Why Tyrande isn't part of Nazjatar/Eternal Palace

Maybe, but the issue with it being Lor’themar saying this is he and Baine have had all of 2 conversations. The previous dialogue was (I wish it acknowledge the Forsaken more) much better coming from Lor’themar, cause it was about the Horde as a whole and baine being an important leader. Calling him the best in the Horde is something like, Mayla or Saurfang might say.


Alliance players: I sympathize with your disappointment in this. This is kind of your “Why are there no orcs on Argus?” moment, and it sucks just as badly. You’d think both of those things would have been no-brainers.

And you’d also think–if the writers really are out to subvert, subvert, subvert–that they’d have learned from Rian Johnson’s recent experiment that this isn’t always met with rapturous approval.


Well, Tyrande had a lot of investment in fighting the Horde at Darkshore, but she put Maiev in charge and left to do “something”. This is the second time this has happened, now she’s placing Shandris in charge in Nazjatar.

I just think there might be something else going on with Tyrande we don’t know yet, not that the writers are trying to be subversive. It could be a bad thing, but it may not be…perhaps she’s trying to find the best way to end Sylvanas for good, and that’s more important to her than the Azshara thing 10,000 years ago.

I had an idea it’s also possible they want to avoid Tyrande fatigue, since it seems like not a lot of people like her after the Val’sharah thing and now taking her forces to Darkshore against Anduin’s wishes. Oh, and she was mean to Horde players one time in Legion and called Vol’jin a “troll” once. Contrast to Jaina, who is relatively well liked (outside of these forums) who has showed up a ton in BfA.

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As far as I can recall, Tyrande leaves Maiev in charge of the actual military stuff because she’s off to “Sate the Night Warriors Wrath” which seems to just be murder everything with a red banner, and the datamined stuff for her seems to say despite not being shown to us, she has been doing the big murder to the Horde.

Has flashbacks to Orc of Orcraft: Orcaclysm, Orc of Orcraft: Orcs of Orcdaria, and Orc of Orcraft: Orclords of Orcnor

Or, to give their alternate titles: Thrall Saves the World, Thrall Made a Mistake (ft. Garrosh), and Thrall Tries to Fix It (ft. Garrosh, Grommash, and Gul’dan)

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Sylvanas didn’t get to be part of ICC
Tyrande doesn’t get to be part of Nazjatar

Doesn’t make it better that they did it twice.


But where at? She’s not part of the Darkshore warfront. Tyrande does show up to hand world quests out to the player, that involve killing Horde, murlocs, and Twilight Hammer, but how canon are world quests anyway?

If you’re trying to imply that Nathanos’s love of throwing onions at birds isnt canon…


It makes sense that Tyrande isn’t involved when you consider Blizzard’s intent. This is supposed to be Isle of Thunder 2.0. You don’t have Garrosh and Jaina working together.

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No but if Tyrande is like Jaina in 5.2 why doesn’t she works with Lorthemar like she did ?

Sylvanas isn’t there in Nazjatar just like Garrosh wasn’t there either that’s why Jaina was in 5.2 and Tyrande could have been in 8.2

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Cause only Jaina can fill the roll of Jaina, it’s a very important position, only someone with amazing HUMAN POTENTIAL could handle such a task, not some random elf lady.


Yup, we’re at Isle of Thunder with this new patch. Garrosh had Xal’atoh. Sylvanas has Xal’atath

Which means we’re expecting a Timeless Isle analogue to set up a Kings of Azeroth Time Travel Expac alongside season 2 of the Sieges of Orgrimmar

Wait wait, I get it, blizzard broke the MoP retread! Sylvanas has Xal’atath already, but Garrosh got his spooky axe at the start of 5.3! It’s all different!


Isn’t she tied up at dark shore? Why would she go fight the naga when she wants to fight the horde and get her lands back?

Maybe she has already finished :slight_smile:

She has enough time to drop by and visit, give Shandris a talk before bamfing again. And if Nathanos has time, she has time.


Would Tyrande, who’s filled to the brim with Elune’s vengeful avatar, really want to work with the Horde? Lor’themar only has to look at her the wrong way and he’d get smacked.


She could learn about the Azshara trap and get there via portal. Once there she can assess the situation and give instructions to Shandris on how to handle it and then she can go back and do whatever it is she is doing who knows where.
Just with one minute appearing at Nazjatar things would get better.

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Then he better not look at her wrong, just stand back a bit with the hands up and throw out the occasional “You got this girl.”


There’s no way that Blizzard will establish a canonical end to the Darkshore conflict until the end of the expansion.

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