Why the lack of Customization?

For real though :sob: it should be a case study or a reality TV show at this point


Again, you are trying to use this as a point to argue while you are literally here complaining about not being a 100% carbon copy of my race so are you sure you aren’t the ones with issues not the other way around?


And didn’t she tell you not to respond to her and yet Niagra falls continues to do so…? If that isn’t fatherless behavior sis LMAO! AND YES! A LITERAL CASE STUDY IS WHAT WE NEED.

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I don’t like hypocrites like you and her, SIS!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I mean, I always get a kick out of people continually bad mouthing me acting like I’m the one who’s waging a smear campaign against them. Oh no, we have a discord, where frankly the little blizz related discussion lately has been about the whole trainwreck of a corporate culture there. (and someone there did come up with the rather clever name “Warm Front” for talking about not supporting things until more bad actors like Kotik are gone.

But OMG, some people don’t think all the races need to be bland skinny elves that act like all the other bland skinny elves in other fantasy settings are horrible gatekeepers, and not just people with different tastes.


I wish I could say I get a kick out of them but I don’t, they will sit there saying how bad others are for wanting to have uniqueness to a race or to keep uniqueness to a race and then right after they are talking about wanting our customization options, it’s like if one side has issues for being that way or thinking that way doesn’t your side as well because both are fighting over pixels thus my hypocrite comment.


That’s the joy of pixel elves. It doesn’t matter one bit, this is something I use to waste time and it’s easier on the blood pressure than actual pressing issues. So really, if someone is going to get so worked up over the idea that I don’t think their preferences are interesting to me that they need to demonize me, that’s just laughable and kinda sad.


This argument becomes much more ironic when 90% of the people saying it are also playing “bland skinny elves” and then fighting for exclusive claim to the “bland skinny elf” appearance options :skull:


The look might be generic, but at least they have a new story and different allies. They give a twist in the story of the elves out of the ordinary, and I’m kinda sad that Blizz backed down from that move by lazily going back and adding in more alliance high elf groups instead of finding something else in say Wrath to act as a counter to Sunreavers.


I know exactly what some of the people on their side of things do for pixel elves. It’s why I left that discord. Not all of them are like that, but enough are bad enough that I actually just don’t even care about alliance high elves anymore.

Meanwhile, ever since joining the anti discord I’ve found a supportive and caring group of people. And I joined when I was still a full helfer. They are one of the best friend groups I have, and are great people.

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First I’m still sorry that you had to go through all that and second I’m not gonna lie, in some of the most recent threads when people ask for High Elves as a separate race for Alliance I kind of hope it happens because that means they’d get another copy/paste of our race and we’d get something completely new like we did with Nightborne and Vulpera and I would be completely okay with that.


Oh, even if we didn’t wish for it I’m sure it’d get monkey pawed into a new race of green Mag’har, or a new tribe of trolls that looks almost the same as other trolls.


Like the zandalari troll women just being standard troll women.


With that said, it’s still not cool they can’t be Warlocks.


Seriously, just let everyone be any class already.


I used to be against this but I am for it as well, granted almost every other game lets you play as whatever race and class you want to this one needs to as well.


We’re all out of the ordinary heroes, we’re not the typical member of a race, so you can always excuse individuals seeking out training that others of their race wouldn’t. And frankly, after DH, I’d rather see it more open than more classes restricted to a small number of races like that.


I want belf druids and nelf pallies.


Race and class combinations like this that don’t already exist but have reasoning really bugs me because there’s so many like those two, Highmountain Tauren Warlock, Goblin Monk, Worgen Monk, Lightforged Draenei Monk, etc.

However I’m in the camp that I have expected Blood Elf Druids since BC and Night Elf Paladins since end of Legion so. :yum: :yum: :yum:


So, what you’re saying is, Blizzard should’ve only continued catering to a small group of people here on the forums that are against the Alliance having anything to do with High Elves, because “muh Horde, people should be rolling muh Horde”?