Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

I doubt it but you never know. Make a post and ask! All changes are now on the table thanks to ppl like the OP

The last two people here are asking you the same question. WHICH YOU CANNOT ANSWER.

Please focus up

Yes you have been failing to explain a real issue for hours.

Oh so you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about then… Got it.

No, the other guy is on about something we were talking about before you even showed up here about tourists where I wrote out this really extensive detailed explanation and then he proceeded to pretend like I didn’t write it and then insisted that I write it again in a shorter form so he could read it. I reasonably refused whereas with you, we are talking about a specific comment you wrote which I have yet to reply to.

Wdym??? All I said about the comment is that I haven’t replied to it yet but that I will. Nothing contradicts that…

I’ve been typing none stop for 3 hours nearly. I’m done for today. I’m turning the PC off. gn

Oh so you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about then… Got it.

I’ve been typing none stop for 3 hours nearly. I’m done for today. I’m turning the PC off. gn


Rekt him into logging.

damn son

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I just want to say before I get into this that I can’t believe THIS is what you were hyping up. I’ve read it all before writing this comment and your ‘counters’ are utterly laughable. I’ve seen them all 100 times before which is ironic considering you were critiquing me for not having original ideas and on top of this, all of these ideas are completely surface level and not even worthy of an in-depth reply but I will do so anyway since I promised that I would:

It is unrealistic to say that blizzard will ever get a perfect grip over cheating where all cheaters will be banned from the game at every moment. So, we have to take this reality into account when talking about the impacts of game design on botting. Since botters will inevitably exist, boosts WILL inevitably aid said botters for the reasons I listed in the OP as well as the reasons that I may have missed that other people may have mentioned in their anti-boost threads.

already not a good start for a set-in-stone ‘counter’

so basically your saying people should have enough money otherwise they shouldn’t play wow. Talk about elitism and gatekeeping. But of course, why should it be a surprise that the person who defaults to name-calling is a hypocrite. Go figure!

This argument is evidence that you did not read the paragraph. You just read the sub title. The sub title is not a TLDR. If you’re too lazy to read my arguments, don’t attempt to ‘counter’ them.

But it does for me and many other players and because our time investment matters just as much as yours, blizzard should take our feelings into account. Whether the boost does or does not come into the game, your time investment is not effected because you don’t care, whereas it does for players like me because we do care. And it is not irrational to care about something you’ve invested your time in because, as the goblins say ‘time is money friend’.

Again, the sub title is NOT a TLDR. Read and stop being lazy. Lazy readers make for lazy critics.

Also, just calling my argument ‘fearmongering’ is knee-jerk handwaving that I suspect your doing because you don’t actually have a legitimate argument to the content of my argument.

No because these things you mentioned are entirely external whereas the level boost is entirely internal. One is code in the game and the other are physical objects that you use to play the game but are not THE game. Whenever you go to play an old mario game, just because you’re playing it on a new screen that your old console is hooked up to doesn’t make it a new game, the levels and graphics are all exactly as you remembered them and that’s assumingly what you’d want because otherwise you wouldn’t be playing that old game. That’s all that classic is, an old game that people want to play AS IT WAS.

No they aren’t and that’s self-evident because otherwise they wouldn’t have separate terms to refer to them. One is a player interaction, the other is a microtransaction provided by the company who makes the game.

You want to know what they key difference is here? Buying gold is against the ToS, buying a blizzard-provided level boost is NOT. Therefore, you legitimise the behaviour. You might think that most players are comfortable with buying gold off third party websites but they aren’t. Many will fear the possibility that they will be banned. Now, in retail, with the wow token, there is no such fear. There is no rational reason to NOT buy the token if you need gold and you can afford it.

Because, in an MMORPG, the way other players play the game impacts my experience. And I explain how, once again, in the paragraph.

That’s not a middle ground. But I figured from your wholly unreasonable and self-absorbed demeanour that you don’t particular care for compromise. It’s your way or the highway which is ironic since you’ve accused me of being such way despite the fact that this final paragraph in my OP points to the contrary.

I like madseason’s videos but I wouldn’t consider myself a fan. Do keep in mind that 99% of madseason’s videos aren’t about controversial topics like the boost, most are about stories, mini facts, lore, exploration and so on. Also, this part of the OP was edited in when the video came out, the post existed long before that part was put in.


All of the ideas above the madseason video in the OP are entirely my thoughts and mine alone.

They don’t even do this in retail do they?

only at the end of expansions. But levelling doesn’t matter in retail so the boost doesn’t either (which kind of makes it overpriced) but levelling in classic DOES matter therefore the boost IS a problem in classic (which means if the boost is the same price as in retail then it’s a better value for money which makes it more p2w).

Then good news, you’ll still be leveling 58-70.

You’d be a good candidate for fresh. :smiley_cat:

I don’t understand what you mean.

No, they weren’t.

I agree, but doesn’t matter. The issue is botting not boosting. It’s that simple

I’ll guess I’ll spell it out for you because you don’t seem to understand. If you are playing WoW already you are already paying a monthly Sub, have High Speed Internet, and a modern computer. If you have the funds to buy all that, paying the little extra for a one time boost shouldn’t be a problem for you. Sure there might be a few people that is affects, but the vast majority or the community is not going to have a problem.

I did read you post you are talking about need to buy a boost for professions to remain competitive, you do not need that. But sure just dance around this one.

If someone boosting takes away from something you did, then that is your personally problem. It doesn’t affect me.

I’m reading I just copy the title instead of the whole thing to make it a easier read for people. How do you not understand this?

Until those things you are fearmongering about happen that is all it is fearmongering. Its funny you saying I don’t have a legitimate argument when yours is bases off of “what ifs”

The fact that you spend this must time replying to a rhetorical question shows me your lack of understanding on any point I’m trying to make. OBVIOUSLY modern systems shouldn’t be banned…

Not going to reply to this because again your lack of understanding what I’m trying to say is unreal.

Good lord you really don’t understand anything I’m saying do you? I’m bringing this up because if you are this against boosting you should be against this also, but I don’t see a single comment or post from you asking Blizzard to do anything about this.

You honestly think I didn’t read what you type again? Should I have copied and pasted your whole statement over? You are just retyping everything you typed before. How are you this clueless? Are you trolling or just this dumb?

No they are not. I have seen all these arguments time and time again from the day boost was announced.

Probably best to argue that in the actual thread, with the actual poster. I’ve got nothing for ya.

Wow, you’re a busy little Orc.

So I CAN upgrade my toaster oven! COOL!!1! :wink: