Why use the AXS mobile app for Blizzcon when it's proven spyware?

I mean the app gives permission to access your mobile devices camera and take pictures and videos, and yes it was proven years ago that the government has this ability a video game developer willingly choosing to use an app that does this is pretty freaking disgusting.


Imagine couple months after Blizzcon, a Blizzard enforcement squad shows up at your house and breaks your legs for not playing their games enough!

/tries to act like a tough guy in a thread about Internet privacy
/posts on a lvl 97 night elf alt

No one is defending it. We’re simply telling people to stop overreacting and stop spreading false information. It’s not spyware. It’s your choice to use it.

Don’t want to use it? There are other options available to you. This torches and pitchforks outrage and drama is getting ridiculous at this point.

The app is crap. But there are other options. A total flip out with fallacies and hyperbole being spammed all over this forum is a bit much.


None of that makes sense or has any bearing on factual information. But hey, if you like making stuff up and comparing apples to a shoe, go for it, I guess.


people dont give blizzard any of your info they have no right to it.get a pre paid phone for blizzcon or dont go.

blizzard wants to sell your info to china diablo immortal is made by a netease and we know where they are located…china.

It is typical of apps, and I don’t install apps on my phone because of that. It would be fine if it wasn’t forced on you, but the problem here is that it is required in order to get in there even if you purchased tickets.

I’m sure there are lot of people out there that didn’t know this was required before making the purchase, because it never was required in the past. Yes, it was written on the website, but people shouldn’t have to go looking for these types of things before making a simple ticket purchase for an event. - and when companies want you to install an app as part of a process, it’s usually optional, so it was probably interpreted that way.


It’s not spyware only because it requires the user to actually provide the app necessary permissions to collect all this data cause otherwise this app refuses to work at all.

What this app is a remote control agent. Which is even WORSE.

Stay away from this app like it’s plague. Slam those help desk spots and say that your phone doesn’t work and get them sort it all out WITHOUT THIS APP.

You pay for the game show attendance, not to have your whole personal profile, personal details and personal billing credential scrubbed from you without your knowledge.

Do not fall for the easy, one click convenience of it all.

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I meant more as a general complaint, not something that’s exclusive to these forums. you can find people complaining about intrusive practices daily on nearly every social media platform.

Yup. Which is why I said there are other options. And if people are too lazy to use said options, then that’s on them.

I do agree that having to use this thing is dumb. They should’ve found a way to integrate it into their own mobile app.

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Okay how about this. Going back to your semantics argument:

If somebody does the same thing with your personal information that spyware does, with the only exception being that they tell you that they’re doing it, the thing that’s happened to your personal data (which is the big issue here) has not changed.

“But they told you they’re doing it!” is a really weird hill to die on, but if that’s how you want to roll, more power to you, 97.

Still have no clue what your obsession is with this alt’s level. It has no bearing on anything. You simply decided to try a poor attempt at some sort of insult because you really have no argument.

And if you agreed to use the app and you agreed to give someone all your stuff, that’s on you. It’s not illegal. It’s not spyware. It’s not semantics. You decide to do this thing, that’s your choice. There are other options available. If you choose to take the lazy way, then welcome to sharing all of your info. Again. Because FB, Google, Apple and a boatload of other places have it all, too.

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Imagine being this paranoid about an app.


You’re taking the tough guy stance on Internet privacy and you’re afraid to post on your main. That’s why I’m focusing on your alt’s level. Sorry for the confusion.

And if Blizzard was clearer in its ticket purchase language that there are other options available, I wouldn’t have such a problem with this app. But let’s take a look at the official Blizzcon page, where, again, they say “AXS app required” in a subsection titled “IMPORTANT!”


IMPORTANT! In order to receive a badge at registration, each attendee must present their mobile ticket (AXS app required) at BlizzCon, along with valid photo ID. Confirmation emails will not be accepted. The name on the ticket must match the name on your photo ID. For more information, see Badge Information.

This in no way sounds like AXS is an optional app. A lot of people are going to be fooled by this.

Let’s not revisit the “other companies are also doing shady things so discussing any of them is invalid!” argument and say we did, okay?


Character level literally doesn’t matter when it comes to an issue of real world security, and this isn’t even an issue since the app does what literally any other app does.


its forced and they think its optional…lol.no phone no badge.

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Not sure why people are acting like a completely normal ticket app that has been used by hundreds of thousands of people is suddenly the most nefarious thing ever. Do they think it is some ATVI scam app made yesterday or something?

I just installed it and denied all permissions it asked for and it works fine so even the permissions outrage doesnt make any sense.


that sounds like its forced to me.

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Since when is giving factual information some sort of “tough guy act”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

LOL…as if my main character means anything in a conversation about personal information. Geebus, talk about random bs that has nothing to do with anything. :roll_eyes:

And you don’t know me, son. But most around here do. And they know that I’m trust level 3 and when this forum first went live, this was the character Blizz stuck me with when posting. By the time I figured out how to swap characters, it just wasn’t worth a new grind. Try clicking my profile if you care that much. I’m not hiding anything.

But keep it up as if this means anything to the discussion. It’s pretty hilarious to watch you randomly pull things out of thin air to try to justify whatever it is you think you’re doing. :rofl:

Which has nothing to do with anything I said. You’re not even arguing the same thing anymore. Did you not understand my replies or are you moving goalposts?

Except it’s not shady. You make the choice. So let’s not try to act as if companies are doing things without your consent, okay? :roll_eyes:


*looks for where I said it wasnt*