Why the premade hate?

Would be interesting to know why some of those devs left. I have a feeling it was simply the Activision en@#$%ification of the whole system.

Premades have no swag anyway…

The truth is out and it hit a nerve. :rofl: :rofl: :wink:

And ignored. Buh bye


Go be new somewhere else m8.

Yeah not really a conversation worth having from what I have seen. Lot’s of we are against this but make excuses for it via pedantic arguments folks on recently. Everyone on the internet has turned into a lawyer I swear.

Whoops sorry all complete mispost

…If you don’t play EBG’s why do you care? The 90’s ended 25 years ago, it’s not cool to be aloof and above everything anymore.

I said multiple times throughout this thread that I don’t care about epic BGs because I don’t play them. My enjoyment of epic BGs or me playing epic BGs wasn’t what I originally replied to, though, it was all the people not understanding what random in random BGs meant and not understanding how the addon works

They either dominate a pug group, or leave when the odds are on the other sides favor. Basically leaving the pugs on their side to get destroyed, eventually back filling into a lost game. The odds of winning against a premade are essentially 0% no matter how fast they can adapt. Which is only enjoyable to the premade, ruining the experience entirely.

Joining a premade community is accepting defeat. As well as beyond an easy win, unenjoyable, because what’s the challenge.

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Eh, last 4 bgs (10 man) just horde premades stacking healers that can’t be punished rofl.

Vacation is almost over for me and I’ll probably not care as much, pretty sure you’re losing $$$ over this blizavision, doubt new or “casual” players will stick around for this.


I think they are now MicroBlizz actually…or it is MicroActivBlizz…MicroBlizzActiv? I think we have a winner!

anyone who que synchs is a garbage player and cheater!

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