Why use the AXS mobile app for Blizzcon when it's proven spyware?

It doesn’t sound like it’s optional if you read the language I linked and quoted.

Your argument is the AXS app is optional, and that people have a choice, and so it’s not a big deal. My argument is that Blizzard goes out of the way to make it sound like the app is mandatory. Which is concerning, considering what the app does.

I’m not sure why you think that’s moving goalposts.

It shows that privacy is a concern for you, even in an anonymous forum.

You already have trust level 3, so posting once on your main isn’t going to negate that. Go ahead. It’s not a big deal, right? Show us how Internet privacy isn’t a big deal.

The idea that posting on an alt means you care about security is kinda weird. I’m posting on an alt because I like the alt.

https://imgur.com/a/3ODL35v oh no my security!

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If you’re that worried about it, get a burner phone.

I’m talking about what I quoted. Which was in response to the other companies across the internet.

And if you didn’t follow links, because you didn’t want to learn what you were agreeing to and what detailed information there was, let me point you to where it literally gives you more information on the same thing you linked:

For more information, see Badge Information.

And then that page specifically tells you:

Don’t fret—the Solutions Desk at show registration will be able to assist you

Which is a different argument. And they didn’t go out of their way. They said it’s needed, sure, but there is also a link to more information.

Please show me what’s private about this character or any of my others when my profile is up for all to see. :roll_eyes:

Who cares if someone knows my characters? It has nothing to do with anything in this thread.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: You really have no concept of what privacy is, do you? My entire account and all of my characters are available for everyone to see. And it’s a gaming forum. With avatars and nicknames. Which has zero to do with anyone’s personal information on the internet.

Me swapping to a different character on my account proves absolutely nothing except you’re trying to make up some weird stuff that has nothing to do with anything.

Good Lord, that is probably one of the worst stretches and terribad argument I’ve heard in quite a while.

“You won’t post on a different character, so you must be obsessed with privacy in your real life!” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You want my main character? Sure. Have at it. You want me to link all of my others, too, since you’re too lazy to click on a profile?

Now that we’ve got that nonsense out of the way… :roll_eyes:

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I had heard some of the initial concerns about the app doing “spyware like” things on devices, but honestly, I dismissed it as I am reading many here are. I downloaded the app a few days ago onto my phone… only my iphone. I have several other apple devices. I will be clear, I do not have automatic App download turned on on any of those devices. Today I was on my IPad, and discovered that the App had been downloaded there. I am the only one who uses it, and I did not choose to download it to my IPad. And again, Automatic App download is turned off.
The app installed itself onto a separate device as though it were simply an update. That’s creepy.

That happens with every single app I’ve ever downloaded and I have autodownload turned off too.


The short answer is because nearly 75 percent of phones are Android based, otherwise they could use ios Wallet.

And the reason Blizzard doesn’t create their own app, is money.

its required and forced or no badge and no blizzcon.

Every single app you download sells your credit card and billing address to advertising companies, Facebook and others?


When your argument is so weak you just straight up make up something and claim I said it


Didn’t read what I quoted from their badge page, I take it?

You said “That happens with every single app I’ve ever downloaded and I have autodownload turned off too.”

The app Blizz wants people to use literally does those things (credit card info). I didn’t make anything up. I responded to you. Please show what I made up.

That response of hers was in response to Fherina. :woman_facepalming:

And I responded to the person saying they downloaded the app on their iphone and it appeared on the ipad too. Possible you missed that since the forum reply system sucks when you directly respond to the post above you and doesnt make it clear.

you didnt read the others its required aka forced to get a badge,no phone,no app,no badge no blizzcon.

Your post did not indicate that you were talking to that person. It looks like a random comment in the thread.

You guys need to use the “reply” button for posts so people know who the **** you’re talking to. See in the top right of my posts?

I did. Just like I am on this post.


What people don’t realize here (with some common sense) is you’re already paying highly pricey tickets along with everything that goes with it (flying, hotels etc etc) and you also have to give up your privacy? :thinking:

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Maybe I’m dumb.

Sorry then.

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