Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

No, blood elves never had blue eyes since they became blood elves.

They don’t, they want the currently alliance affiliated high elves, the ones that are already alliance, not blood elves.

I really find it shameful that you and a few other antis are spamming the forums with your QQ posts instead of keeping it in one thread or maybe just humbly accepting that there won’t be any blue eyed blood elves because well…they don’t exist.

Really just sheds more light on your spoiled “spiteful anti” mentality.


Ion said Blood elfs are the evolution of High Elfs, Evolution means mutaion in the genome level. Meaning they become a different species of elves

To quote a popular pop movie icon: “Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong”.

The playable Belves NEVER turned to siphoning Fel to sustain themselves (those would be the Sunfury that followed Kael´thas to Outland and later degenerated into Felblood elves). The very FIRST quest you get as a playable Belf is the one related to siphoning ARCANE from mana wyrms and other similars pests on Quel´thalas.

Also, Cdev, round 3. Green eyes as a result of passive radiation from fel infused crystals. THAT was the source of the fel green eyes (if this makes the Allerian Stronghold Helves a hilarious lore contradiction well… exclusive faction aestyhethics is the concept you may need to look for).

The golden eyes is NOT because light portion from the Sunwell is overriding the fel (is merely purifying it A.K.A.leaving a blank slate), but because they´re too much devoted (A.K.a. they´re religious zealots, period).

Blood elves in the playable shelf life of the game could never get blue eyes… but not because muh WC2 High elves, but because the impact fel had on the race from a cultural and social PoV is TOO important. It basically embodies the whole historical arc from TFT to TBC, and that´s a huge and VERY crucial portion of the Belf lore. One the devs obviously would want to protect and give more relevance, after all is the whole freaking reason Belves roll Horde now.

High Elves have blue eyes simply because they lived far away from the fel crystals supporting the buildings on Quel´thalas, period. As the Quel´lithien group demostrated back in Cata, they too can overfed on arcane energies and degenerate into Wretched.

Btw no “High elves survived in Northrend” lore whatsoever. At the time, Northrend was a zombie infested wasteland ffs; if anything the poor elves that got lost there back in TFT became the San´layn.

Lore changes buddy as we now know the new lore of High elfs are not equal to Blood elfs. Blood elfs are the evolution to high elfs. Ion’s words. Just like everyone used his words against pros now its karma.

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yeah but i think he was just trying to make blue eyes for belf fans, feel better by suggesting belf changes are the superior evolution of their elf species. they’ve progressed, moved on from silly ole blue eyes. hehe. blue eyes are just for ww2 criminals and folks sporting pointy white hoods.

And it doesn´tmake them less lazy nor horrible.

Evolution also is NOT a word with an exclusive use in genetics. Story arcs and characters can “evolve” too, you see?

If you ask me, Belves “evolution” is not related to any genetical mutation (ffs, most of them are the same individuals they were before Arthas on a genetical level) but more on a “narrative and cultural” way. And indeed, Belves quite evolved from their narrowminded isolationism ways after Arthas kicked 90% of them to the ground literally speaking.

but it does show that they are a related species. you are descended from nelves and other highborne, thats why the high elf ghosts in ghostlands are those gosh awful modified nelf models, which are ten times worse than the one i just showed you.

Yup but when talking about genetics from the reasoning of why blue eyes aren’t happening it’s a clear statement and that my freind is a fact.

Why did Arthas kick 90% of the the elves?

You should look up what RNA is. Because the way Elves change as fast as they do they def have RNA.
please don’t try to tell me they aren’t a mutation.

here i’ll give you an exmaple so you understand.

Squids Can Edit Their RNA in an Unprecedented Way, Scientists Discover. … This is the same for our messenger RNA ( mRNA ). Helpful molecules read our DNA, create short little RNA messages, and send them outside the nucleus to tell the rest of the cell which proteins need to be built

that means they can pick and choose what to evolve faster then other parts of the body so they can adapt and mutate faster.

Quote the lore source that explicitly states RNA exists on Azeroth, cause as far as we know, that´s just like your headcanon, man.

Better yet, explain how the DNA and whole genetical background (cromosome count and yes RNA and all other stuff) that came from Alleria/Veeresa (a mutated troll) easily joined to the ones that came from a mutated space robot (Turalyon / Rhonin) to produce offspring. When there´s NO genetical link whatsoever. And let´s not even mention Med´an, that one is even worse (u-hu, 3 different species from 3 different words apparently have the same cromosome count, DNA and RNA background regardless of the GROSS phenotype differences, suuure). I´ll wait. And no, “but muh MAGIC” is no explanation, use irl biology.

A free advice: abstain from using too much irl scientific arguments in a game that basically takes irl theories and laws and throws them through the proverbial window cause “muh rule of cool”. It only makes your argument less credible.

I repeat: the word “evolution” is not exclusive to genetics and biology. Characters in a story usually “evolve” too.

Nope, the reason those models still exist in the game is because the developers have literal allergies regarding all and any update to the TBC map zones whatsoever (a different game engine and all).

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I repeat Ion made a statement blood elfs aren’t high elfs. At the end of the day that is all that needs to be said. But please keep trying to argue with facts.


nah cause they already had both the beta blood elf model, which was infinitely better than the high elf ghost examples, and the final blood elf models, but they just stuck with the original high elf models that vanilla wow players had to endure, which were odd modified night elf models. thats cause blood elves are descended from night elves and other highborne. you’re all related.

when blood elf ancestors first stepped foot on quel’thalas, they looked like azshara, night elves and other highborne. so their ghosts, over the years, would depict that gradual change

And his statement is nota genetical one, you´re the one trying to sell that BS and extrapolating irl science from a GAME DEVELOPER. As in a person who works in making games. Which involve writting STORY ARCS and other similar stuff.

I know you are not taking his words with the best intentions (as a matter of fact this behaviour seems pretty narrowminded for scientist) but try to be less obvious about it. We both know why he said this, and we both know too lore is worth nothing in this game (the whole of Teldrassil being soft retconned in SL is just the peak of the iceberg). The actual answer is they won´t give blue eye customization for Belves to avoid blurring even more the faction divide with the elf model, period (also they´re a smart bunch that don´t want to take part in the inane playable Helf topic, if anything Ion´s attitude points to reinforcing the differences between both playable version of the “Helves” and calling it a day).

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He said they are two different elves thats not me assuming nothing that you is trying to change facts. The evolved past blue eyes. that is pretty straight forward

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whatever the case may be, blood elves have moved on from blue eyes for some odd reason. i dont get it. what of the guys who dont use magic? why would they be addicted to it, like belf warriors, rogues, hunters or monk tanks? they should have normal, non glowing eyes in a variety of colors. cause ya cant be addicted to something you dont use in the first place.

I’m pretty sure WoD didn’t exist 9 years ago, the expansion before it didn’t even exist then.

Because its just Horde and Alliance forum RPers fighting. Honestly, all it is.

I doubt most average players would give a crap about High Elves or blue eyes.

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I don´t see no mention of Belves and Helves as two different elves, I see the word evolution used in regards to Belves. And as much as youmay hate it, yes evolution has use in the context of literary and narrative development; which actually relates directly to this game. Your RNA theory on the other hand has like 0 relevance in this current product called “a MMORPG game”.

That would be the whole freaking lore from WC3 up to TBC.


Ask Cdev 3. Basically, all and every Belf got “fel green eyes” in the lore thanks to passive radiation from crystals that DID contain fel and were stationed around Quel´thalas for rebuilding purposes. Now, the actual reason is that 12+ years ago the game engine wasn´t evolved enough to give a bunch of colored radioactive eyes to a gameplay model, and by proxy of using “fel” as a narrative arc it was easier to justify only one eye color for the race.

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well it is an rpg. haha. i am not a rp’er though. but i have always wanted a playable normal elf on alliance. our nelfs are drow wood elves, sorta like dnd’s drizzt. i have never been a fan of drow. wood elves, on the other hand, i like wood elves, and high elves too. since we already have our drow wood elves, high elves seem like a nice way to go but alas, i can only be a high elf on alliance, if i use the orb of sindorei or play a rogue and pickpocket a blood elf npc.

i’ve actually never wanted to be a blood elf specifically. but here i am, a blood elf mutated into a tentacle monster. blue tentacle race, number two, on the alliance. if i want to look like a high elf, i still have to use the orb of sindorei.

For Blood Elves, yes it was.

No it didn’t.

No we don’t.

Yes they are.

That’s not the only defining difference. However, it is a specific defining difference, and one of the ways you can tell the two apart.

Btw, 0/10.

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Once again man lore changes. You can’t argue with the facts of what the lead game dev says.

Anti Helfs used that same argument against Pro’s Sorry not sorry.

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