Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?

A lot of people still don’t understand that there’s a vast difference between what High Elf are in terms of the story and what they are in terms of design.

Story: They are significantly different from Blood Elves. I know it’s difficult for people to look at facts, but if the Orcs (post-blood) and outland Mag’har are considered different, then so are High Elves and Blood Elves.

Game Design: The only difference between them and Blood Elves is eye color. Other than that, same models, same architecture, same inspiration, and implementing them means having to reuse a lot of current assets, just repainted blue/silver.

So this is where the issue exists, and the playerbase isn’t helping by mixing around the arguments, and changing their tone every 2 days.

What High Elf fans have been trying to achieve is to find a significant design change that can make High Elf playable.

Then you have trolls and Blood Elf fanboys who bait them with “high elf = blood elf” and “BUT GARITHOS!!!” and then you see the same 3-4 people arguing about “lore”.

That’s a summary of every thread on this topic since BC, and every thread that is going to be made in the future.


Some Helfers disagree with you quite vocally I´m afraid…

Dear, if anything quite the contrary, this reinforces they will be doomed to perpetual NPC hell precisely cause the only difference in gameplay models is an eye color. That´s even less than the laziest (4 starting in BfS) allied races got ffs.

You eman basically the whole freaking model minus the color of the eyes? Cause so9rry, but what you fear already happened…

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actually the helfer community came up with all kinds of model changes so they’d look different from blood elves but the devs dont want them to look unique, because then the argument they look the same would be gone and the devs dont want alliance to have high elves, no matter how different they look from blood elves. our only option is to be monster blood elves, blue tentacle race number 2 on alliance.

what we wanted was a normal elf and purple elf. not 2 purple elves. imagine if they suddenly turned belfs, purple. thats what happened to alliance.

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You mean the minimally different Belf models? Cause yeah, I saw those ones too. Still too similar, dear.

An actual development would be like the one devs invested in Kul Tiran humans (which vastly differs from the regular playable Human).

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Because High Mountain and Lightforged were sooooo different huh… literally no difference between Lightforged most especially except literally just their eye colors, basically the same thing as it would be as to giving High Elves…

talendrion’s models had night elf bodies with normal sized hands and belf heads that were modified with human and belf hairstyles and normal, non glowing eyes. so they would’ve had a different idling stance than blood elves, different animations, in fact, most of their animations would’ve been night elf. they wouldve looked alot different from blood elves than void elves do, cause even in full armor, you wouldnt mistake them for a blood elf. if i put on full armor, i look just like a belf, have same dance, same animations,same idling stance.

Because Ion feasts on Helfer tears.

At this point I don’t doubt it.

There was just a few very vocal people spamming the forums.

IT really wasn’t that important.

I still want my Taunka customizations.

Nah I will bring it up, Ion said Blood elfs are an evolution of High elfs, Evoltuion happens we also know Dark spear trolls are a different species of Zanda trolls. So I think I will. but thank you for trying to down play facts. Also you can’t say what Ion meant. He said evolution thats a KEY word. But what ever that head cannon of yours wants I suppose.

Replace the Lazy HighMountain option you gave us with Taunka please…

High mountain feels exceptionally lazy at this point now. Especially with the customizations coming in. Which is a shame.

Also Taunka were first, we shoulda been added first. rabble rabble rabble

Exactly. And they´re the laziest than lazy allied races, only slightly worse than NB and Velves, sooo…?

I repeat: making minor adjustments to a model is not gonna cut it. The very best allied races were the ones in which the apparent “parent” race (DK Trolls for Z Trolls and S Humans for KT Humans) VASTLY differ from each other. Precisely cause players feel as if they got a “new” race indeed, not a recolor (M Orcs and DI dwarves too are quite lazy all things considered). This is too why Vulpera are superior to mechagnomes aesthethically wise, they seem like a completely new thing not a merely modified one even if they use the same exoesqueleton as the Goblins.

An ideal High elf model shouldn´t look like a Nelf nor like a Belf, but different altogether. A Nelf body with a Belf face actually seems quite the creepy concept imho (can´t avoid thinking over the average body horror movie, sorry).

Yes. Yes it was.

The Blood Elves are elves that turned to siphoning Fel Energy to sustain themselves. Their eyes turned green. The Sunwell, half arcane/holy now, is purifying them to gold because holy can purify, arcane can’t.

Blood Elves could never return to Blue Eyes.

High Elves, that still have blue eyes, survived by siphoning the Arcane Artifacts in Northrend, not demonic magic. They are and always have been a part of the Alliance.

If they gave blue eyes to blood elves, it’d be spitting in the face of their own writing.


you call changing the skeleton AND animations of the entire torso, a minor change? really? i wouldve expected you to instead argue they’d be too much like nightborne then. the point is the devs dont want alliance to have a normal elf and a purple elf, cause horde already has a normal elf and a purple elf. so our only option was 2 purple elves.

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We didn’t all siphon fel. Most got it passively. The ones that kept siphoning changed into the Felblood. It’s the passive exposure that could never go back to blue. Because their chosen color for the cleansed Sunwell is gold.

This guy is lost in headcannon, He said Ion didn’t mean what he said he was implying something else.

He doesn’t understand words.

Giving LFD golden eye colors was enough to give them the pass as an Allied race, but then this guy thinks new models and skeletons for High Elves would be a minor change and not enough…


whatcha mean? i mightve missed it.

thats how blood elves started out in the original tbc beta. they had belf heads with nelf bodies, observe


remember the high elf ghosts in the ghostlands? original high elves had been mostly depicted as modified night elves, prior to tbc retail going live.