Why the premade hate?

It’s 90% of the forums right now

Maybe because it’s a problem.


Yeah, 5 people in voice against randoms that usually have at least a third of their players in greens or lfr gear with a 90% chance of stomping them isn’t really “a problem”.

Tbh this wouldn’t be as annoying if healers weren’t completely stupid outside of dampening, it’s very rare in randoms to find another dps who can bring a premade’s healer down with you and with Wow’s reduced playerbase you now run into these premades a lot.

Should just reduce group size to 3, it would probably just “mitigate” the problem.

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Yea, well it’s like 100% of the problem with bgs atm.

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Seriously? You don’t understand why people are not happy about a system made for 5man or below is getting 40 man groups and rofl stomping?

Sure we could do a huge time sink to play a random bg…but that isn’t what it is for. it’s supposed to be a relatively quick drop in fight that we don’t have to go through all of that to play. Premades are basically taking away a play style from people who enjoy random pick up games. You end up with 3 options

  1. lose a lot to premades
  2. make your own premade via ton of time
  3. don’t play

We should have the option to have a random pick up game. You are taking that away.

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This sentence barely makes sense but I will try to interpret. The word random does refer to a random map, but the quick match section has limits on player grouping of 5 players. So getting around that is an exploit at best, and cheating at worst. If you want to play with more go play rated 10v10.

That is just not true, it is used for both as are many. That said having any add on that can do either is ridiculous

It would help but wouldn’t totally fix the issue. We need several fixes.

  1. Start banning people for using add ons that get around queue limits or help to
  2. enable cross faction pvp
  3. make a rated epic bg so people can do premade vs premade
  4. Before all of that Blizzard needs to respond to the community outcry on the issue. The silence is the absolute worst part of this and has turned the bg forums into a mess. At the very lest come here and say outright if sync queuing is an exploit, but without an active conversation nothing will ever get fixed.
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Just because you don’t like or agree with what I say shouldn’t make a sentence harder to read. The sentence made perfect sense, you immediately agreed with it

Yes I agree, but people aren’t joining with groups larger than 5, they’re joining with multiple groups consisting of up to 5. Limiting group size to 5 isn’t random, it’s predictable, so why would that be in the definition of random?

Random does not say “Compete against the enemy faction in a random battleground against group sizes of no more than 5 and no sync queued groups at all”. There is a list of features/limitations that aren’t listed in the description, you’re only choosing to misinterpret what random means because you’re angry about sync queuers

Put another way, if the addon was to be removed tomorrow people will still be able to sync queue without issue. Dodging other groups, however, becomes harder and more time consuming

Blizzard has already stated their stance on sync queuing and queuing at the same time as other groups is not cheating or exploiting. I don’t sync queue and I don’t promote it, I could honestly care less because I don’t play epics. It’s bad for the game, clearly, but no they should not be banning people for doing it when they’ve already stated their stance on it. What they should do is make BGs cross faction, it will solve the issue without having to resort to destroying the epic community

This post is 6 and half years old. Crazy. Same stuff. And this is quite the necro. I guess to prove a point.

I wonder if the original vanilla forums were still available, if we could find posts about premades from then. I bet we could. We certainly can recent posts of this nature in the various forums of Classic.

I gotta say, while I find q syncers distasteful for a variety of reasons, I’m just not super convinced this is high on Blizz’ to do list.

Maybe it’s not on the list at all.

Time to solo Q up for a few games tonight. lol

No it didn’t because you were responding to this.

“Random BGs are sposed to be RANDOM not 35 people cheating with an add on”

They were not saying random bgs were cheaters or add ons so it made no sense. I also did not agree with it because the word random doesn’t matter if the thing we are referring to is not just about having random maps. It’s online argument bs that completely missreprents the conversion.

Again misrepresenting the issue. They are in fact joining as a larger than 5 man group. They are doing it via queue syncing. Stop trying to use semantic tricks to ignore the obvious issue.

The system says that by only allowing you to sign up in that group size. Arguing it isn’t meant to be that way is again semantic lawyerly bs. The obvious and most reasonable reason they set it up so you an only queue as a 5 man group is that was the idea. Your argument that because you can work around it that was the intention is preposterous.

Or a more logical and honest way it would be harder for them to sync and to dodge groups, thus making both more time consuming. ie a good thing for the game.

Blizzard hasn’t said a word on this for years. Even if their stance is that this is ok, it’s the wrong stance. The thousands of posts and hundreds of threads shows that. I also think you are flat out lying that they indeed did say this. At best they said we can’t police it so we are not going to do anything about it. It’s a cop out, not a statement that it is working as intended and they think it is a good thing. They are claiming it is an exploit they can’t stop. We are claiming they can but are too focused on the bottom line to fix an issue with their game.

I think they have stated it, then just stopped talking and doing a thing. Either way the biggest issue is they need to engage, very clearly state their stance, then ban people or lose a giant group of people playing the game. If it is their stance that sync queuing is ok, they should allow 40 mans to queue cause this in between is outright idiotic.

What? They said random BGs are sposed to be RANDOM not (and I’ll bold this part for you) 35 people cheating with an addon

It was literally in what you quote

Right so you misinterpreted what random meant so that you could imply that random means more than just map selection

You need to work on your reading comprehension if you think I’ve ignored the obvious issue. I’ve brought up the issue, I’ve aknowledged it, I’ve offered what is likely the best solution to it. You haven’t read what I said (or can’t?)

Saying incorrect things isn’t going to get you taken seriously

My argument is that there’s a blue post literally saying “multiple groups queuing up at the same time isn’t cheating/exploiting”

Again, I could care less and that wasn’t what I was arguing.

Yes, it’s been years. And they said exactly what I said they did and they haven’t said anything - meaning they haven’t changed their stance. It’s not like if they originally said no cheating is allowed, 20 years later they haven’t said anything so cheating is now allowed

I don’t honestly care, it’s been quoted in the forums a bunch

No, they never said this

No they aren’t lol they couldn’t easily stop it

You definitely think I’m pro queue-sync, I’m not

Again you make no sense. I never said that at all. It’s a random map in a quick match grouping with a 5 man cap on groups. It’s supposed to be at the very least 8 random groups paired together. So again the word random doesn’t matter in this context, the groups are still supposed to be random and you know it. All the rest is a distraction and debate tactic.

Oh no you implied I can’t read. That hurts.

What was incorrect? You can’t queue in a group larger than 5 for any quick match battleground. Including randoms.

And posts saying it isn’t what they want and blah blah blah. This has been hashed out for years. They don’t want it but are not willing to put the man power into stopping it. They did specifically say that in game things to get around the queue were no no’s.

They have said that things outside of the game can’t be monitored so they don’t ban for it. They also said that 40 man premades are not what they intended. Put the two together and you get apathy, not design.

They did but you only acknowledge the parts you like not the whole story. It is actually in the post that talks about queue syncing from long ago.

I think you are defending it so even if you are not pro queue-sync you are fighting on their side. If you don’t think it is good for the game then why are you defending it? Why not just stay quiet or push for blizzard to make a change?

Edit: just to put a finer point on all this, you did not say you are against queue syncing because it harms the game…you just said you find the topic boring then posted on a forum about it. At best you could claim you wish it went away so the forums would be more interesting.

They aren’t queuing with more than 5, that is incorrect. They are queueing multiple groups of -up to 5- . Whether you think it’s semantics or not, it’s the difference of what is and isn’t allowed/possible

I’m not “on their side” I’m just calling our wrong info

I’m not going to agree with wrong info just because I agree with their overall idea

Like I said, you are defending their side so it sure seems like you are on that side. Just don’t join the conversation. What’s the point of randomly doing that if not to defend it. You are just trolling?

Then don’t say anything. You don’t have to agree with the info. You don’t have to post. Especially on something you think is boring. That doesn’t make sense.

Also just to belabor the point…you responded to something that said
“Random BGs are sposed to be RANDOM not 35 people cheating with an add on”

You then said
“Random refers to the map selection, not cheaters or addons lol”

The thing is…they were right. They never said “they are called randoms so that means they shouldn’t be this”. They just said random’s are that way. All randoms have a 5 person per group queue limit. So saying randoms are not supposed to have more than 5 people in an organized group is correct. All randomes in the pvp system in WoW are setup that way. So they were right.

You can queue with 5. You can queue with up to five in the same party. What are you even saying, your sentence makes no sense

Just because I’m not overwhelmingly agreeing with you doesn’t mean I’m defending the other side lol

Just because I don’t agree with you you don’t want me to reply? that’s too bad big guy.

You could just not reply to me, but yet you are

Yes, the fact that you can’t figure this out is painful. They said it’s sposed to be RANDOM not 35 people cheating implies that random refers to there being to cheating or addons

buddy can post whatever he wants. you dont get to say what he can or cannot opinionate on. just cuz he doesnt agree with you. im the one you should take exception too…because im the one who thinks que synchers are filthy cheaters

Ohhbobsaget is not pro q syncers.

I’m not either.

None of us who point out various things are.

There is not some mono culture group think going on here. Different people see things differently.

Some see things very differently, ohh yes they do lol.

That said, this is a 6.5 year old necro. Idk if it lasts very long.

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^^ and this is coming from someone who’s gotten into arguments with me in other posts

in before kaledin

I bow out and leave the last word to others.

i never once said you didnt know what you were talking about…if you roll with tide and co. i know you can heal boi. i just give ya hard time is all