Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game overall

Thanks for another thread about boosting, we just have dozens of them opened by the same people. What about stop flooding the forum with your desperate attempt to sabotage something that does not affect your gameplay at all?

Pay him to quit the game. You seem to be fine pay2win so why not pay2win this argument as well?


“Entitled” because he doesn’t want pay2win the game.

That’s the stretch of lifetime right there


Which is 100% what will come of this.

People will boost, and then complain they can’t boost again on the same account, Blizz will remove the restriction and boom, nobody will be leveling.


I know how to read, I’m just not reading a novel of whiny complaining of arguments I’ve heard a dozen times and are still just as invalid as they were then… when they’re 70% speculation and 30% ‘woe is me’

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Could say the same thing about you, at least I addressed multiple points instead of only throwing insults around like you lot


wouldn’t fresh 58 servers go against all the “1-58 is the journey that players must do” crowd?

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Don’t say that, actual logic scares them!

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The forums have been spammed by anti-boosters for long enough that repeating the same points ad nauseum is just irritating at this point.

Your opinion isn’t anything new, and won’t change a thing.

Well if that is what happens, that still won’t mean everyone will be boosting - I won’t even use my initial one. Plus, Draenei and BE can’t use it.

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I have decided just to help make the anti-boosters more upset to activate my 2 other accounts. Then I will boost a mage on each of my non mains, I have a mage on my main already. Then I will use those accounts to boost characters I want to play like a hunter, Belf pally and a lock. That way my paid boosted toons can boost my non boosted toons.

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A lot of your points are just rehashes for m the Madseasonshow’s video in the subject. And that guy is notorious for being an overly serious gatekeeping joke. I like most of his content but his ideology and the ideology of many like him is just as, if not more, toxic than the min/max elitists. Same high horse, different rider.

But this is the one that really let us all know you are a bad player and have no idea what you’re talking about.
If you honestly think just anyone can get cutting edge, or even aotc for that matter, by just buying BOEs then you need to just stop talking. BOEs are a catch up and early progression tool. That’s it. Ilvl isn’t even the main metric of skill, it’s parses and IO. And you can easily pvp to get gear equivalent to most heroic BOEs. Anyone who actually plays retail would know that.

Overall boosts will be help a lot of casual players and I fortunately help some botters/cheaters. But the game is already riddled with bots and cheaters and Blizzard has done nothing.

The question is not around boosting itself. The question is how can we make Blizzard take bots and cheaters seriously?

A lot of people who hold themselves up on a pedestal regurgitate talking points from people they put on a higher pedestal, and not just in WoW.

Never seen that video so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Good luck getting a good parse without good gear. If people will pay real money to skip levelling up then why wouldn’t they pay to skip gearing up too ? I agree, Blizzard need to do something about the bots and cheaters instead of making it easier for them to get back into the gold making part of the game.

And if they’re willing to buy gear, then why wouldn’t they be willing to kick puppies? And if they’re willing to kick puppies, then why wouldn’t they launch nuclear weapons and kill everyone on earth?

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“Captain, the Pro-Boost argument isn’t an effective attack!”
“What are our other options?”
“Uhhhhh…” flipping through fallacies “We can equate their argument to physical violence and total human extinction!”
“Perfect. They’ll never see it coming.”


That’s the problem with believing that if someone is willing to do something bad, they are automatically predisposed to engaging in some other bad thing.

You’ve been asked to explain how a boost actually negatively impacts the game, or how you can even identify a boosted character.

Can you do so?


Swiping a credit card to skip mmo content is bad. For the MMO. Equating it to leading to mass genocide is ridiculous. No wonder discussions can’t happen with people like you on here.


It is like asking a wall - the inanimate - to give you a simple answer.
how dare you


Well what do you expect from WoW Boomers, meanwhile they fubard the classic feeling by making WBs mandatory to the point they invited gold sellers making money off of summons to DM/Song Flower and ZG isle.

These are also the same people who were against layering as well.

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