Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game overall

Except it isn’t a strawman argument because it uses a prior scenario from the exact same situation.

Good try though.

That’s not our fault that blizzard allowed thousands of bots to destroy classic. If someone pays wow gold for boosts, it’s one thing but using real money should never happen.

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Your argument is based in speculation, at best. I believe we’ve been down this path.

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Read the first line of the post. All of the people saying they ‘didn’t read the post’ yet they go and just rehash old jargon that I’ve already covered.

What’s the saying “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s speculation.”

Which simply does not exist, no matter how hard the anti-boosters cry about it.

Which automatically means your wild claim is false.

The world has been largely dead for a lot longer than just P6.



So campaign against the bots, it matters more.

Also people who made gold in-game can’t spend it how they want?

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And he calls other people trolls.

As if buying game cards and accounts wasn’t generating a bunch of money for Blizzard anyway.

Again, your argument is solely based on the impact of botters and cheaters and speculating what their actions are going to be.

Most likely they’ll be a fair few boosted botters but it’s still expensive, hopefully get you flagged, and you’ll mostly be relegated to instances/old world content and profession cooldowns. Motes are king and out tagging bots is easy. And on a pvp realm the bots are just going to be slaughtered because Outland is so tiny.
There’s a lot working against for profit boosts. Overall they’ll just boost front facing characters or mage boosters for their bots. Less headache that way.

It’s a similar situation for cheaters. It’s still expensive and requires $60 vs say a few thousand gold to mage boost. Mage boost will do you to max level anyway so why not just do that? No need to fake or steal a credit card or funnel gold from retail for blizz bucks.

No matter what you do to benefit players cheaters and botters will also benefit in some way. Some ways more than others.

Having 1 58 boost with leveling gear and bo gold is not going to help botters and cheater as much as people think. But it will help real players a lot by giving them another revenue stream with dailies/professions. And just another character to play in the world and fill it up.

The economy of TBC is not the economy of Classic. Everything is different and while a 48 boost in classic would be significant a 58 boost in TBC just doesn’t have the same impact.

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It is your fault cause you don’t want the solutions to it.

HOW IS THAT SPECULATION? You can LITERALLY log-in RIGHT NOW and see their actions. Do you guys have to see literally every atom/pixel of an action before you believe it? Do you think every day is your last on this planet because tomorrow as spEcUlaTioN?

Great so they won’t need a cash shop or boost. Glad we agree.

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You’re speculating that bots will use the boost instead of just botting to level.

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I’m not gonna read your trash post about crying

It’s basic economics that they will. It’s not speculation.

It’s absolutely speculation to assume what they will do before they do it.


You do realize they aren’t gonna spend money specially if it’s $60 on a high chance of that account being band right?, they would be losing money…

Yea don’t preach knowing about economics when you don’t know anything about it.

Jesus. A weekend course in entry-level economics will show you that businesses will spend money to make money faster. In this case, since Blizzard is horrible at banning bots, they will front $60 to farm resources faster and therefore make money faster.

This is why core classes are required in school btw.

This guy literally just said high chance of the account being banned. I have a bot character on my in-game friends list since October 6th.

You’re cute. Send me an invitation to your middle school graduation please.

almost like cause and effect is common sense and not random bad things stemming from each other…

edit: oh vlad already destroyed you, my bad

Actually basic economics dictates that a botter will make both a faster Return on Investment, and greater overall earnings by just leveling. As they get the benefit of being able to run 3-4 accounts for the price the boost is likely to be, meaning after a few days of aoe boosting/leveling their characters with their main farmer. They have 3-4 60’s for the price the non-bot players pay for a boost.

So any botter you see out there isn’t going to be boosting. They are going to be multi-box leveling. Economically a boost is a bad investment for them.


Again, you are speculating that they want to spend however much money the boost is instead of botting, which will generate money as it levels and be less of a flag than if they use a stolen credit card. If they use their own funds for it, there’s still a very real possibility they get hit with a ban wave.

I can speculate Blizzard intends to police the boosts to make sure they’re not used on bots and be just as justified as you speculating bots will use the boosts en masse.

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