Why this is your class and not another?

Those of us who chosen a class for what it is and not because “it is the top”, or you have one of each, or any reason besides the class itself, then … why not the others ?
By the class you did choose to play, if you play one class mainly or only, there are many threads about why people chosen that one.
In here I ask why not the others.

Mine is hunter, and not the others because:

  • Light, “Paladinism”, “Warrior life”, I dread it all.
  • Dont dig this warlock thing about powers and demons.
  • Dont dig this mage stuff, the whole lore of it.
  • I like nature related but druids in WoW are too much of a tree hugging crap, and too Alliance-ish for my taste.
  • Shaman has too little versatility (not the stat, the gameplay options).

So ended up sampling all, playing others for a while, but sticking with hunter.


I mean.

gestures to our tiers of armor

nuff said


Does not say why NOT other class.

Their armor isn’t as cool

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Because murderhoboing without a stalwart animal companion is just sad.

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Light makes right
And im fabulous while doing it

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I am the corruption and bringer of death, I use blood magic to destroy all around me and bend demons to my will.
I seek power and others are just meat puppets that I feed upon.

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I loved priest. All the specs. But they’re so adamant about changing it to be something it wasn’t. I’m priest because I wanted to main heals again, as I always do.

Honestly I may not be a priest main for much longer. Everything has changed so much that I don’t really love any class anymore, so who knows what I’m even going to play. We need talents that let us play old iterations of the specs. I’d be a hunter main if I could be ranged surv again.


My main is a Warrior and will always be a Warrior. Big spikey shoulders and a big spikey axe.

If the goal is to list why I don’t give some classes as much attention as others, I think the list would be something like:

  • Doesn’t have a heal offspec (no heals / OOC rez is a bummer)
  • Hard to solo certain things
  • Not enough mobility
  • Armor class has weak transmog
  • Too many things to keep track of (high effort) for the reward (low to average DPS)
  • Bad at AoE
  • It used to be “doesn’t have a caster spec” but my stance on that has changed pretty wildly over the years
  • I also used to have an aversion to multiple dots, but I’m mostly over that also

These days I just lean hard into role variety (Monk, Druid, Paladin), and I just dabble in the other classes. The game needs way more classes that can be ranged/tank. Druid should not be the only one.


Next one down the line in the list of healers I wanted to master. Expansion sucks, won’t do anything with him. Looks like I’m stuck with this one on the next go-around.

I don’t have a main character, but this one is my favourite which is why I post on her both as me and as her.

I loved the idea of being a ‘wizard’ but was too intimidated by the class to play one initially. After trying out and playing four other race/class combos for a while, I finally created this mage and found playing her was so much fun she soon blew past my other characters in exploration, quests, ect. These day she dies so easily, I don’t play her so much but she is still my favourite because ‘wizard’!

There’s just something about the concept of magic that appeals to me.
Especially the Arcane school. Working with, understanding, mastering the fundamental forces of reality itself.
Bending the very threads of creation to my will, limited only by… by…

By Bliizard’s pointless desire for balance and the whining of PvP players. I should be all powerful, dammit. I should stride the feeble surface of Azeroth like a god! I should BE a god!


Ahem. Anyhow, I just like the magic thing, I guess.


I play a bunch of different classes. Right now I’m playing Death Knight because Pandaren Death Knights are new and posed an interesting avenue for RP.

Because they’re not as interesting to me as Paladins are. I like healing, I like tanking. I can do that on my druids too, but they don’t have the oomph that Pallys do, for me.

Why choose just one? I play them all!

Why a Death Knight? Because I’ve been playing one since its release.

Heck, Phearomones was a thing in WotLK beta. It wasn’t called Phearomones. It was Death and Decay.

Now… the class feels fragmented and now I play a Demonology Warlock.

I am a summoner, after all.

Well, I did not said everyone should.
I said THOSE WHO DID, why they did.

I main BM hunter because I love it, even if its design has seen better days. I also like the teamwork aspect of it between my character and his pets. I don’t main the others because I like BM hunter the most. Pretty straight forward. I do play most other classes though as alts, though they haven’t gotten much love recently.

I used to play a mage years ago, but swapped to druid because I enjoy the utility that it brings to groups. Even when druids aren’t as competitive in their respective roles, I always feel that I can contribute meaningfully by it’s utility alone.