Why this is your class and not another?

I have a least one of every class except for a warlock.

Once upon a time, I had a warlock until the Broken Shore happened, and then I could not stand to see ‘Hand of Gul’dan’ ever again.

P.S. The warlock became a Paladin.

My cats love those! Cupboard’s full of them.

Although ironically the flavor you happened to use for the photo is the one I don’t buy for them. That, and the one with sardines, because sardines, eww.

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For this one, I liked the idea of Hacktiblizz reworking the fantasy of the “Comat Rogue” into a Swashbuckling, daring outlaw, and what’s more Swashbuckling than a 300 lb sailor that smells faintly of Old Spice; Swagger?
Just needs MORE PIRATE HATS. This is the hill I die on.

Why do you play hunter? You told us why you don’t play all those other things but not why you actually play hunter. There are other classes left besides hunter.

I just love the healing style of Holy, and I adore the light spells/animations. My druid is my second healer because I also love the healing animations/plant theme and the utility they have because they’re a druid (makes doing non-combat stuff a breeze).

DK is my main DPS alt because I just love unholy and the undead friends I get to summon every minute.

Because Vulpera can’t be Paladins.



Sounds like bigotry you should work on, but okay.

I concur. I can’t tell what’s wrong with Paladin, but the class is either clunky and unfun or I’m playing it wrong.

This made me decide to play my monk today. I love being a social pariah. I am going to roll a new Male Pandaren Horde Monk for maximum hatred.

Like Paladin, Druid feels clunky to me. But I do like the theme much better. The problem is that it feels like druid is the B-Team answer to each role. Feral is a discount rogue, bear is a poor man’s warrior, boomkin is just mage on shrooms, and resto lacks burst. It feels like being a jack of all trades, master of none, and I feel like it should be more “master of all.”

I dislike ranged combat completely, so that immediately cuts out many classes for me. I like being in the vanguard of digital battle, heh.

But at the same time I don’t like the blandness of stabby stabby rogue or smash smash warrior, aesthetically. DKs are a nice mix of the magic fantasy with the in-your-face killing machine bit. I thought I would have liked enhance shammy… but I dunno, they feel “flimsy” to me.

Hey, somebody has to guard the van.

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Guess cause me like to zug zug me rotation. Seriously, it just works and it’s carpal tunnel friendly

All the other specs require me to grow 5 more fingers and learn how to foot pedals


I’m a warrior on this toon because it was my very first toon, and I really didn’t know what I was doing, and got advice that Warrior wasn’t a bad class to start with, so I did.
I have stuck tenaciously to the Arms spec for head canon reasons related to my years of experience in a medieval reenactment group. (Not an armored combatant, myself, but really a huge fan of things like great sword tourneys. There’s something really fascinating and beautiful about the careful, perfect weapon placement needed to win those things.)

I (the person behind the toon) actually play all classes, to some extent, because altoholic, and why not. Aod, here, though, has steadily remained my Alliance main since mid-Wrath, and she’s the first toon I turn to when I feel the need to just go wade in and KILL some pixels. Philosophically, I’m closest to druidism (True Neutral and all that), and my Horde main is a Druid. The other classes…just depends on what I feel like on a given day. Love the mobility of hunters and DHs. Love the distancing of casting classes like priests and mages and locks (esp. the latter, in solo play). Less fond of rogues simply because I stink at being sneaky-sneaky.

so agree with you , retail holy is so much different compared to the TBC holy main i have . CoH is a signature spell that they took away from us

I like paladin, because I like buffing other people. It feels good to give MP5 buff to a healer or mage in classic, helm to tank. It feels nice to off-heal, throw an immunity. Nothing feels better than giving freedom to a rooted warrior and seeing them go at it.

I also like semi-ranged semi-melee combat, and paladin is ideal for that.

Mechanically, I also like elegant Diablo-esque simplicity of the class, with straightforward rotation, and cooldowns.

Clunky? As a whole?

It is true some players find Guardian boring. Clunky? No, I can’t recall anything clunky regarding Guardian. Moonkin is most certainly clunky thanks to the eclipse mechanic. Unfortunately, most people find that spec incredibly fun to play.

It’s silly comparing two different class. Out of all druid specs, Feral is the hardest spec to master. It suck at leveling–you don’t get good abilities 'til later. A lot, more than it should have, feral players suck at refreshing DoTs up. It’s pretty good at ST, but not aoe/cleave. Is that how you see feral as clunky?

Resto may not have burst, but it’s sure as hell have high mobility. I freakin’ love it.

Well, because Raizul likes to go smash smash.

Moonkin primarily. I want to play Moonkin when I level druid, but it doesn’t feel smooth or satisfying to play, and I think you’re right that the eclipse mechanic is to blame.

I’ve leveled as guardian before… it didn’t feel as clunky, but it felt slow and slightly weak.

I’ve leveled feral before, and I felt like it had too many abilities and that none of them were as effective as I wanted them to be. Feral always felt kind of weak to me, and playing it makes me want to play a Rogue instead (and I don’t actually want to play a rogue.)

Resto was my favorite spec in the game towards the end of Wrath, but Cataclysm ruined it for me, and when we temporarily lost tree form, I deleted my level capped druid. I’ve leveled some up since then, but I’ve avoided resto because healing has always seemed a little harder than it was at the end of Wrath.

Warrior are generally good in every expac. They always have one good spec. So I stuck with Warrior and the more and more alt unfriendly this game gets the more I just want to play one character. Although nowadays I don’t play so much.

The others don’t have double-jump and glide.

most classes i choose, are based one major factor: how ‘x’ race plus ‘y’ class = a different point of view (like zandalari pally, they worship loa, not the light).

so my pally here? obviously, it’s the loa lore. i love it… also i preffer paladin playstyle to priest (was gonna go shammy, but seeing zandalari in non-gold/light covered armor, looks weird to me).

my ‘main’ is a monk, cause i love the playstyle, and cause monks are fun… also loved pandaren/pandaria, so… that does’nt hurt (though they’re not a pandaren).