At this point you’re merely trying to muddy the fact that there’s nothing that suggests they’re Farstriders with my opinion that it wouldn’t make sense. (which are entirely separate thoughts) And that because I don’t think it makes sense I have to then provide proof that they don’t exist at all.
Me believing it wouldn’t make sense doesn’t mean you can shift the burden of proof onto me, because it’s not about whether or not I think it makes sense, it’s what we know for a fact, and what we don’t. As of now, the idea that the Umbral Rangers are, or were Former Farstriders is entirely speculation, and requires proof if you’re going to use it as evidence in an argument.
It should be distinct regardless, just for game play purposes atl this point. Velves get ranger ish tatts or whatever in some styles, and belves in some other styles.
I honestly doubt you’ve been through the same level of harassment. I know I’ve never personally seen anything even coming close to the vitriol helfers got on these forums from people. The only thing I can see coming close was the influx of anti’s requesting blue eye’s after the fact mostly as spite rather than genuine interest.
I say this because most people in general are not against additional customisations at all. There was just a group of people that absolutely abhorred the idea of helves getting what they wanted for selfish reasons, and while blizz may not be prioritizing belfs atm, there’s nothing to say blizz wont pick it up eventually for sure, and nobody standing in your way that actively opposes it with blind spite.
Can you pass it along that we need the Dwarf Battlemaiden Hairstyle for Female Nightelf, or some varient of long hair with braids or braided hairstyle.
Admittedly I haven’t been around recently, but even back then there was toxicity on both sides, sure. I won’t deny that, but from what I saw, you couldn’t even come close to comparing the two, and again, from what I saw, the vast majority of helf based toxicity was in response to pestering from the other side
I’m not going to apologize for basking in this victory anytime I see rage, but I won’t oppose customisation requests from anyone. 3 years of dealing with this, I’m not even subbed anymore. Is it petty? Oh hell yeah, but I loooong since passed the point of feeling sympathy or care. Again, I’m not going to harass anyone, but god am I going to grin.
I don’t know, when I first arrived I had no concept of any “anti” or “pro” side and made a thread asking for Blue eyes, and got harassed endlessly from the pro side.
The irony is I play both Alliance and Horde, but I’ve always found the pro side to be extremely toxic, even to their own members. Keyboardturner is a big supporter of the helf cause, and even she had to shut down her twitter when someone disagreed with how High elves should be added into the game and harassed her relentlessly.
Then there was the whole debacle when blue eyes were speculated for Blood elves, and the Alliance went full angst mode and started to harass wowhead employees for simply posting the datamine.
(Although I do think it’s important to point out that not all Pros are toxic, and I did meet quite a few friendly, and diplomatic members, but unfortunately the majority of my experiences were pretty negative.)
I play both as well. I’m fine personally with both getting blue eyes, but if blue eyes came from a genuine place, the timing was god awful considering how hard it was being pushed by the helf community. I have no doubt you’ve seen plenty of toxicity, and even if you came from an honest place, I can easily see why the optics made everything happen as poorly as it did.
I’m not happy you had a terrible experience if you came from an honest place, but many many people didn’t, and it was obvious, and it was frustrating, it is for those people I feel nothing for.
But I am genuinely happy you got what you requested
I was in the helf discord and it was eye opening. I eventually joined the anti discord too.
I’ve never seen the antis act in the horrible ways high elf fans did in the discord, and on the forums.
Yes there are good people on both sides, and there have been bad actors on both sides, but I’ve seen things get resolved in the anti discord the very few times anything has popped up.
Much worse things were frequently overlooked in the high elf discord, and I expect still are. There have been high elf fans dropping a friend’s real life name in the forums lately, and I expect they are still in the helf discord laughing it up.
Back to interrupt the elf moaning and arguing with more suggestions that might be of actual use.
This one is less involved than some of the others, but I think a big benefit to a lot of races would be having some sharing of hairstyles between the races that it makes sense for. This was done to a degree in the past with the first implementation of new styles back in Wrath, and I think would be an easy way to add new options.
Gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans all live in the same regions and are pretty close culturally, at least Stormwind is. Trading around hairstyles between those three would be a pretty nice thing to see, and would only require minor tweaking to suit the new race. Nightborne could also use some hairstyles from Night Elves, maybe the ones that look less forest elf-ish.
Horde races are a bit trickier but I feel Trolls and Orcs could likely trade off a bit. There are many hairstyles that could be used even for races not quite as close culturally, like some of the Night Elf styles which could be given to Blood Elves.
This would allow for a big impact on how many options a given race has while also reducing any issues that come with making brand new stuff.
I’m not involved in either discords, my experiences are based solely off of what I’ve seen on these general forums. I don’t really get involved with fanbase discords for that very reason. You’re always going to find the toxicity you see in the general forums, but amped to 11 because its a social bubble.
That being said, I’m also not going to assume about things going on outside of these forums and this conversation either, as it doesn’t really help much. I’m not denying them because again (bubble), but I’d rather keep it to places where such things can be controlled, i.e here.
I don’t know why they can’t just make all female hairstyles wearable on all the females, and all the male hairstyles be used on all the males. A Universal type thing. I know they can just copy an paste it. Theirs actually some very beautiful troll female hairs i’d love to use on my Night elf. Same with the Dwarfs Battlemaiden hairstyle, which is very beautiful on them, and i’m guessing it would be on Night elf too. I see tons of these requests for Void Elves, Blood elves, but i’d love for some attention to be brought to nightelf in the same way. We have tons of short hairs, only one long. And we don’t even have our heritage armor yet, or any plans of it being said yet.
I’m just in the anti discord these days, and I consider the people there good people and good friends. There are some helf fans I consider friends as well, and who I am happy for, but I understand the reasons why those who are opposed are, and it doesn’t come from a place of ill will.
Ptr is up unless I am not mistaken. Looking forward to trying these new custom options.
That being said though , it would be very nice if Blizzard would give ALL races attention instead of cherry picking.
I don’t think they are cherry picking. They already went through each core race and added something. I think they are focusing on allied races right now. Just have some patience and you’ll see.
I just hope it doesn’t take until the end of next expansion to see more added. We only got 2 decent hairstyles for night elves added, sure we got others but i’m sure a lot of people dislike those options like myself. If they had put more effort into giving us hairstyles that fit the night elf theme more, i woulda been happy. Also if you look at the female lightforged draenei’s hairstyles that are new, compared to the nightborne ones, the nightborne ones look very poor in design in comparison.
I’d rather they take their time to do these things instead of rush it and we get less options. These things take time and waiting till the end of the expansion is really nothing compared to other things we’ve waited for. It used to be we would only get a new race ever other expansion. And it took them a long time to add requested high elf options. Don’t fret over it. Good things come to those who wait, but persevere.