Why The Rush Blizzard?

At the rate we are going now Naxx will be released before Classic has even been out a year. Did they announce the schedule for phases to be released at Blizzcon and I just missed it because this feels rushed to me.

If you get outside the bubble on the forums here and check out some YouTubes from Blizzcon you will find plenty of frustrated players who haven’t even hit 50 yet. We don’t want people quitting because they feel like they fallen behind the curve too far to recover, and if a new phase is released every two months I’m afraid that is exactly what will happen.

You already have Retail to cater to the hardcore players that grind mythics and spend 40+ hours a week in game. Leave that space for them and make Classic a space inclusive of the casual player. Give the player time to stop and breath in that fresh classic air so to speak.


It does seem like they’re just trying to get this Nostalgia train out of the way as fast as they can. I just dinged 60 this weekend! Took me just under 8d8hours or 200hours total to get to 60 (although afk a good chunk).

If I divide my /played over to the average of the 10 weeks that’s still 20 hours a week grinding out my levels! That’s also behind the curve since apparently the majority of players are at 60 already. 20hours a week makes me feel like I’m spending way too much time on one game.

20hours a week = casual?


I don’ think they are rushing it.

If you just hit 60 on your first or main character this past weekend you are definitely behind the curve. But I wouldn’t worry about it too much, just enjoy the game at your own pace. You can do that in Classic.


Classic is way less forgiving for casuals compared to retail. They are going to be behind, but that’s ok. You/you’re guild can progress on whatever content you want, regardless of what has been released. Personally, I just barely cleared BWL when TBC launched, and it didn’t matter that AQ and Naxx were released. This isn’t retail where everyone plays the newest raid.

I think all content should be released within about a year. A lot of people have nothing to do now, and new raids won’t last long. But casuals can continue to progress at their own pace for years, that’s how it worked in vanilla. Waiting for them just isn’t realistic IMO and would probably result in a lot of people quitting with too much time waiting for content.


But why do they have the curve set to be so steep? Again, I play 20hours a week and on that pace just hit 60 this weekend. Would you consider 30hours a week still casual play? 40hours a week?


you think it’s a rush,

but on my end people are already raid-logging cause there’s nothing to do. few more week and we’ll have to combine raid teams due to too many people leaving from boredom.


no, i’d say that if you play 20 hour a week and still need 2 month to reach lvl 60 you are lvl’ing extremely inefficiently and people shouldn’t be held back on minor content because of you.


How long did it take you to hit level 60? Even at 6days played (which is very fast as a solo levelering w/o rested experience and such). 6days is still 144 hours. Over 8 weeks would still be 18hours a week. And that is just leveling, so you’re missing out on everything that makes Classic, Classic.


What if the casuals that get too far behind quit and don’t come back. And all the hardcore players that blow through the content quit and don’t come back. There won’t be any content for them to come back too after Naxx. What kind of community do we have then?

I would like to still be playing Classic in 3-4 years with a healthy community. Releasing new phases every two months jeopardizes that in my opinion.


lvl’ing is classic. that’s really all there is to it.

little over 4 days as a priest. getting prof ot 300 took an afternoon after dinging 60.

and here you just found out why classic will ultimately die if there’s no classic+ or TBC server. congrats.


It took you 4 days played to get your priest? Considering the old WR was just over 4days. How many irl days did it take you? I bet at that pace you probably played with friends/guild and got to 60 in the first month? A pace that wouldn’t be considered casual at all I’m sorry.


yes, I took 3 day off on classic release.
yes, a lot of instance were involved.
yes, I got 60 in the first month, I didn’t say I was casual, I said if you barely made 60 after 2 month, your inefficient lvl’ing isn’t a reason to not release content. There’s already a lot of bored lvl 60s, raid-logging is already plaguing many guilds. If you are such a casual… you’ll always be behind, no matter how slow blizzard release phase. You’ll already face many hand of rag, bonereaver’s edge and perdition blade in PvP. get used to it,

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I don’t disagree with you that the game may have a limited life span without additional content. My thinking when I saw Classic and phases announced was that it would have a lifespan similar to Vanilla. That’s 3 years. That’s 6 months per phase not 2.

This feels rushed to me and I accomplished my goal of being 60 before phase 2. I’m not trying to drag anyone for how quickly they consume content.


Well I’m a mage so idc about melee tbh. Idc that its taking me longer to level either, I’m at a different point in my life that I can’t engage in committing to a video game for days/nights a week, sometimes I go 4 days w/o logging on!

The whole premise was to relive the good ol days, not rush through them. The original game was out for almost 3 years! We’re getting to the point of TBC in just over a year. Do you see how that could almost be misleading? I thought it would be a walk in the park, now it looks more like a brisk jog if I want to see all the good stops along the way.


where did you see 3 years? gonna need a quote here.

I was expecting BWL to be out by now and especially BGs… there’s nothing to do at 60 right now after your weekly hourly MC clear.

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Original game was released in 2004, TBC came out in 2007.


yep, and in the good old day you have epic-geared lvl 60 crushing lvl 51 in WSG as the bracket went from 51 to 60, not 50 to 59.

BG were dominated by BWL/AQ/Naxx geared group stomping pugs in blue.

We’re getting to the point of TBC in just over a year.

and this is bad because?

yes? so? when the Ion said classic would be streched over 3 years?

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determining whether they’re rushing depends on the date of phase 3. the pvp system adds months and years of grind replayability to the game, and based on there being 3x as many pvp servers, what a huge number of people are most looking forward to.