Why this is your class and not another?

Did you mean the old sanctify? We still have CoH. It was made a talent last xpac I think, then came back baseline.

But this coming back as a pvp talent that basically does nothing akin to what it used to is annoying. I also miss lightwell. But honestly, disc and shadow as they are today really just bother the absolute hell out of me. They do well. Even outperform what holy may be considered to. But there seem to be no groups that ever want a holy priest either. Really sucks.

I play many alts, but my main is warlock because I like being an evil magic user.
Phae is neutral evil in her alignment, leaning a bit on the chaotic side but not quite.

I mainly like this paladin due to the revamped holy power system they made baseline for all three specs. To me it’s smooth, predictable and proved a lot of answers and solutions that other classes don’t offer.

I am not really a fan of have RNG dependent classes, like affliction warlock to where your agony dot randomly generates shards. With destruction just feeling so slow in shard generation. Then demonology just hits like a wet noodle for the most part. Then hunter is the same with beast mastery having RNG tied to barbed shot resets. With survival being awkward with it’s rotation and same with marksman hunter.

The only other classes I like are shaman in M+, raid is just a tragic mess IMO with how many spells you have to cast and weave with master. Then druid is fun for the most part, I mainly like guardian, yet balance is iffy to me with the eclipse system.

Yet with paladin it’s consistent, the one random proc we have for holy is pretty much never used. Given how powerful word of glory is and how many efficient it is to use that instead of flash of light or holy light, both of which are mana intensive. Same with ret to where their main proc chance is just a reset on blade of justice. That just exists to mainly generate holy power, yet isn’t like barbed shot to where your entire rotation revolves around stacking a single stat to increase the proc chance’s. Then protection just give random word of glory procs that aid in tanking with being able to spend holy power in shields of the righteous, and heal with the procs.

All in all paladin just hit everything right for me, there is no proc system to work around and with. That determines your entire rotation and how you’ll do pull to pull. The rotations and talent builds are simple and easy to use and follow. With overall just being very predictable, to me at least. In building holy power and dumping into spenders, without having to also juggle energy rouge’s, ferals and windwalkers. That makes them feel a bit annoying to play at times for given how methodical you have to be with spending energy.

That sounds odd.
I cant be a paragon of the light, so I become an assassin/thief/outlaw.
That is one hell of an escalation due to not being offered an option.

My ‘why not other classes’ is that they are not Warlock.

I’ve always liked dark casters.

  • GW2: Necro
  • SWTOR: Sith sorcerer

For better or worse I ‘spose that makes me an edge-lord. :sunglasses:

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With Hunter being my go to thing (for one character as of now);

  • I like the ability to solo most things without the help/dependency from others, although this makes my playtime lonely.

  • Being able to tame a large range of different kinds of beasts has always been a favorite of mine of the class. Wished we had more spirit beasts in more colors (instead of constantly being blue most of the time and more in general).

My only issue with Hunters is how awful looking most of the mog sets are. Would not mind more sets that look like the Eagletalon set from Legion.

I can relate.

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My main changes from xpac to xpac. BC was BM hunter because I had nothing else, Wrath was arcane mage, Cata was surv hunter, Mists was shadow priest and destro warlock, WoD was MM hunter, Legion was UH DK and frost mage and MW monk, BfA was holy priest and balance druid, SL is Resto shaman.

I can’t really explain why I chose these specs or these characters over others at the time, honestly. Something just clicked for me with them, and it made playing them more fun than everything else was.

i am raiding holy priest TBC and CoH is spammable , the most OP spell for group healing in TBC. nowadays it is just a shadow of its former self, we have it but it’s so weak

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Mine is mage, and not others because:

Arcane mages fits well with Gnomes. (Expansive Mind racial buff)
It takes a great intelligence to master the Arcane Arts. Gnomes are very intelligent.
Leyline Lore. Understanding where your power comes from is a very crucial priority.
Brains, not brawn.
Mages are the pinnacle originality of both World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons. Warriors are the same way, but… see previous reason.

I could go on. I love my gnome mage.

I only play dps, so i dislike other classes with the risk of someone asking you for tanking or healing.
Besides I like the magic theme, so the only options are warlock or mage, but warlocks are more tanky, have pets and their spells are prettier

And most important, warlocks are edgy af

When something we love rejects us, the pain we experience can push us to stand in direct opposition to that thing.

I know it is a bit outdated and a bit wrong or inaccurate, but

i like the idea of Transform into animals and the Nature Protectors, main Feral :3

Paladin: double moral, egotistical, slaves of the light, no shadow power, no scarlet light
Rogue: all 3 specs do the same
Mage: all 3 specs do the same
Hunter: Beastmaster is not melee
Priest: no holy caster dps
Walock: MoP destruction is gone
Monk: meh
Warrior: meh
DK: it is too slow and uncomfortable after having played so much time on DH
Druid: no BE or NB druid
Shaman: is/was me healer alt.

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I love martial artists. I main a monk in other games as well.

Because other classes don’t have

I mostly play Ret Paladin now. I played BM hunter for many years, but do not like the current design (every since Barbed Shot was introduced). More recently, leveling without dying is a goal, and that means the class has to have good self-heals for dungeons so I don’t have to rely on the healer. That is another reason why I don’t like hunters any more. I have toyed with Shadow Priest and Destruction Warlock. I just don’t like the Shadow Priest design and their healing seems a bit weak because of their limited mana pool. Destruction Warlock is more to my taste right now because of the great survivability but I get bored really quick with the rotation. I also don’t like standing still much while casting spells.

I don’t like that Ret Pally doesn’t really feel good until level 34 because of how the Devs did the level squish to make levels more “meaningful”. But once I hit 34, my Ret pally feels a lot better. I find that I like moving around fighting, and occasionally healing myself in a dungeon when I take damage in melee range, so Ret Pally is my favorite now.

Destro and Demo Warlock, I love the idea of hurling big decimating bolts of fel energy at my enemy and watching them melt before me. As well as demo, I like summoning my army of minions to wither my opponent away whilst they try and make a hasty retreat. Mained Warrior for 9 years before lock because Warriors were always the “in your face” type of class.


I’m a Pally main because:

  • I don’t play DPS Specs/Classes because I only main Healers.
  • I Don’t play Resto Sham or Resto Druid because I only play BElfs.
  • I Don’t play Priest or Monk because I only like one of their specs (although I’ve mained both at one point) and plate is sexier.
  • Prot is fun to solo with, Averengers Shields goes bing bang boing

ta-dah! BElf Pally.