Why was their an uproar about belf blue eyes?


Sometimes I just feel like the high elf crowd is just a very vocal minority. Like the Christmas Starbucks cup people, a very angry vocal sub section of Christianity.

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Actually, I’m playing an undead monster for whom the canon says exists under a crippling sadism fixation.

Also, your understanding of the character and cultural and character differences of High Elves and Blood Elves is lacking to the point of disqualification.

Blood Elves indulge in dark magics, mind control of their populace, slavery of the dispossessed, and have a sniveling coward of a leader who never takes initiative. He even had to be blackmailed into helping with the war effort against the force that destroyed 9/10ths his race. Theron sucks.

Blood Elves are hyper nationalistic, prideful to the point of spite, violent, vengeance obsessed, and indeed “edgier” than the High Elves. The High Elves are your classical golden-boy, lilting Tolkien archetypes, while Blood Elves are fascist demon traffickers.

If you cannot tell the difference between those two images, then congratulations - you’re fit to be a developer for World of WarCraft.

Blizzard handled this stupidly from the get go. The first thing that sprang to many Alliance players minds when allied races were announced was the possibility of playing the race that had been the face of the Alliance in numerous areas across multiple expansions, High Elves of the Silver Covenant. Instead they got Void Elves, who were made up on the spot and literally just blood elves at the start of the recruitment scenario. Void Elves are the only elves with less lore than Lor’themar.

What Blizz SHOULD have done is used the Silver Covenant for the basis of the Void Elves. They should have had them investigating some sort of void anomaly, things go sideways after Alleria and player arrive to assist, and voila, the military arm of the High Elves are gone, Void Elves have back story, and Alliance gets to play the Elves that have literally been fighting for their faction since WotLK.

Certainly doesn’t help that Blizzard keeps trolling the HElf fans by continually adding more of them as NPCs.

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Agreed, honestly. WoW doesn’t need more playable elves, but at this point there’s so many that two more would barely even be noticed. Just give Alliance High Elves and give Horde San’Layn. How hard could it be? They’re both blood elf models. Just do it and get it over with.

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this would actually be a pretty cool implementation and would distinguish them enough from belfs. They could have a racial similar to worgen/shadowform, they get to turn the void on or not so they can look like helfs.

I’ve seen that suggestion several times now, from myself as well. The Alleria-option for Velfs would fix a lot.