren´t delivering on this nor in your RNA theory nor in anything.

Anti and Pro Helfers are literally irrelevant to the topic at hand, if you are devaluating this discussion to a merely “qqq, but us vs. them vs. us” then say so so I don´t bother in the future and waste time with someone just interested in toxic misinformation and huehuehue tactics that don´t contribute to anything on the game.

Lore lesson No. 2: High elves (as in the race which includes any iteration of it) got SO attuned to being passively radiated by magic that any modification and/or contamination done to their magical source IMPACTED their very wellbeing on a physiological level (or so that was established by Kael´thas research in “Blood of the Highborne” which is still canon lore). The reason Kael et al HAD TO literally blown up the Sunwell in that novella was because it was slowly poisoning the surviving elves with dark necromantic magic. Running away from it was useless, as long as the fount was filled with those hazardous energies the elves would be affected by them no matter how far they ran.

That´s a very nice novella related to Belf lore, you should read it. Will help with understanding better Ion´s words regarding the “Belf evolution” (extremely so…man did the Helves change their socio political ways after such catastrophe).

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i understand that, for magic users. follow along for a moment. unless they’re saying belfs all have magic addiction even if they arent magic users, i dont understand the argument. lets say generations of people select certain career fields, like the japanese do, where they pass down their career from parents to children, generation after generation. why would a non magic user ever develop the genetics to passively absorb magic they never used?

if i was the devs and wanted to satisfy belf players, i’d just retcon that to be the case. non magic using classes have the option for glowing gold or glowing green eyes or normal non glowing eyes in same colors other races get.

He was trying to interrupt us.


He litterally says they evolved past blue eyes. That means they can’t get blue eyes back because that isn’t in there Genome.

Aka different species.


I’ve suggested this multiple times. Sell the “Ultimate Xtreme” edition of Shadowlands…$150 per box. Exactly like the middle tier option, no three months of gameplay, but exclusive allied races High Elves for Alliance and Ogres for Horde.

IDC, make it $200 a box.

I would buy it.

hmmm I’d pay 200 for Shadowlands Ogres if they came with a green skintone option

The Sunwell is holy energy, it wouldn’t make sense for them to have blue. Even green doesn’t make sense anymore really, but you can’t take stuff away or people get mad.

There are technically “High Elves” that have no affiliation with the Blood Elves (specifically, aren’t addicted to magic like the Blood Elves are). Really comes down to if you view Blood Elves a branch of High Elves or not.

They should just go ahead and give blue eyes to void elfs and blood elfs… and end the entire thing why the hell not they adding tattoos to dwarfs and trolls to be from other tribes lol

You can make everyone happy that way and its just small tint change … that wouldn’t take but 4mins to give them both

They do, that is why some Alliance said they’d quit.

Now the horde are probably mad.

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This is not surprising.
Same thing with pathfinder, majority despise it so what do they do?..keep it lolol
Always childish reactions from dev. Its sad cause it has cost them millions in subs.
Wow is decades behind other games in customization (and they want flying gone too) out of sheer laziness, not lore. just sayin… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Look what they’ve done to Shadow Priest for 4 years, and will continue with; due to personal ego.

Look what they did to Warlocks over unprofessional conduct from a former Developer. I still want to know what exactly the Warlock Player-base did to deserve being punished for someone else’s lack of ethics.

This is why I’m cynical about WoW now. I love the game, but I’m tired of the excuses and waiting.

And how long ago was it when Pathfinder was forced on us in WOD and it took them till 2020 to finally get the memo that folks hated Pathfinder whether they did it or not to make it something we could buy with gold.

would you accept it if it wasnt the glowing version? just normal eyes in various human colors, including blue, but have it be for non magic using classes only? this could be very simply retconned, by stating that belfs train their next generation of children, to be the same class as them, and as a result, non magic users never developed an across the board addiction to magic. as a result, the player of a non magic using class, could select either glowing or non glowing eyes. if they select non glowing, they can have blue, green, purple or brown to select from.

gives you access to more eye colors, just not more glowing eye colors. and isolated to warriors, rogues, hunters or monk tanks.

Since I’m not the final say in all things lore related, I’d defer to Blizzard’s judgment on it.

My real beef with say Shadow Priest as an example is the play style. The resource could be Pink Elephants and if it played well and was smooth / fun and competitive I’d go for it. It’s when they give a definite downgrade to the medium I digest the game through, call it a upgrade and then completely ignore the community that plays the game; that I have a problem.

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STOP :clap: MAKING :clap: SPAM :clap: HELF :clap: THREADS :clap:

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Both sides basically ignore that they are spamming the forums: The High Elf supporters and the Anti High Elf people and basically advise each other to stop spamming.

Do you see the futility in making them understand? :smiley:

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Yes. It’s why I’m grateful they finally added a forum ignore feature. I’ll block all of them until ALL OF THEM are gone.