Why the lack of Customization?


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Really sad that tentacles can’t be added to hairstyles without them…

Hope that’s in the works.

Thank you otherwise.


As someone that has been playing WoW for over 16 years, trust me i know. And with the amount of programming and tools at their disposal it shouldn’t take much work, or you wouldn’t think. So with the possibility of having to wait until next expansion or even towards the end of it, isn’t very appealing to hear. Especially when seeing other races getting a lot more, or even better options. Kind of like when they gave races that weren’t part of the vanilla days their heritage armors while Human, Undead, Trolls and Nightelves still wait for theirs. And before someone says, “Thats what the warfront gear was for” Thats not heritage armor. If every race can use it. :slight_smile:

Truthfully as common folk of GD we can’t say for sure.

wow. gotta love the ‘both sides’ bit

if youre a void elf, anything is possible except actual void themed customization

also just logged into my hunter for some mount farming

been staring at this blood elf farstrider with green tats poking her head out from some leaves in her element for years. still cant believe some generic jewellery made it into the game before these


Blizzard I’m actually in love with these LFD lady customizations. Thank you.

Pls giff onyx skintone


This opens that door, as well as different types of tentacles.

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I wish I could post a proper gif for this.


So I wanted to find a cat slap fight and found one that even had a red collar and the other blue.


Thank you! :joy_cat:

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I’m disappointed in a majority of the customization options for the Nightborne after looking through the PTR. This isn’t the work of a team that was paying attention to the feedback players have been sharing from years back, never mind the suggestions made just recently in this thread.

The Nightborne already had enough old, haggard faces without the developers doubling down on that look and making even more of them.

The male Nightborne’s scowling, open mouthed appearance needs to be replaced with normal, neutral expression lips.

I posted this list of changes for the Nightborne in this very thread before the PTR was even updated to 9.1.5 and lo and behold, it’s now more relevant than ever:

Male Nightborne

The problem with the male Nightborne player model is that they’ve been given scowling, old, wrinkled, haggard faces as their default and sole form of expression. Even the most youthful face is still weathered.

  • Male Nightborne need youthful face options, with varying features such as a slim, straight nose, defined cheekbones, as well as the purple eye shading that the Nightborne NPCs have. No under eye bags, smile lines, forehead wrinkles, or scowling faces
  • Fuller hairstyles with appropriately youthful hairline that encapsulate the Nightborne’s identity of being regal.

Female Nightborne

As with the male Nightborne, too many of the customization options express an “old” appearance; advanced hairlines, gaunt cheeks, and smile lines.

  • Female Nightborne need a fully “youthful” face option that is completely without wrinkles, smile lines, or undereye bags.
  • Female Nightborne need fuller hairstyles with appropriately youthful and full hairline that encapsulate the Nightborne’s identity of being regal.
    *Using embellishments (crown/tiara) to cover up an advanced hairline is not appealing.


  • The quality of existing hairstyles needs to be improved. The current Nightborne hairstyles all look flat, low quality, and without any texture.
  • Varying hairstyles featuring wavy and braided hair features.
  • Arcane hair and skin effects featured on the NPCs would be a great addition that would also bolster their appearance.

The new Lightforge skin colours look great on wowhead’s PTR dressing room. I like the gold tint direction y’all are going with. Yet is there a chance to have darker skin tones? Some that are onyx or grey or silver?

They’re only receiving four new colours vs the seven Nightbourne are getting and the additional fourteen that void elves received at the start of the expansion.

Otherwise I like all the new hair styles and horn styles for Lightforged Draenei but wish they had more diverse skin colour options.


Stop bringing this stuff to the forums, if you have an issue with someone on discord go solve the issue there. You keep bringing stuff that no one knows or care about to push this narrative that “helfers” whatever this means are toxic.

You keep saying stuff like this… like?? You are opposed to void elf high elf stuff now because some “helfers” were mean to you? Go solve your issues with discord people on discord. This is what i call toxic behavior, jeez.


Stop bringing this stuff to the forums they say to the person reacting to the people who keep bringing it to the forums.


if you dont want it brought up then treat people how you want to be treated


I’m still waiting for that proof from one of them that anti’s are such bad people, I have asked I don’t even know how many times including just last night. :yum: :yum: :yum:


It’s just so repetitive seeing someone pop up to say how obviously bad we are without ever listing details like it’s just a given.


I’m at the point where so many of them have said I should dislike you, Lann, Midare, Star, etc. just because they don’t like you that they figure if they say someone is bad, toxic, etc. without proof that people should just believe it. Lol.


Poor Star.

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Yeah, you all get a lot of hate you don’t really deserve, it’s why I’ve started telling them when they talk badly about you to prove it when they say one of you is a bad person and as I said a few posts ago they still haven’t. Haha.

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