Why the premade hate?

You are right on this I meant to say more than 5.

No it doesn’t. But actively…and mistakenly pointing out things doesn’t help. I didn’t go looking through other threads to figure out if you were pro or not, if you are not cool…support or don’t post, but posting what you did is helping queue syncers because it is one of their talking points.

No, you can reply, but if you do on something like this consider you are helping queue sync folks, and maybe consider to not jump into a thread you don’t care about the topic just to dunk on people about the word random.

It might imply that but it’s not what they said. All randoms have a max queue on it. They didn’t say “it’s called a random so it should be random”. They said it’s supposed to be random. If you want to get all technical about the wording you get it back. So doesn’t that mean calling it a random, even if not specifically stated in the game also implies random players? You are saying they implied it just by using the word random in their sentence…doesn’t that mean Blizzard implied it as well? Either way…all randoms have that limit…so they are TECHNICALLY correct. hehe

Ok, might have just looked like it, but the random thing is one of their talking points and it’s crap. So if I was wrong on that I apologize, but he isn’t helping with his comments.

Okay one more post.

Kaledin it’s okay to be pasionate about something. Many people who post here are.

Blizz gets to decide. I hope whatever they decide is good.

Anyway, I will bow out now.

Y’all have fun now.

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Hey man maybe I miss labeled you. The only post you had in this thread at the time sounded a hell of a lot like talking points from the pro sync crew. Those guys drive me nuts so sorry if I was harsh…thought you were one.

Players do expect random teams in random bgs. They’re not expecting to face premade raids on voice chat.

Blizzard did try to keep random bgs random.


Sadly, the known PvP devs, who communicated with players and did take actions against premade raids, have left Blizzard.


I’m not trying to help. I told you at the start I don’t care, I don’t play epics.

You didn’t have to, I told you in this thread multiple times I do not support it nor do I think it’s good for the game. You replied to my post and quoted what I said

Not how this works. If you say wrong things about queue syncing I’m going to point it out. Saying it’s cheating/exploiting is false. That doesn’t mean it isn’t bad for the game. I’ve made this point since the start

With what? Exist? My comments in a forum post will have 0 impact on change in this game. There are 12947142971974 posts hating on queue syncing and 0 action taken. They aren’t suddenly going to listen to me

Random refers to the map. It has a literal definition if you hover over the game mode in-game. You can interpret it to mean other things all you want, but it would be wrong. Are there a lot of random things in these games? Yep. Abilities are used at random, skill of players involved are random, the chat in game is random. But that doesn’t mean that’s what it means

You know what else has those limits? Specific battlegrounds


You’d expect the exact same in a -specific- battleground. People expect random to mean whatever they want it to mean

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And people expect to face a similarly random team, not a premade raid on voice chat, especially when the system does not allow you to queue up with more than 5 players.

Pugs respect the spirit of fair play. Premade raiders don’t.


Sure, agree and don’t care. Has nothing to do with random though lol

Yeah not worth the time to talk to at this point. That is just pedantic trash that has no purpose in a conversation. You insinuate what others mean when they say random, then say they shouldn’t expect anything when that word shows up. Good bye, completely pointless to talk to. Stop helping people defend this crap.


Aww…little guy didn’t convince bob to agree with him so he’s taking his ball and leaving.

K bye best friend

better not be my ball

Well he might be missing two…let him have one

When basically no BGs don’t have at least one group in it - it’s a problem.

Aw man, he can’t convince me to do exactly what he says and when he tells me to do it and…I lose my ball? This sucks

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Yeah that’s what I did. Whatever makes you feel like a bit man soulfu.

Actually, I said that you managed to accomplish nothing. And I do feel like a bit man!

Tell me you use those “hidden addons ons” without telling me you use them

Yep that’s me, Bob the queue syncer with tens of thousands of random BG’s played and like what less than 50 epics across my toons? Also well known for running 5 man premades with the same 4 people for the last 5 years

How to say you have no idea what you’re talking about without saying you have no idea what you’re talking about

AgRee wItH mE oR yoU’re a QuEUe SyNceR