Why The Rush Blizzard?

My son used to buy Game shark and complete his game then whine he didn’t have another Tomb Raider to play! Y

You only have 1400 players on your server?

Vanilla release to:
dire maul - 120 days
Honor - 152 days
Bwl - 247 days
Zg - 310 days
Dragons - 337 days
AQ - 422 days
Nax - 590 days

Classic release to
Dire maul - 49 days
Honor - 77 days
Dragons - 77 days

So far the timeline is cut in half from vanilla. The issue I have with this is farming time. Yeah, raids are easy/boring but there is limited number of drops per week to gear a full raid. Unless they let us get two lockouts per week then the half timeline will suck.


Exactly this.

When you have servers averaging in the neighborhood of 20,000 players (let that number actually sink in) and you observe LFG chat, you’re actually observing an infinitesimal % of actual players.

Want proof? Here, let’s do a quick thought experiment. Close your eyes and imagine LFG. Imagine it at it’s worse. It’s absolute spam fest worst. How many people do you think are in that chat participating? 50? 100? 200? 500?!

Let’s say 1,000. One thousand people all typing away in LFG. Now, that’s absolutely absurd, there’s no way it’s that many but let’s pretend.

Now, multiply that by 5. Imagine what LFG would look like with 5,000 players all participating in LFG.

Do you STILL think that the bulk of players are 60? You actually believe you have in the neighborhood of 7-10,000 level 60’s on your server? God forbid you’re on a high pop server because then you’re telling me that some 20,000+ players are level 60 on your server.

I could only imagine the horror that is LFG if that were true.


Yeah sure on Herod but there is serious problems on other servers like ours on netherwind. All the 60s are guild geared and grouped together so nobody runs anything anymore hardly so it’s impossible to find some runs because nobody wants them anymore. Honestly wish I could leave it’s getting annoying trying to finish my bis but I can’t find a group in 4 damn days even during Saturday and Sunday peak hours.

It’s almost as if the content is 15 years and Blizzard is not stupid enough to listen to the nuts on these forums.

How is Naxx being out going to affect your Deadmines run? Oh and please quote where Blizzard EVER said it would be a 1:1 ratio with actual Vanilla content release?

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I can take a scan at any time and the results are going to be similar. The majority of the playerbase is NOT in the 45-55 range like you claimed.

I’m at least providing some evidence, you’re just making far out claims with nothing to back it up.

aug 27th to nov 11 is exactly 12 weeks… 3 months

It 100% is and the only reason people are not playing the newest raid is because it’s time gated… the way it should be.

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Artificial time gating in 1.12 is changes which ironically was asked by the #nochanges people.

Again I ask you. If your lazy casual guild is in MC why is another guild clearing Naxx going to affect you?

Ive given the same data proving the opposition to your claims before in my post history.

Do a scan of 45-55 see what you get, I bet more then 1400 players

It’s hard to find 5 mans on Herod unless you are willing to run only specific bosses. Runs for HoJ or Rend runs for example. Or people want to run Strat and reserve all the orbs. I don’t know what the solution to that is.

If only months were 4 weeks amiright? Pretty sure if the game had been out for over 3 months it would be past Nov 27th. Would you say Nov 27th is the 4 month mark for the game? I would have to argue that until Nov 27th the game hasn’t been out for 3months, and definitely not over 3 months.


Aug 27th Release Date
Sept 27th - 1 Month
Oct 27th- 2 Months
Nov 27th -3 months


New Raids, Dungeons are diminishing the older tiers. Dire Maul diminishes Scholo, and Strat.

More will only make them obsolete.

We are entering that age where everyone is sitting in pre raids bis and 5 epics on their epic mount afk in ironforge/Orgrimmar playing on their Xbox while afk. Yet people still think content should be slowed down because they don’t understand the issues developing at 60 at 45

Look at my screenshot and the graph. It’s hard, I know, but do it and retract your claim.


This would be the first time you’ve asked me, however, I’ll bite.
I never said it would affect me… I simply pointed out the the reason people are not playing Bwl, AQ and ZG is because they can’t

Thuggin like 75% of the Classic servers are PvP servers. If its the middle of the summer and all the hardcore guilds are clearing Naxx that is going to have a massive impact on our community.

Wow, Ad Hominem does not strengthen your argument. I looked and in the center middle its says 1417 players scanned.

So 581 level 60 is 41% of 1417, I am submitting the proposition that there is no way your server only has 1417 players!

Diminish? So I can get the mage BIS wand from DM? no? you are just lying to make your point.

You are all liars. I have played on servers with everything open in Vanilla and everybody ran everything. You just want to force people to play boring af raids like MC for years.

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