Why the lack of Customization?

More customizations needs to be a regular thing. Ideally every patch to have a batch of customizations like we saw in 9.1.5 with even more options when 10.0 launches.


No, let the Blood Elf fans rest for now, the High Elf options was already an extreme blow for them. I have seen the impact they have on RP-servers the past week(s). AD-EU is somewhat plagued with Half and High Elves now because every third or fourth character you encounter is one of those ones. Unfortunately open Horde RP is a bit dead there right now…

They certainly will at one point. Perhaps with 10.0

So we shouldn’t give Void Elves new options…because lots of players like using them?


It really baffles me how tons of people say for the past year how Blizz “should listen to the playerbase” and “should do things that make lots of players happy” and “should follow in FF14’s footsteps of listening to the playerbase” but then the second that includes giving people Helf options it’s “No stop ! Don’t listen to the playerbase!”

Not saying you are someone who does that but I’m speaking generally. LOTS of players want Alliance High Elves/High Elf options. Blizzard is being a good company by listening to their wishes. Just like they should listen to requests for Dark Ranger customization options, Worgen tails, better Nightborne options, etc. etc. etc.

If Blizz giving Alliance High Elf options has made more people interested in playing Alliance, GOOD. Horde has literally been towering over Alliance #'s wise for the past few years in relation to Faction Imbalance.


Conversely, lots of people are upset about that and Activision has just dismissed their desires to cater to one particular fandom at the cost of another. It’s two separate sets of wishes for the game that are mutually exclusive, so it’s not as simple as saying that giving one side of it everything they want is the company listening to the players.

Will it do anything about the only imbalance there is? Which is in particular aspects of high end participation. Do cosmetics do anything to counterbalance the general opinion of the player base that one side has a better community to draw from? I mean, for a while there at raw numbers 1-max level Alliance had a minor advantage, there’s a larger RP community there and so on, and that’s never been hurt by the participation imbalance, but the presence of people in Alliance for RP or for cosmetic appearances doesn’t seem to be doing anything for high end participation.


I have a pretty good feeling that the amount of people who are mad that Alliance got High Elf customization is much less than the amount of people made happy by it.

Blizzard literally gave High Elf options when they were under fire for not listening to the playerbase/etc… You guys made a whole show about how they were only doing it “as an in-case-of-emergency break the glass move”. You think they would do that if it would make just as many people mad as it made happy? No. Because Blizzard knows and we all know that the amount of people who want/enjoy Alliance High Elf options is much greater than the group of people who are exceptionally bitter about it.

Blizzard isn’t going to cater to your attempts at gatekeeping and they haven’t for the past year. Sorry to burst your bubble.


I dunno, my feeling of the general opinion of the forums is that everyone is sick of continued demands for more more more.

Did we? I mainly heard that it was a quick and easy thing to throw out when they were scrambling for something to put out for a stop gap patch since there have been some maassive delays lately. I mean really, the break glass argument has generally been a high elf fan thing, since most people felt that if it would really have a massive impact on profits it would have already happened.

I’m used to disappointment from them, that’s why I’ll never bet against them continuing to screw over the horde players to try and placate the Alliance.


Because it never stops and what’s worse is those types of people they ignore the fact that they got what they wanted with normal options but still want to continue to shaft people that want actual void options for Void Elves.


“Everyone” being your discord clique. That’s what’s so funny. You guys have such a big sense of self that extends way past reality. You guys are a minority in this matter. The amount of players, who want High Elf options on the Alliance, is huge. You guys, are not.

Blizzard knows this. We all know this. They’ve been giving out High Elf options all year to try to get a win with the players. That wouldn’t be happening if they thought it would be making a lot of people mad. You guys aren’t a lot of people.

Every time you guys try to gate keep an option or argue against it, Blizzard puts it into the game. My character is a physical representation of every argument that has happened on here regarding High Elves. You guys have lost every time. What’s not clicking.


I’m literally constantly supporting Fen and his thread for void options. Starcursed hair and eyes and tatoos. New hairstyles that all have tenctacles since they can be toggled off and on. Old god-esque eyes. Starcursed limbs. Half-dipped skin colors.

I don’t really see any Helf supporters saying that these Void Options shouldn’t be implemented. On the contrary I just see lots of support for Fen and his ideas/thread.

Seriously after your last post directed at Tar don’t even talk to me like at all, your just rude and you are rude without reason because people want and think differently from you and I tend to just ignore people like you so save your time and don’t waste mine.


You are legit one of the nastiest forum posters I’ve seen on here next to Starla. I’ve watched you bully countless people the past few months while my sub was expired. Spare me.

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No generally the crowd of people I’ve never seen at the beginning of any new demand thread complaining about the spam.

So are the people who wanted high elves, and ESPECIALLY the people who are still pushing for more. The majority either doesn’t care much one way or the other or are just plain sick of the whole mess.

Have you paid any attention to the absolute nonsense they’ve pulled the last couple expansions that have pissed off huge swathes of the player base?

I keep having hope Blizz will stop stepping back from interesting aspects of their story to cater to people who think basically that the story equivalent of mayo is too spicy.


Yeah that’s why multiple Blizz devs have mentioned in interviews how they know the demand for High Elves is so high over the years :skull: delusion, convince yourself.


I’m not the one here trying to bully people, you are, should I start linking quotes?


Is this another one where people pretend the acknowledgement that the high elf request was loud and persistent translated to any sort of declaration of numbers?

I think this line says more about you than either of those two posters.


What makes this so ironic is that I get along with most everyone and so does Star it’s why we are such good friends with so many different people on all sides of most every topic but I guess it’s good that some people can self implicate like that.


Agreed. They also like to pretend and mask themselves with this brand new “reformed” facade. We see the mask. No one is convinced.


For real :sob: They really think their discord clique who try to turn up their nose and act disgruntled and taken aback when called out for their bully tactics are representative of everyone else and it’s getting embarassing to watch at this point

Grown adults cosplaying mean girls online in an argument over pixel elves :sob:


You are still just salty I didn’t like you from the get go, you really should let it go. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Grown old MEN cosplaying Regina George :sob: :joy: They about to start flagging! So get ready queen