Why the lack of Customization?

According to a french interview with Ion none are planned for 9.2

I agree. I would love to see more, and I hope Blizzard doesn’t just stop with what has already been done. After all, customizations have been one of the biggest request for a very long time.


Of course they aren’t. The customizations we received were likely planned for 10.0 but they were forced to release them due the recent drama and dwindling player numbers. A classic “break in case of an emergency”-move from the developers. As always.

At least the High Elf options made a significant impact on Argent Dawn-EU.

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Honestly though, I am pretty sure Blizzard could’ve worked on customizations within the patches, even if it is just a little of something. Something is better than nothing.


You give these people way too much credit. They’re sitting on a pile of unreleased transmog and heritage armor options (especially the Nightborne, Mechagnomes and Lightforged Draeneis) and they still don’t release them as part of a visual update. There also plenty of heritage weapons which should have been released by now.

Older transmog isn’t also easily accessible. Do you know how many people actually want for them to update the old racial mounts or the pvp mounts being purchasable with Mark of Honors? Nothing ever happens unless the community is very upset. There are no FF14 developers, they live in their own isolated bubble, believing that their work is a godsend. I’m currently leveling a character through the new Threat of Fate feature and it stops being engaging at LV58 because they did it only half-baked without actually testing it through.

I’d still bet it was more of a scrambling around to find some stuff to fill in this gap of combined plague and corporate malfeasance brought about with things they could get out quickly. With how they reacted to this thread, it really seems like they were making it up as they went along, and you don’t need to coordinate with teams that are working on figuring out a whole brand new leadership and direction like the cdev team to open up old content or have the artists come up with new options.

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Mechagnomes with rusty heritage armor. Needs to happen. As soon as possible.


Oh I’m sure they’ll keep adding new customizations. Its an easy win with the players, even if some folks up the chain of command are having a hard time grasping how or why.

To me, it seems like they unloaded everything they had in reserve into 9.1.5, so they don’t have anything they can add right away to 9.2. We might get more in 9.2.5, if they start working on more right now. Or, they might wait until 10.0 to give us more in a particularly large batch.

That more customizations are a win with the players under any circumstance cannot be questioned right now. Seems more likely to me what’s holding back any dedicated focus on them is the bureaucratic details, such as how many races at minimal need to receive additions at once, what constitutes enough attention to a race in a pass, etc…

If 9.2 launched and they only new options were existing San’layn/Dark Ranger skin and eye colors for Blood Elves, is that, “enough?” Do these new options require new assets, such as Sylvanas’ tear scars, or maybe a different stance closer to what the San’layn use like Prince Dreven? Do these include scars, and if so, are those scars made accessible outside of the San’layn skins?

Then they’d have to ask, is it enough that JUST Blood Elves get new options? Should they be adding another race to get some focus? Which race? How much do they add to that race? Should it be an Alliance race to balance out additions across faction lines? Or a Horde race that needs more options or might have some ready, such as Forsaken with straight backs?

It all boils down to, ‘how many new customization options are appropriate in a single pass to be added to the game to get the biggest positive reaction from the players?’


I mean customization was supposed to be a focus because of a lack of a new race or class, so they should still be a focus.


It’s just hard for me to have faith in Blizzard right now. Now this discontent I have with the game isn’t born of hate, it’s actually from the love I had for what WoW was and what it still could be. I really hope they do continue to add more because WoW is way behind even older MMOs in customization.


Posting visual suggestions for Highborne customizations for Night Elves:



More jewelry! Tyrande is COVERED in jewelry and gemstones and yet I see people saying Night Elves can’t get jewelry :woozy_face: Give it to us in gold/purple highborne colors and silver/blue Elune options !!


I really don’t get why they don’t just decouple jewelry and such from the model, make some cosmetic slots for them and then just let people pick and choose that way. Leave the character creation stuff for the actual physical features of our character, and then let us dress ourselves. So much more potential variety if it’s items and not just tied to race.


This would require an overhaul of the character window (coding + artwork) and as you have said it, disassembling and recontextualizing of several cosmetic items. They save this for either 10.0 or another expansion.

i dont want more customization i want more racial armor’s

:frowning: <—thinks they look good on this character though (Mardrigala’s belf mage)

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I want both.

I really want that troll heritage armor especially, with how “useful” the Zandalari one has been in mogging my Zanda-boys.

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I could see some more options in 9.2 For High Elves. As well as some other races. Even if its pretty minor or a small amount of option. Even if its just to give a little extra hype.

On the side of mounts though, now that Lightforged Draenei have their own paladin mounts, i think its time for Human Paladins & Blood Elf Paladins to have their Paladin Chargers updated. They’re really starting to show their age now.

Bronzebeard Dwarves, Dark Irons, Lightforged Draenei & Zandalari Paladins all have modernized Paladin mounts. So it would be nice for Blood Elves and Humans to follow that trend.

Regular Draenei Paladins could probably use an update to their Paladin Elekk though too. Im not sure if it has been updated yet either.


<—wants to steal the braided hairstyles LF draenei ladies got and give them to other races.


I’ll take them on my belves.