Why use the AXS mobile app for Blizzcon when it's proven spyware?

No worries. The forum has some stupid issues like that.


Oh and it looks like the app has access to even when you even took a picture with it along with your credit card number etc etc… :man_shrugging:

If Blizzard writes that an app that harvests personal information is required for Blizzcon entry in a section titled IMPORTANT!, and when you drill down to a separate page you find out that the app is not actually required, that’s a concern to me.

Terms of service language is getting really pretty ridiculous at this point, and it’s crazy to me that we need to read multiple pages of information just to fully understand how to buy a freakin’ show ticket to a video game pep rally.

Blizzard should change the language on the main page to indicate that app installation is not required. If they were to do that, I would actually agree with you and say it’s the customer’s responsibility to make an informed choice. But I doubt people are going to drill down multiple pages just to figure out how to buy a ticket, especially when there’s a section on the main page titled IMPORTANT! where it clearly says the app is required.

Also, thanks for putting your money where your mouth is and linking to your main. I respect that, even if you don’t think it’s a big deal.

And right there, in my quote, it says if your phone dies, etc, to go to the Solutions Desk and they’ll assist you.

And it only shows up if you’re replying to them after someone else responded in between. If you reply directly after them, it won’t show up. It’s been like that on this forum since its inception back in November. And yes, it makes it confusing. Took me forever to get used to that.

yea they will put your phone on a charger and then force you to install the app…lol.you dont think they wont?

Gotcha. Sorry for the confusion.

They want people to use it and not line up at the Solutions Desk. Which is why they will say it’s required and won’t put that it’s optional.

Blizz should’ve used their own app for people to check in. This is their Con, they need to write their own crap for it instead of using their party stuff.

The app already stores from credit card to your gps even if turn off… it seems it’s 101% needed to be at blizzcon… while I wont go to blizzcon in any future for now, I think it’s a bit messed up getting such APP and then sell your personal information or give it away for free to other companies.

You missed the “etc” part of my post.

If someone spends over $200 on a ticket for an event and their phone is lost, stolen, broken, they’re not going to cast them out like a leper. That’s why there’s a Solutions Desk. They’ll most likely make you log into the website where you bought the ticket in that case.

And that’s not okay with me. I think that’s deceptive and funnels people to do something they might not otherwise be comfortable doing, because they think they have to (and it’s easy to see why, considering the language Blizzard chose to use on the ticket buying information page).

Anyhow, I think we understand each other’s point of view, even if we don’t agree with it, so I’m gonna get back to the grog. Carry on, thread.


what if everyone "lost"their phone how would they handle that?

Same exact way. And then they’ll know for the future to not pull this crap ever again.


well that will be one lllllllllloooooonnnnggggg line at the desk…lol.

Yup. Sure will. And it’ll be Blizz’s fault for doing dumb stuff in the first place.


get ready to wait hours at the desk for your phone being “lost”:…lol.it sucks to be working that desk.

People would have brought the tickets before they even knew they are required to install the app let alone what information it was gathering. Thats not consent. Thats shoving it through the back door.

What if I…

…don’t have a phone?

have fun at Blizzcon whomever you are… Or were.

not sure if you’re memeing here but… if you don’t actually have one then you gonna have to wait on the line? :thinking: not fully sure.

I think far fewer people care about this than you seem to think.